Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Source: http://whichbux.blogspot.com/2009/06/neobux-scam-site.html
Author: Daniel - November 30, 2009

I am a golden member and have been for half a year.

Not only do you find you cant rent referrals once golden except through the 'queue' which is surprise surprise the same as 'standards' price.

You WILL see that all your referrals stop clicking after a week if that, they will also drop to BELOW 1 click per day, usually .7 so you are STILL losing money even as a golden member.

Think it pays? it does, but you have to put that money BACK IN if you want to keep going, they charge a FEE for letting referrals expire, you can actually lose MORE than the investment you put in.

I got banned on the forum for asking why referrals dropped suddenly, no excuses.

People I BEG OF YOU dont put ANY money in Neobux, dont listen to the idiots who are claiming to be makign loads of money. THEY ARENT, if you look at there stats they are earning less than they put in. But they never tell you that.

They may have earned/received $200 but they invested $400.

Please don't make the mistake i made and invest money in this scam, i should have known better but i was blinded my making money easily. It is anything but that i assure you.