Monday, 30 November 2009

Neobux Strategy That Works

1. Neobux Background

Before we discuss the Neobux strategy, let us briefly describe what Neobux really is. Neobux is an innovative PTC (Paid to Click) site, and this is not the PTC site you used to know. Neobux for sure is the innovation in PTC that you can actually make some money. You get paid by clicking on advertisers' Ads, typically $0.01 per Click. It doesn't sound like a lot, but if you employ a good strategy, particularly with the magic of "Rent Referral", you will be in an auto-pilot state collecting money 24/7. You can easily make up to $9,000 per year extra money with Neobux.

And because rent-a-ref is such a unique and important feature, most of Neobux strategies are essentially related to how you deal with referrals renting.

2. Neobux Strategy for Standard Member

If you are good at convincing people to join Neobux under your name, you can enjoy some nice earning in Neobux as a standard member. Otherwise, it is very hard for standard members to make real meaningful money. "How about renting referrals?" You may ask. Sorry to tell you, it is not profitable to rent referrals as a standard member. You have to keep your AVG (average clicks per day per ref) above 2.0 to make a profit. Otherwise, you could probably even lose money. Why? The reason is simple, you only get 50% earning from your referrals.

For the purpose of discussion, let us assume you paid $30 for 100 referrals, so each referral costs you $3 per month. The referral has to click 60 ads (2 clicks per day) just for you to break even.

Your Earning = 2*30*$0.01*50% = $3
Your profit = $3- $3 = $0

Is it possible to rent hard-working referrals to keep AVG above 2, 3, or 4? Yes, it is possible, only if you are very lucky and rent only a few referrals. If you try to rent more than 50 referrals, then statistics rules, that is, an AVG of 1.5 to 2.0. Please read my other post titled "AVG drop - can I still earn money in Neobux?"

My recommendation is, don't even try to rent a large number of referrals if you are a standard member. However, this is the tricky part, you probably need to rent a certain number of referrals (200 -300) before you upgrate to Gold membership soon because it is easier to rent as a standard member than a gold member.

3. Neobux Strategy for Gold Member

Gold member, on the other hand, requires lower averge number of clicks (AVG) from referrals to break even. So if the AVG is above 1.0, you are basically in profit already. Lot of people may have written about Neobox on internet. Some showed their payment proof, some showed the basics of Neobox, and very few explained the details how they made money with Neobox, particulaily using the referral renting feature. What I am going to show you is the step by step implementation of a good and scientific sound Neobux Strategy. The banner above shows my current earning, it is not a whole lot now, but it matches closely to the earning schedule below, and I encourage you check back frequently to see how it goes.

Table 1 - Neobux Earning Simulation for Gold Membership
Figure 1- Neobux Earning Simuation for Gold Membership

The table and figure above are the simulation of earning week by week for the first 20 weeks. It seems a little complicated, but it is actually quite simple when you follow the explanation step by step below.

4. Referral Renting Step by Step Implementation

Week 1 - Rent 100 referrals, you will need to have a Paypal account to pay. Neobux charges $25/month($6.25/week) for 100 rented referrals. Although you can start FREE to accumulate your earning to rent referrals, putting a small amount of money will accelerate the process a lot, and your earning will be much more than your investment pretty soon. Statistically, the number of clicks for a referral is 1.5 per day, so
Week 1 Earning =100*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks)=$10.8
Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals)

Week 2 - Rent another 100 Referrals, so
Week 2 Earning = 200*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $21.3
Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals) + $11.3 (referral renewal) + 1.6 (recycling) = $37.9

(1). You can only register as Standard Membership for the first couple of weeks, and the earning is $0.005/click for referrals (We simplied the calculatin here using $0.01 for the first two weeks).
(2). Neobux has a "Autopay" feature for rent referral renewal with 10% discount and assume 25% of the referrals will be renewed. i.e., so weekly renewal cost = 200*25%($25/100)*0.9=$11.3
(3) Assume 10% recycling rate, i.e., 10% of referrals will be recycled each week, the recyling cost = 200*10%*0.08= $1.6

