Monday, 23 May 2011

10 Tips to Be Effective at Marketing on Twitter

In this post Salwa M has put together this list of tips for Marketers wanting to use Twitter. Follow Salwa at @screationz.

Twitter is one of the newest social media websites on the internet,
giving bloggers and other internet users a completely new way to
communicate with one another. Twitter is all about micro blogging, or
communicating through small, quick spurts of content. Anyone who knows
how to benefit from regular blogging formats can also find advantages in
using Twitter, which offers the same benefits of blogging but in a
quicker and more bite sized format. Here are ten tips for effectively
marketing on twitter.

1 – First and foremost, you need to know the difference between
posting often and spamming. You do not want to spam Twitter. Instead,
you are going to want to post meaningful, relevant and readable content
that your subscribers are going to look forward to. Spamming is the
ultimate mistake that many twitter marketers end up making early on in
their marketing endeavors. Twitter is a social network, not a medium for
spamming, and if you overwhelm your readers with spam, no one will stop
by anymore. It may be tempting to spam, but you will never benefit from
it, so do not waste your time.

2 – Know what you intend to promote when you start posting on
Twitter. This is absolutely paramount when it comes to understanding how
to get the most out of twitter marketing in order to drive business to
your website or your door. If you know your product well, and you
understand what it is going to take to market it, then you are already a
step ahead of everyone else, and this is a really good place for you to

3 – It is vital that you know what kind of information you need to
put out there, both when you’re writing your own Tweets and when you are
responding to the messages of others. When you have a planned out
routine for how you will communicate with other businesses online, you
will be more successful with Twitter and those who you communicate with
on the service.

4 – One of the greatest boosts to your Twitter marketing endeavor
will be to learn how to communicate effectively on Twitter. You can use
twitter as a medium for conversation, but only if you know how to
communicate effectively with those who are reading your Twitter feed.

5 – In order to get the most out of your Twitter marketing endeavor,
it is vital that you learn how to participate in the community,
communicating properly in the process. Twitter is largely a community
based social networking site, so while you may be blogging on the site
for your own business purposes, you will not get anywhere unless you are
willing to participate in the conversation, communicating with other
businesses, consumers and other individuals as well to get the word out
about your business and to share something of yourself with the rest of
the community.

6 – Make the most out of your account. Create a profile page with a
picture and some information about your company. This allows the people
who are reading your Twitter feed to get to know you better, which is
what social networking sites like Twitter are really all about. The more
your readers are able to get to know you, the more likely they will
return time and time again to see what you are writing about.

7 – Have a plan going in, if you want to get the most out of your
Twitter endeavor. Do some research and get to know what Twitter is
really all about before you start posting on your own. Devise a basic
outline for posting, and once you have a good solid plan you can get
started. The better planned out your endeavor is, the more you will be
able to benefit from marketing your business, product or service through

8 – Avoid over promoting your product. While you can and should post
about your product or service in your twitter posts, do not make this
the sole focus of your Twitter account. Post all kinds of relevant
information about your company, your products, the industry and anything
else that is relevant, rather than overwhelming your readers with posts
on a single topic. If you’re selling a product and using Twitter to
accomplish it, your readers will expect some marketing and product
promotion, but you must take absolute care not to overwhelm them with it
if you want your readers to continue following your Twitter feed.

9 – Facilitate conversation! Nobody said Twitter had to be all about
sharing information; you can also facilitate conversation by asking
questions. Take polls, ask thoughtful questions and come up with other
unique ways to get your readers to respond to you in order to better
market yourself on Twitter. Conversation is an important part of
marketing your company through Twitter, so get your readers talking by
asking smart questions in search of smart answers.

10 – Follow relevant Twitter feeds. When you “follow” a new Twitter
feed, the owner of that feed is notified. By notifying Twitter feed
authors that you’re reading them, you are cluing them in to your
existence, which will build traffic for your own marketing campaign as

Follow these ten basic strategies for improving your marketing effort
on Twitter and you will notice a big difference in how much traffic
Twitter can bring to your business. Marketing on Twitter is not
difficult, but there are some basic rules that you need to follow if you
want to be successful in such an endeavor. Whether you are selling a
product or a service, or just trying to gain attention for your web
presence, Twitter is an advantageous way to attract interest in who you
are and what your company is all about.


Saturday, 21 May 2011

Submission, One Very Important Key to Search Engine Optimization

Website Submission,

So now you have a wonderful website, blog or an article. You put in
all of this effort, work and time into your creation, but you’re not
getting any kind of response. You scratch your head in confusion and ask
yourself, what’s going on over here? Unfortunately websites don’t get
rated or judged by good looks and the time people put into them. This is
not a Beauty contest or Star Search. It’s going to require more work
than just another pretty website. This is where SEO “Search Engine
Optimization” comes into play.

Search Engine Submission.

One very important piece of the pie of SEO is website submission.
That is submitting your website to the major search engines “Google,
Yahoo, and MSN” Just don’t forget that these are the Big Boys when it
comes to search engines. When it comes to search engines, I know of over
125 of them. It’s just like handing out business cards. Would you be
better off leaving a card at the front desk of the Mall or is it better
to walk into each individual store and give them your card? The bottom
line is the more you present your business the more traffic you’re going
to get.

Google Submit.

Submitting to Google is a great start. Google is the King of the
internet world as of right now. If you can get your website ranked #1 on
Google, most likely this will follow on the other top search engines,
and if you’re not on the top you won’t be far behind. Nevertheless, just
like at the mall you want to get exposure at all of the search engines.
The more exposure the greater the traffic, the greater the traffic the
greater the success of your website. Now you can stop scratching your head and focus on your next success.

The SEO pie.

Again this is only one piece of the SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
pie. I encourage you to go to the link below and find out how to make
this pie complete. In this link you will also find the URLs (Web
addresses) necessary to submit your website to all of the search
engines. I thank you for reading my page and wish you the greatest of

Here is the link for more SEO advice JosephDiego’s Blog for SEO Success

Courtesy: JosephDiego Diamante