Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Generate Backlinks from Social Bookmarking Sites to Improve your Search Engine Ranking

World Wide Web is full of social networking sites. Social Bookmarking on these sites can help generate backlinks to your website and contents. It can also drive a lot of traffic to your sites. Here are the steps to get you started.
  • Choose a couple of popular social bookmarking sites
  • Create an account on each of those sites using your email address
  • Compile a list of your content pages carefully optimized
  • Submit to all of the selected social bookmarking sites
The key step here is to have your list of pages optimized for the keywords and phrases. There are free tools on the web to do some keyword researches. Wordtracker and similar may be very costly for most of the startup webmasters. However, Google Adwords keyword tool is free if you have a Google Adwords account. Google Adwords is usually meant for advertisers. But any webmaster can be potentially a Google Adwords customer at some point in time. So you may want to create an Adwords account to do some keyword researches as well. (I hope Google won\'t mind at this piece of advice and it is not against Google\'s policy.)

Your content pages must be optimized for keywords you find potentially effective for you. Effective keywords for you are those that have a balance between query frequency and competitions. The keywords that are used more frequent for searching and those results in less number of competitive entries are most effective. The places where you should try to optimize with your content relevant effective keywords and phrases are:

  • The Title of Bookmark
  • Description
  • Tags and
  • URL of your page

The steps above to get you started is that simple. Over the period you will start seeing your pages appearing in Google for the keywords you used to post. And some of your visitors are also coming from the URL bookmarked. But that is not end of the game.Just that you have now bookmarked some of your content pages to some of the popular social bookmarking sites will not bring you overnight success in terms of backlinks, search engine rankings, visitors and so on. Because there is another dimension to this Game, that is still missing. And that is being Social!There is nothing social about bookmarking your sites by yourself. Unless users of those social bookmarking sites also bookmark your sites, in other words like your sites and make your links popular, there is little chance to see any success. Social networking sites have their own ranking algorithm based on which they show your links to their users. More popular your links are more visible your link will be to the community and this phenomena will accelerate the growth of your popularity as time passes and Google and other search engines will also start respecting your links and rank you well in their search engine result pages.Therefore you need visibility and exposure in order to be popular. And you should be popular in order to be visible. This is really a chicken and egg problem.We have a solution to that problem.

We can help you get the seeds of popularity you need to become visible. eBusinessGems services for social bookmarking submission will help you obtain hundreds of votes/likes/bookmarks for your URL from across the globe and from many of the popular social networking sites. Your sites will be professionally bookmarked by many of our partner users across the globe which will help you to gain necessary thrust of becoming 'social'.

Avail one of the bookmarking services like 1000 Manual Bookmarkings on Social Media and Networking Sites or you may kick start with 100 Manual Bookmarkings on Social Media and Networking Sites and help break the invisibility-inertia for your URLs – gain the popularity and grow quickly.About the Author

Author is an eBusinessGems.com professional. eBusinessGems provides readymade databases for dynamic web content and related services. http://www.eBusinessGems.com

Sunday, 4 September 2011

1000 Manual Bookmarkings on Social Media and Networking Sites

Promote your business using social media marketing. Bookmarking on social networking sites can be an effective tool for promoting your business and driving in social media as well as search engine traffics.

eBusinessGems will bookmark your sites 1000 times on the following top social bookmarking sites: del.icio.us, digg, diigo, reddit, stumbleupon, facebook, twitter. The bookmarking will be manually done by couple of 100s of social networking users across the globe. No automation or script will be used. That is guaranteed. That means you will have your site or pages bookmarked by hundreds of different social media users from every corner of the world. Keeping in mind that search engines may not like mass bookmarking in a short time span, They will manage the whole task in a
span of 7 to 15 days so that the bookmarks stands out natural to both search engines and visitors. You can submit at most 10 urls of pages or sites with this service.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Low blood pressure herbals

Low blood pressure herbals are believed to normalize blood pressure by nourishing the internal organs responsible for the condition.