Week 3 - Rent another 100 Referrals, and upgrade to Golden Membership for $90 per year. This is highly recommended because you will earn $0.01 per click for your referrals to double your earning. So,
Week 3 Earning = 300*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $32.2
Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $16.9 (rent renewal) +$2.4 (recycling) +$90 (membership)=$134.3

In the following weeks, you repeat the same thing adding 100 referrals every week. You can reinvest the earning to rent referrals. Of course, you need to spend 10-20 minutes a day to click a few Ads, otherwise the earnings from referrals will not be credited to your account. A piece of cake. You can refer to the table and figure above for the earning and cost for each weeks. Please also note that you will need around $150 initial investment to get started to accelerate the earning.

Week 20 - By now, you should have reached the 2000 referrals limit by reinvesting what you have earned to rent more referrals every week.

Week 20 Earning = 2000*1.5*7*0.01 (Refs clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (Self Clicks) =$210.7
Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $112.5 (rent renewal) +$16 (recycling)=$153.5
Profit = $210.7 - $153.5 = $57.2

From this point on, the earning and cost will be stablized, because you have reached the 2000 rented referrals limit. Since you can't buy new referrals any more, your cost will be only for referral renewal and recyclcing, which is $112.5 (rent renewal) +$16 (recycling)= $128.5. Your earning will still be $210.7 per week (same as week 20). Therefore, your weekly profit becomes $210.7 - $128.5 = $82.2 per week, or $356 per month! That doesn't sound too bad, right?

Also must read Neobux Strategy - How to Rent Referrals for gold members. Recycling is also a big part for account management, please read the post titled "Neobux Strategy - Referral Recycling"

5. Neobux Strategy for Ultimate Member

It gets harder and harder these days to rent referrals because more and more people are fighting for referrals. You will also need to use the Neobux Strategy - How to Rent Referrals if you want to maintain as a gold member. The referrals can be easily rented out even one minute after the clock because so many people out there are trying to rent the referrals. You snooze, you lose.

As an alternative, I paid another $890 to upgrade to Ultimate Pack because I have a full-time job and I want to spend less time on this. However, the money spent should pay off fairly quickly. It guaranttees that the rented referrals are delivered to you on time and on a accelerated rate, which is 200 rent referrals every 4 days, or approximately 300 referrals per week! Once you reach the maximum 4,000 rented referrals for Ultimate Pack, you can earn as much as $177 per week profit, or $9,200 a year! See Table 2 and Figure 2 below. I will explain the cost and earning for week 20 as an example.

Week 20 Earning = 4,000*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 15*7*0.02 (self clicks) = $422.1
Week 20 Cost = 4,000*25%*$0.25*90% (referral renewal) + 4,000*10%*$0.05 = $245
Profit = $ 422.1 - $ 245 = $177.1 per week, or $767 per month

Again, the assumptions are:

a. 1.5 average clicks per referral per day (AVG)
b. 25% referrals are renewed every week, or all 4,000 are renewed every month.
c. 10% referrals are recycled every week, or 40% of all referrals are recycled every month.
d. Autopay is turned on to get 10% discount on referral renewal.

If you want to want to try different assumptions, plug your numbers into the number equations above to get an idea. It is impossible for me to present all the scenarios in this article here.

In summary, the Neobux strategy for Ultimate Members is not a whole lot different than that for gold members. It wins because it has larger number of referrals which are basically your working force. No selling here, I have to mention that Neobux provides a lot of nice features for ultimate members to reduce the cost for account maintenance, such as 7 days for free recycling, discounted rate for recycling, discounted rate for referral renting, 30 days of vacation mode etc. You got what you paid for, right?

