Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Your Code is Not Self Documenting

There is this movement that people should try to write
a self documenting code. Such code doesn’t require any
comments, because it is obvious what it does. While that
might be true, it’s not the whole truth.

Imagine the following code

<code>def backup

At a first glance, it is obvious what the code does.
But what happens when you need to extend it? You actually
didn’t remove the complexity itself by writing such code, you
just moved it somewhere else.

Everyone who wants to work with the particular
code still has to go to the definition of each method and check
many, many things:

  • does it check parameters?
  • does it throw any exceptions?
  • does the implementation look like I expected?

if there are tests available, it’s also a good idea to look
at the tests and see how the method is supposed to be used.

Imagine working with a framework which didn’t have any documentation.
Every time you would try to do something, you would have
to look through the source code, understand it correctly
and figure out how it should work.

But we prefer to just look at some guide or docs instead, don’t we?
Then why don’t we write documentation for our own code?

It hurts

Yes, writing a lot of documentation can actually start to hurt you.
Not to mention that you’re going to have to maintain it, like you maintain
the tests you write (oh yes, you should be writing tests).

You absolutely have to keep the documentation updated, because when
you don’t, you can end up with stuff like

<code># this method doesn't throw any exceptions<br />def foo(bar)<br />  raise KabOoOom unless bar.empty?<br />  # ...<br />end<br /></code>

Being able to trust your documentation is very important,
because if people don’t trust it, why have should they have it at all?

But I don’t have the time for this

You don’t have the time to write one sentence to each method you
write? Do you really think that you’re that busy? How about the time
you save other people while they’re reading through your code?Keeping the documentation up to date also takes time, but is that
even comparable to the time you spend on the code itself? Almost all
programmers type fast, say 400+ characters per minute. So how long
does it take to write one two lines of simple text explaining your
code? 15 seconds maybe?

If you’re not able to explain what the code does in around two lines,
you probably have a design problem. I’m not saying that you should
never write more or less, it’s all about good judgment. But try to
put yourself in the feet of the person reading it. Would he be able
to use the code after reading your docs?