Low BP herbals at a glance

Hypotension is related to weakness of the digestive fire, poor blood circulation, congestion & stagnation and with reducing the blood flow.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) – improve overall body system & normalize blood pressure.
Cinnamon (cinnamoumum zeylanicum) – improve peripheral circulation and normalize blood pressure.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) – improves digestive fire and thus normalizes blood pressure.
Pepper (Piper nigrum) – energizing herb that brought back normal blood pressure.
Cardamom (Eletteria cardamomum) – general herbal tonic, normalizes blood pressure caused by low vital energy.
Hawthorn Berry - opens the coronary arteries and improves blood circulation.
Ashwagandha - rejuvenating tonic and take care of adrenal gland (responsible for fight and fright situations).
Indian spikenard (Nardostachys Jatamansi) - good cardiac stimulant, helpful for heart palpitaion.
Ginkgo biloba - improves blood circulation and in-turn normalizes blood pressure.
Garlic - useful for malnutrition related low blood pressure.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) as low blood pressure natural herbal

Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family. Turmeric is known as Indian saffron, because it can be used as an alternative to the far more expensive saffron spice. Turmeric contains up to 5% essential oils and up to 5% curcumin, a polyphenol. Curcumin is the active substance of turmeric.

Most of the cases of low blood pressure are due to digestion system problem. This low blood pressure herbal turmeric is an appetizer, digestive stimulant, treats gastro-intestinal system and normalizes metabolism. It improves over all body system that in-turn normalizes blood pressure. New evidence suggests turmeric is a potent antioxidant that can prevent many diseases.

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory agent, it can strengthen cartilage & bone structure, a best treatment for gastrointestinal discomfort associated with irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders. Traditionally it is taken in warm milk at night before bedtime.

Turmeric is considered to be beneficial for Alzheimer's disease, cancer, arthritis, and other clinical disorders.

Curcumin is the major chemical constituent of turmeric, responsible for many medicinal benefits. Turmeric has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-hepatotoxic (liver protective) and anti-allergic properties. It is also considered as a blood purifier, wound healer, body toxin remover, abdominal worm destroyer and a wind-repellent agent.

Several studies confirm that turmeric has an anti-cancer role, increase immunity by improvising natural anti-oxidant properties of the body. Traditional medicinal system additionally it can be beneficial in many other health conditions like anaemia, jaundice, obesity, urino-genital tract diseases, heartburn (dyspepsia), stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomach bloating, inflammatory bowel disease, appetite loss, jaundice, liver problems, gallbladder disorders, headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung infections, fibromyalgia, leprosy, fever, menstrual problems, cancer, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, water retention, worms, kidney problems, familial adenomatous polyposis, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, hypercholesteremia, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, psoriasis, chronic anterior uveitis and arthritis.

Turmeric is known to be a uterine stimulant, which can encourage menstrual flow. Pregnant women and lactating mothers need to be careful when taking turmeric to avoid any harm to the baby.

Cinnamon (cinnamoumum zeylanicum) as low bp herb

Cinnamon is a spice from the inner bark of the trees genus Cinnamomum, used in both sweet and savoury foods. Its flavor is due to an aromatic essential oil of 0.5% to 1%, cinnamic aldehyde or cinnamaldehyde (about 60 % of the bark oil).

Cinnamon is the most widely used "warming" herbs that aid in circulation and digestion. Cinnamon raises vitality, warms the system, stimulates all the vital functions of the body, counteracts congestion, improves digestion, relieves abdominal spasms and aids in peripheral circulation, thus normalize low blood pressure.

In Traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon is used for colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and painful menstrual periods. It's also believed to improve energy, vitality, and circulation and be particularly useful for people who tend to feel hot in their upper body with cold feet.

In Ayurveda, cinnamon is used as a remedy for diabetes, indigestion, and colds, and it is preferrably recommended for people with the kapha Ayurvedic type.

Many clinical studies suggest that cinnamon may have a normalizing effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels, making it especially beneficial for people with diabetes type 2 and high cholesterol.

Cinnamon is an excellent source of manganese, dietary fiber, iron and calcium.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) as hypotension natural herbal

Ginger is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale, consumed as a medicine, or spice. Ginger was classified as a stimulant and carminative.

Ginger has wide range of benefits such as nausea, digestive problems, circulation and arthritis. Nausea caused during pregnancy or by travel (motion sickness) can be alleviating by the use of ginger root. Ginger can able to calm an upset stomach, promote bile flow, aid digestion, dyspepsia, gastroparesis, constipation, diarrhea, colic. Stomach cramps (menstrual cramp) can be eased by ginger roots. Circulation problems such as migraine, low blood pressure can also be improved. Ginger supports a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky which in turn reduces circulatory problems. Ginger is also beneficial for headache, pain, inflammation, cold and flu.

Ginger is not safe for people suffering from gallstones as it promotes the production of bile. Ginger may also have arthritis pain reliever, blood thinning and cholesterol lowering properties that may be used for treating heart disease.