Table 2 Earning Simulation for Neobux Ultimate Member (Table)

Figure 2 Earning Simulation for Neobux Ultimate Member (Figure)

What are you waiting for? My referrals are busy clicking and earning money for me while I am working, jogging, or sleeping. If you don't feel comfortable putting money in first, then work your way up from the free standard membership until you earn enough to upgrade. Realizing there are other factors leading to your success with Neobux, I hope that the Neobux strategy discussed here can at least give you some reference to set up a reasonable expectation.


Sunday, 8 November 2009

Why would I want to use Ripple when I can use regular money?

Two reasons:

1. Ripple is more efficient, and therefore cheaper for payments than regular money.

2. Ripple is more community-oriented than regular money.

The explanation will involve delving into what regular money is and how banks actually work.

To understand why Ripple is more efficient than regular money, take into account that when we say "regular money", we're not talking about paper money, but rather bank account money, which accounts for over 95% of money out there. Banks charge fees to lend and take care of this money. Think of all the people who work directly and indirectly for the banking industry. Someone has to pay all these people's salaries, not to mention the profits that banks regularly rake in. Whether you are charged directly or not, you pay for bank fees because they are factored into the price of every item you purchase. How come Ripple doesn't need to charge fees? Read on:

When you have money in your bank account, you probably realize that the bank doesn't actual have a little bundle of paper money in their vault with your name on it. Instead, what they have is a little number in their computer with your name on it that tells them how much they owe you. You trust that if you should ask for a cash withdrawal, the bank will be able to come up with the money. A bank account is really the bank's IOU, or obligation to you. And if you think about it, paper money is just the government's obligation to you, redeemable as payment for taxes.

Since we trust that our banks will be able to issue us useful government obligations at any time, we are generally content pay one another by having them shuffle their obligations from one person's account to another, using cheques, or more recently, debit and credit cards. Often obligations must be shuffled behind the scenes to a different bank through a central bank, or through several banks in the case of international transfers. This shuffling is exactly what Ripple mimics, except instead of shuffling obligations only between banks, it shuffles them between anyone, including banks, if they wish to participate.

Banks take the money they get in deposits and lend it out. Actually, since most payments are made without ever withdrawing actual cash, and since most cash simply gets deposited right back in a bank anyways, they may lend out up to 10 times the amount of deposits they have. This is how most money gets created: banks simply bring it into being by adding to someone's account balance and calling it a loan - money is nothing but bank obligations, after all.

Banks owe many times what they have in cash, and yet stay solvent because every borrower promises to pay back the amount they have borrowed. When a loan is paid back, that bank obligation is fulfilled - in other words, that money is destroyed. To earn the money to pay back the loan, a borrower must perform some service of value to someone else who has money to spend. That is what gives money its value: borrowers want to take it in exchange for their services in order to pay back their loan. If a bank can't recover the money from a loan, the bank must deduct the unpaid amount from its profit or risk going bankrupt. Banking regulations ensure that banks follow a strict accounting code. The whole arrangement is a rather ingenius way of keeping score of who is doing their part in society, especially given that it was developed well before the advent of computers.

To ensure that it is profitable, then, a bank must only lend to people who are going to be able to reliably earn money and who can be trusted to pay back what they owe. So for a bank to lend you money, it must learn how you are going to earn money in the future, and how well you have fulfilled your obligations in the past. Often this is a time-consuming and labour-intensive process, which is one reason that banks employ so many people: The borrower-lender relationship is fundamentally a trust relationship, and forming a trust relationship takes time and energy.

Ripple is a financial system that recognizes existing trust relationships between human beings and works within that structure, instead imposing a structure by demanding that we all put in the effort to form trust relationships with institutions that we would otherwise have nothing to do with.

But more importantly, when a bank lends you money, it is making a value judgement, not only on you and whether your activities will be valuable, but on society at large and whether they will judge your activities as valuable. A bank is an institutional entity, and as such it can only value what it can measure: things like income, profit, rates of production, forecast growth, etc. It cannot value things that are truly important to human beings such as love, community, and relationship. Human beings working at banks might do the best they can, but ultimately the relationships between bank employees and bank clients are rarely very deep because they are formed solely for financial reasons. And bank employees can only exercise discretion within the tightly controlled framework of the bank's corporate regulations.

