Friday, 4 January 2008

.NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5

Visual Studio 2008 (code named Orcas) supports 3 versions of the .NET Framework. Thats a great feature because in the past you needed VS2002 for .NET 1.0, VS2003 for .NET 1.1 and VS2005 for .NET 2.0.

The fact that VS2008 supports the three most important versions of the framework is essential for a smooth upgrade path. I notice that there is still confusion about the differences between .NET 2.0 and 3.0, and 3.5 (beta). Time to outline some differences!

.NET 1.1 .NET 2.0 .NET 3.0 .NET 3.5
CLR Version CLR 1.1 CLR 2.0 CLR 2.0 CLR 3.0
C#-version C# 1.0 C# 2.0 C# 2.0 C# 3.0
Pre-installed on OS Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Vista Windows Server 2008
Foundations N/A N/A WPF
Special editions .NET Compact Framework 1.0 .NET Compact Framework 2.0 .NET Compact Framework 2.0

.NET Micro Framework 2.0
.NET Compact Framework 3.5
Silverlight 1.1

.NET Micro Framework 2.0
New features The 4 foundations Faster garbage collection
Smarter, faster NGen requiring smaller working set RAM

64 bit client improvements
ThreadPool performance improvements

Security check caching during NGen

New class additions in BCL
  • BigInteger
  • HashSet
  • TimeZone2 (info)
  • Cryptography
  • Integration with Event Tracing for Windows
  • New Addin hosting model for extensibility
Workflow enabled Services (codename 'Silver'). Build workflow-enabled services using WF and WCF. This allows a .NET Framework developer to build business logic for a service using WF and expose messaging from that service using WCF

Build Ajax style web applications using WCF services

Project templates for WCF services, WF business logic, workflow enabled services, and AJAX services in Visual Studio 2008

More WS-* Standards support

RSS and ATOM syndication API

Partial trust support for WCF hosting

Improved rules engine WF and supports C# 3.0 features
Visual Studio designer for WPF

WPF has smoother animations, faster startup and better overall performance

New data types available for data binding with LINQ

Integration with Silverlight


More info about the new feature can be found here.

Version 3.0 is basically the same as 2.0, but contains the 4 new foundations:

  • WPF, Windows Presentation Foudation;
  • WCF, Windows Communication Foundation;
  • WF, Windows Workflow Foundation;
  • WCS, Windows CardSpace

Version 3.5 of the Framework is a bigger change. It contains a new compiler in order to handle the new programming language features and LINQ.

If you are about to install the .NET Framework, its better to install version 3.0. All 2.0-applications are compatible and version 3.5 is still in beta. By the way, you can run all version side-by-side (SxS, = on the same machine).

  • .NET 3.0 is not a major change to the core .NET Framework as was 1.0/1.1 to 2.0
  • If you currently have only .NET Framework 1.0 or 1.1 and you are looking to install 2.0 or 3.0
  • If you currently have .NET Framework 2.0, installing .NET Framework 3.0 is not a major change as the version numbers would suggest
  • If you currently run .NET 2.0 applications, they will not know or care that you have installed .NET 3.0

By the way, .NET versions can coexist in the same machines in the following directories:


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