Pepper (Piper nigrum) as hypotension herb

Black pepper is a flowering vine of the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The pepper fruit called peppercorn when dried, is approximately 5 mm (0.20 in) in diameter.

Pepper is used to treat colic, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, loss of appetite and nausea. It is a stimulating, warming and energizing herb.

Black pepper has the ability to stimulate the taste buds (receptors for taste - located on the upper surface of the tongue, soft palate, upper esophagus and epiglottis), instruct the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion which aids in digestion.
Black Pepper also has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. It promotes absorption of several micronutrients in the body such as coenzyme Q-10, beta-carotene and EGCG (a powerful anti-oxidant).
Black Pepper can be beneficial to treat illness such as gas, constipation, diarrhea, appetite loss, earache, gangrene, heart disease, hernia, hoarseness, indigestion, insect bites, insomnia, joint pain, liver problems, lung disease, oral abscesses, sunburn, tooth decay, and toothaches.
Cardamom (Eletteria cardamomum) low BP herbal

Cardamom refers to several plants of the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the ginger family. They are recognized by their small seed pod, triangular cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin outer shell and small black seeds. Cardamom is used as flavorings in both food and drink, as cooking spices and as a medicine.

Cardamom can brings relief from digestive problems, abdominal gas, debility and general herbal tonic.
Green cardamom is used to treat infections in teeth and gums, throat troubles, lungs congestion, pulmonary tuberculosis and eyelids inflammation. It can also been used to break up kidney stones and gall stones, and was reportedly used as an antidote for both snake and scorpion venom.

Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus) low BP natural herb

Crataegus is commonly known as hawthorn, mayflower or thornapple, is a large genus of shrubs and trees in the rose family.

Hawthorn opens the coronary arteries and improves blood flow. Hawthorn berry for hypotension reduces artery hardening and strengthens heart muscle making it more effective in delivering blood to the body.
Hawthorn (Crataegus species) has been used to treat circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. Traditionally, the berries were used to treat heart problems ranging from irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Today, the leaves and flowers are used medicinally, and there is good evidence that hawthorn can treat mild-to-moderate heart failure.
Hawthorn has been used in traditional medicine as a digestive aid, believed to strengthen cardiovascular function and mild sedative in promotion of sleep.

Active ingredients found in hawthorn include tannins, flavonoids (such as vitexin, rutin, quercetin, and hyperoside), oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs, such as epicatechin, procyanidin, and particularly procyanidin B-2), flavone-C, triterpene acids (such ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, and crataegolic acid), and phenolic acids (such as caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and related phenolcarboxylic acids).

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) hypotension natural herbal

Ashwagandha also known as Indian ginseng is the Solanaceae or nightshade plant family.
Ashwagandha has been used as a sedative, a diuretic, a rejuvenating tonic, an anti-inflammatory agent, aphrodisiac and an immune booster. It is especially beneficial in stress related disorders such as arthritis, hypertension, hypotension, diabetes, general debility, etc. It has also shown impressive results when used as stimulants for the immune system. It is considered as an adaptogen that stimulates the immune system and improves the memory.

Some of the Traditional uses of ashwagandha are: chronic fatigue, dehydration, bone weakness, muscle weakness and tension, loose teeth, thirst, impotency, premature ageing, emaciation, debility, constipation, senility, rheumatism, nervous exhaustion, memory loss, neurodegenerative disorders, spermatorrhoea.
Ashwagandha is also useful for general debility, hypertension, hypotension, impotence, Sexual debility, nervine debility, bone weakness, Stress, energy deficiency, anxiety, constipation, low immunity, muscular weakness, low body stamina, low vital fluids, semen, physical weakness and Insomnia.

Jatamansi or Indian spikenard hypotension herb

Nardostachys jatamansi (also called as Indian Spikenard, Indian Valerian) is native to the Himalayas. It is a rhizome bearing plant preferably at high altitudes (3,000 to 5,000 m).

Jatamansi is a good cardiac stimulant, and hence useful in treating palpitation of the heart. Low blood pressure research has established that it helps in the treatment of low blood pressure, nervousness and intermittent pulse.

The rhizomes of the plant are used as a bitter tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic, and to treat hysteria, convulsions, and epilepsy. The root has been medically used to treat insomnia, blood circulatory, and mental disorders. Jatamansi is useful to combat the effects of daily stress and enhance the body's ability to sleep well.

Charaka (ayurvedic text) recommends it for insomnia, mental instability and to enhance memory.