We have a system where nearly all economic activity depends on the presence of sufficient money to enable it. 95% of that money is created by banks for people or purposes that they deem valuable. Yet what banks value is at best a shadow of what we truly value as human beings. Is it any wonder that our economic lives are so out of balance? That what we feel we must do for money so rarely seems to be in harmony with what we truly want to do? That the more successful we become economically, the more the fabric of our communities seems to break down?

In Ripple, the points to keep track of who is contributing to society (which is all money is in the end) are created and accounted for by those who are closest to you, who share your values the most, and who are most familiar with your personal situation.

Money is a fantastic way that we have invented to organize cooperation among ourselves, and using it, we have been remarkably successful at exploiting natural resources to produce an abundance of material goods for our enjoyment. But as important as it is, there is more to life than the enjoyment of material goods. Technology makes it possible to adapt our economic systems to better reflect what we actually want out of life. Ripple is one of the many new systems that have become possible because of the internet.

So, by all means, continue using regular money. But give Ripple and other new systems a try where you can and see if new possibilities don't open up for you.


Saturday, 7 November 2009

Earn Money from Internet - Micro Workers be the Boss or Employee and Earn Money

The site we’re referring to is, a site that specializes in pay-per-action and pay-per sale models. It connects advertisers (aka Employers) with publishers (aka Workers) in a super partnership to help you reach your customers across the world, and help you generate natural-organic web traffic. Its publisher solutions help you generate income as a result of your actions (work performed by you).

You can make money from its Worker solutions. The jobs involve some simple task-based actions, which are easy to perform and result in making an “x” amount of money. You will be paid via Paypal, Moneybookers, Alertpay or bank check after reaching the minimum amount of $10. You are also paid a sign-up bonus of $2.00, so that you can start using immediately! You are also given the chance to earn referral bonuses, in addition to a sign-up bonus.

With its Employer solutions, you get real-organic traffic to your site. You can actually hire 20, 100 or even 1000 workers to do a task you tell them to do. For example, these hired helps (aka microworkers)can visit your blog, make a comment, or follow you on Twitter, link to your site, sign up with your referral link, or discuss your product in a forum. Imagine being able to create a new website and having others making it popular! Just go to, deposit an “x” amount into your account and immediately start a campaign such as: “Create a topic about my website in any forum”, and then have an infinite amount of people perform this task (posting about your site) all around the world! Getting help from people online has never been so easy!

So, go now to and register 1-2-3, you’re ready!

Disclaimer: Site does not promise you will be able to sustain a living off the earnings, but it can definitely be a 2nd income! And we all need something like that in these dire times! The available posts are easy to-do, fun and you might even learn something!

Join now and start earning or post a campaign and get help on a task! Remember to have fun, and enjoy helping others out! Good luck!


Friday, 6 November 2009

Covestor and VesTopia: Winners and Losers from Peer to Peer Investing

Two innovative startups are about to change the face of the financial industry. Today sees the launch of Covestor, and over the next few days we'll see the emergence of VesTopia. Here's how they work:

covestorAnyone with a brokerage account can sign up for Covestor. After sign up, Covestor gathers data about your portfolio and trades in one of two ways. Either Covestor pulls data in real time via account aggregation service Yodlee, which interfaces with the big five online brokerages (Ameritrade, E*Trade, Scottrade, Fidelity and Schwab). Or, investors can manually upload trades to Covestor themselves. Reported trades are later verified by cross checking against the investor's brokerage statements.

