Saturday, 15 August 2009

OsCommerce Admin Logon Issue due to .htaccess protection

Problem: I can't log on to my oscommerce admin page.  I have not lost my password but instead of normal admin user/password page it is asking user/password page on a popup dialog (popup box attached). Don't know why? If i enter my admin user/password it does not accept it.

I tried to use a different generated encrypted password using phpmyadmin but it didn't work (I guess it is not an forgotten password issue). Looks like some thing has been changed at the server side.

Solution: The pop-up I was receiving was due to an htaccess file on the actual directory. In order to either remove this or to add a user name and password to access this directory you can follow these steps:

1) Log into your control panel and go to your File Manager.

2) Navigate to the directory where you can see the admin folder (catalog).

3) Click the folder icon next to the admin directory.

4) On the right side, there is text saying "have .htaccess file", click the edit button next to this.

5) Click the edit button on this pop up screen.

6) At the top of this screen you have the option to add a new user (one that will be able to gain access through the pop up prompt, this is the more secure route), or you can delete the admin user.

7) If you chose to add a user, pick a username and password and click "save".

8) Either after creating a new user or after removing the admin user, click the disk button on the left side bar, and click the apply button at the bottom of the page.

That is it! This will either remove the pop up, or add a new user that can get through this prompt.