Ginkgo biloba for low blood pressure

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba also spelled gingko and known as the Maidenhair Tree, is a unique species of tree with no close living relatives. The tree is widely cultivated and introduced, since an early period in human history, and has various uses as a food and traditional medicine.

Extracts of Ginkgo leaves contain flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids (ginkgolides, bilobalides) and have been used pharmaceutically. Ginkgo supplements are usually taken in the range of 40–200 mg per day. Recently, careful clinical trials have shown Ginkgo to be effective in treating dementia[30] but not preventing the onset of Alzheimer's Disease in normal people.

Ginkgo is believed to have nootropic properties, and is mainly used as memory and concentration enhancer, and anti-vertigo agent. According to some studies, Ginkgo can significantly improve attention in healthy individuals. In one such study, the effect was almost immediate and reaches its peak in 2.5 hours after the intake.
Ginkgo side effects and cautions include: possible increased risk of bleeding, gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, and restlessness. If any side effects are experienced, consumption should be stopped immediately.

Garlic for low blood pressure

Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, Allium. It has been used throughout its history for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
Garlic possesses antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity. Garlic is also considered to help prevent heart disease (including atherosclerosis), high cholesterol, blood pressure irregularities and cancer. Garlic is used to prevent certain types of cancer (stomach and colon cancers), this is confirmed by the data that the countries where garlic is consumed in higher amounts, have been found to have a lower prevalence of cancer.

Garlic is useful as a remedy for infections (chest problems), digestive disorders, and fungal infections such as thrush.

Low blood pressure natural herbal treatment procedureThe above herbs are effective for hypotension without any side effects. But don’t give up your low blood pressure medicines! Take the above herbs along with it, till the normal blood pressure is achieved. Then slowly reduce the dosage and discard modern medications.

Are Low blood pressure natural herbs safe?

Remember that natural herbals are medicines, thus herbals too has some side effects. Natural herbs can also interact with other medicines. It is best to avoid or get registered herbal practitioners advice before taking herbals, if the treatment is for pregnant women, breast-feeding mother, child or older people.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

What Factors Make a Site Vulnerable to Google Panda Update?

Google like to keep these things secret but the two engineers at the heart of Panda, Matt Cutts and Amit Singhal, gave us some strong clues in an interview with Wired.

Cutts and Singhal revealed their process which I’ll summarize as:

• Conduct qualitative research (that’s speaking with individuals and not a big questionnaire) to find out which of a sample of sites they considered to be low quality and why.

• Use the results to define low quality sites with the factors that Google can measure. This gives Google a mathematical definition of low quality.

If we start here, we can think of a number of factors that Google might be able to measure to define low quality, including:

• A high % of duplicate content. This might apply to a page, a site or both. If it’s a site measure then that might contribute to each page’s evaluation.

• A low amount of original content on a page or site.

• A high % (or number) of pages with a low amount of original content.

• A high amount of inappropriate (they don’t match the search queries a page does well for) adverts, especially high on the page.

• Page content (and page title tag) not matching the search queries a page does well for.

• Unnatural language on a page including heavy-handed on-page SEO (‘over-optimization’ to use a common oxymoron). Eg unnatural overuse of a word on a page.

• High bounce rate on page or site.

• Low visit times on page or site.

• Low % of users returning to a site.

• Low clickthrough % from Google’s results pages (for page or site).

• High % of boilerplate content (the same on every page).

• Low or no quality inbound links to a page or site (by count or %).

• Low or no mentions or links to a page or site in social media and from other sites.

If any of these factors is relevant to Panda, it is unlikely that they will be so on their own.

Multiple factors will likley be required to get ‘Panda points’ (and points do not mean prizes in this game). Panda points will be added up. Cross a threshold (the Panda Line) and all the pages on your site seem to be affected. This includes quality original pages being ranked well below useless scraper sites that have stolen your content.

Google have said that “low quality content on part of a site can impact a site’s ranking as a whole.”

It's important to define the difference between an algo change and a penalty.

A penalty must be served if it has a time limit and lifted if it is to be removed.

An algo change exists and its results will continue until it is changed, your site changes (or your site gets whitelisted).

Panda is an algo change but no ordinary one. It's an algo change that works like a penalty because if your site crosses the Panda Line then the whole site is affected, quality pages too.

Panda is penalty by algo.

Thanks to Franz Enzenhofer for pointing out a misreading in an earlier version of this article of Matt Cutts use of the word 'block' in the Wired interview.