Covestor begins to track your performance, and then ranks investors by performance. Visitors to the site can view investors by style, portfolio type and a range of performance statistics, including risk-adjusted performance (Sharpe Ratio). And once a visitor has found an investor with consistently great performance, the visitor can pay to "subscribe" to that investor's trades. Covestor shares the fees with the investor.

vestopiaVesTopia is very similar: after an investor with an online brokerage account signs up, VesTopia directly pulls information about your portfolio and trades, using a desktop client that automatically scans the pages of the online brokerages' web sites. Like Covestor, it works with all five leading online brokerages. Visitors can pay to view investors' trades and portfolios, and VesTopia shares the fees with the investors.

The differences between Covestor and VesTopia are mainly in initial target investors and degrees of transparency. Covestor encourages everyone to sign up, allowing individuals with outstanding performance to bubble up to the top via Covestor's performance rankings. VesTopia, in contrast, will highlight a carefully vetted group of high performing investment professionals, though it plans to widen its service to individuals soon after. Covestor allows pseudonyms and anonymity, betting that performance is all that matters, not someone's name. VesTopia promotes finance professionals with real names and biographies. Covestor allows investors to mask the actual size of their porfolios by reporting only percentage allocations, whereas VesTopia also provides actual position sizes and the dollar size of portfolios.

Covestor and VesTopia are the eBay of money management. Just as eBay allowed anyone to become a store owner, these peer-to-peer investing sites allow anyone to make money from being a great stock picker. You no longer need to set up a hedge fund; just trade as you always would, and watch as the number of paying subscribers to your successful ideas grow.

Both services may even allow hedge funds to outsource research. If you're looking for an analyst to cover Chinese stocks, why not just subscribe to the stock picks of the top stock picker of Chinese stocks on Covestor or VesTopia?

Now, I'm certainly biased: I'm personally friendly with founders of both Covestor and VesTopia, I own a small stake in Covestor, and both companies are potential partners for Seeking Alpha. We held back from offering portfolio games or shared portfolios on Seeking Alpha because we saw real portfolios and real track records on the horizon. Who cares about stock picking competitions and socially-networked play portfolios when you can rank investors by their real trades with real money?

There are challenges. Covestor and VesTopia need to convince investors that there's no risk of online brokerage accounts being compromised. Both claim that they have that nailed, but perception and reality are different things.

Who benefits from the rise of peer-to-peer investing? This could be good news for the online brokerages, including Ameritrade (AMTD), E*Trade (ETFC) and Schwab (SCHW), because it raises the potential profit of having an online brokerage account.

Who might lose?
In the long term, by facilitating the discovery of great stock pickers and providing a new economic model for them, Covestor and VesTopia may end up challenging mutual fund companies (which are already facing an onslaught from ETFs), such as Legg Mason (LM), Blackrock (BLK), and T. Rowe Price (TROW), and even hedge funds like Fortress Investment Group (FIG).

And full service brokers who offer investment advice, like Merrill Lynch (MER), Morgan Stanley (MS), Ameriprise Financial (AMP), and Citigroup's (C) Smith Barney, may now face increased competition.

Full disclosure: I own stock in Covestor and have personal friendships with founders of both Covestor and VesTopia. My children own ETFC; I have no other position in any other stock mentioned here.

Published on (June 05, 2007), Author - David Jackson

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Website Link Building Strategy- All the jargon in plain easy to follow english

by Paul Easton - Posted on June 20, 2007

A successful website link building strategy has shown to be a great long term way to get a flow of free targeted and qualified traffic to any website.

This can involve a few technical terms and the meaning of these can sometimes be unclear and maybe cause confusion and misinformation.

Lets look at the terms you need to have some understanding of:

1. Reciprocal Linking - This is the simple exchange of links between websites. A site agrees to place a link on one of its pages in exchange for a link from your site. It can be text or a banner/graphic.

2. Themed linking - This is sites similar in subject linking to each other. This includes the internal linking of the pages in your site using subject linking - the use of plain html text linking between pages, is preferred. Make it simple for Google and major engines to find all your pages, without having to work too hard.

3. Page Rank(PR) - This is Googles view of your site in a scale of 0-10. New domains take time to get PR and starts of at zero. The PR of a site that wants to exchange links with you needs to be considered.

4. One way linking - This is the formation of one way links (no suprize here!) using different methods that will be discussed in future articles.

5. 3 way linking - This is the formation of and understanding between 2 webmasters. Webmaster "A" -owns 2 sites (No.1 and No.2). He links to your site from No.1, and in turn asks you to link to site No. 2

6. A Link Farm - This is where your link is placed on many other sites, almost instantly. Normally a paid service, it is not in any theme and rarely results in any traffic. This is a misguided atempt to beat Google and the other major search engines. Not recommended!

7. Anchor Text - This is the html text displayed and used in the link to your site eg: "Click Here" -Normally a blue underlined link.

8. Site wide linking - This is where a webmaster agrees to place a link to your site on every page of his site - Sometimes can be a reciprocal arrangement.

9. Deep Linking - This is the linking to internal pages of a site, normally aimed at a specific keyword and the page is normally in the same theme: eg

10. In Content Linking - This is using articles with specific subjects and linking from in those articles in the content, to your site or, in the form of a resource box at the end of the article. Can be a good form of one way linking.

11. Paid Text links - This is purchasing links on other sites for the sole purpose of influencing search engine ranking. Google has come out to disapprove of this and is encouraging webmasters to report any sites doing this.

12. Link exchange directory - A directory of web sites set up that all want to exchange links.


List of Crowdsourcing or On-Demand Workforce Vendors

Published on 09/09/2009 on the Brent Frei, the Founder of, 's Productivity Blog

Useful information about emerging categories is often tough to come by. It's typically fragmented across a variety of views and experts. My search for useful information about paid crowdsourcing technology vendors has been no exception.

Several months ago, I published a list of crowdsourcing technology vendors. Within about a month, it had reached the number 1 position in natural search. It was a fairly rudimentary list, but apparently, it was the best current accumulation. For all those that have been searching for consolidated information for the on-demand workforce market, we've created two new sources for your consideration.
We've greatly enhanced the existing list with more vendors and more vendor characteristics. And, we've compiled a full report on the vendors and progress in the space over the past 10 years. The list is open to all, the report is free to those that sign up and attend our Sept. 17, 2009 online event. It'll be $200 a copy after that.
Here's the link to the enhanced list, and here's a few columns of the data resident within it. Enjoy.



Any Tasks

Graphic Design

Volume Tasks

Project Marketplace

Problem Solving

Project Marketplace


Programmer Marketplace

Large Scale Categorization

Problem Solving

Graphic Design

Volume Tasks

Content Moderation

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Volume Tasks

Graphic Design

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Graphic Design

Project Marketplace

Programmer Marketplace

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Programmer Marketplace

Graphic Design

Programmer Marketplace

Project Marketplace

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Graphic Design

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Graphic Design

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Volume Tasks

Volume Tasks

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Problem Solving

Customer Surveying

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Problem Solving

Job Referral

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Customer Surveying

Sales Leads

Programmer Marketplace

Expert Help

Any Tasks

Graphic Design

Simple Tasks

Product Naming

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Job Referral

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Programmer Marketplace

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Volume Tasks

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Content Moderation

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Project Marketplace


Sunday, 1 November 2009

Loan $25 to change lives through Kiva

Kiva - loans that change livesHi there,

I wanted to let you know about Kiva (, a non-profit that allows you to lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur across the globe.

You choose who to lend to - whether a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in Peru, a restaurateur in Cambodia, or a tailor in Iraq - and as they repay their loan, you get your money back.  It's a powerful and sustainable way to empower someone right now to lift themselves out of poverty.
Check it out! - Loans That Change Lives
Make a Small Loan, Make a Big Difference - Check out to Learn How!

About Kiva: Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend to unique entrepreneurs around the globe.