Sunday, 17 February 2008

Six Proven Secrets to Writing a Trash-Proof Press Release

By Bill Stoller (c) 2008

In baseball, it's said that you know an umpire is top-notch when you never notice his presence. If he's doing his job, he won't call attention to himself in any way. It's much the same for the writer of a press release. When the recipient of a press release focuses only on its content -- and not on its creation -- the writer has succeeded. With that in mind, here's how to develop a style that can help give you a big edge in placing your press releases.

1) Master News Style By Reading News Stories

The folks who write wire copy for the Associated Press are masters at presenting information without calling attention to themselves. Read all the AP wire copy you can and get a sense of the rhythm and flow of their writing. Examine their choice of words and sentence structure (typically, they choose the simplest way of saying things) and their overall tone of solid objectivity. This is the style to which you should aspire.

2) Write a Great Lead

The lead paragraph in a press release should, theoretically, be able to stand alone as a news item. A standard news lead answers the Five W's -- Who? What? Where? When? Why? Successfully answer those five questions in one paragraph and you've summarized everything beautifully.

Bad lead:

The new Acme X100 is drawing raves from customers, who call it the best thing to happen to the flanging industry since the X99.

Good lead:

Philadelphia, August 15, 2007-- Calling it a "milestone day for our industry", the Acme Company unveiled the first flanger capable of creating widgets using only solar power. According to Acme President Joe Blow, the X100 is expected to find wide use in the developing world, where access to traditional electric power is unreliable.

The Five W's are answered! Who: the Acme Company. What: theintroduction of the solar-powered X100. Where: in Philadelphia (the headquarters for our fictional company). When: August 15. And, most important, Why: for use in the developing world.

Remember this: in almost every release that's successful, what put it over the top was the answer to "Why?". You must make plain the significance of your news by answering that question succinctly and without hype!

3) Write in Third Person

Perhaps it's a silly convention, but press releases really should be written as if they're coming from an objective outsider to your company, not from within your business. Of course, the journalist knows better, but nonetheless, they expect releases to be written in the third person. In short, here's the difference between first person and third person:

=> First person: We've developed the Acme X100.It's our most advanced model ever.

=> Third person: Acme Industries has developed the X100, which a company spokesperson called its "most advanced ever"

4) Attribute All Opinions

Never flatly state an opinion. If you want to state an opinion or, as in the above example, make a claim, always attribute it to a representative of the company (which very well may end up to be you!). Anything apart from entirely factual info (dates, store availability, product features, biographical information, etc.) should be attributed. Again, the best way to get a feel for this is to read wire copy. Start sorting out the things a reporter feels comfortable with, including without attribution and things for which he uses a named source.

5) Use the Inverted Pyramid

On the first day of Journalism 101, aspiring scribes learn about the Inverted Pyramid. Basically, it's way of organizing information so that the most important information is at the top -- the widest part of the Inverted Pyramid -- and, as you funnel down to the narrowest point, the information becomes less and less vital. There's a good reason for this: if a reporter's 10 paragraph story gets cut to 6 paragraphs because of space considerations, the reader will still be informed of the most important news. What's cut will be background, quotes and other nonessential material. When writing a press release, the Inverted Pyramid is equally important. First, it's the style the journalist is comfortable with and second, it assures that even if a rushed reporter can only read the first couple of paragraphs, she'll get enough info to decide whether to use the release or not. If you bury the best part of your release in the fourth paragraph, the recipient may never make it that far.

6) Remove all "Stoppers"

A "stopper" is something that will stop a journalist in her tracks and distract her attention. Once that happens, your release is toast. The point of your press release: to present information in the least obtrusive way possible. Consider it this way: the journalist isn't dumb -- she knows full well that you've sent her the press release for purely commercial reasons, hoping to get publicity that will make you more money. She can live with that as long as [a] there's something in it for her (a good story) and [b] she's not reminded of your commercial desires too often. A "stopper" breaks the suspension of disbelief needed for this little dance to be successful. It's the boom mike showing up in the frame of a movie -- once you've seen it, it's hard to convince yourself that you're really experiencing something that happened during, say, the Middle Ages. Here are some "stoppers" to avoid:

=> Clunky language. Journalists keep their language pretty simple. Long words, compound sentences and lofty, pretentious phrases are no-no's. Keep your sentences short. Don't try to present more than one idea in a paragraph. Avoid words you wouldn't use in everyday circumstances.

=> Hype and puffery. The ultimate "stopper". Confusing press release copy with advertising copy is a pervasive problem with businesspeople. Don't call yourself the greatest, the hottest, the coolest, the most unique or anything of the sort. If you must make a claim of superiority for your product, service or company, attribute it. Acme President Joe Blow said the X100 "has the opportunity to revolutionize the industry" is much better than The revolutionary Acme X100 is the greatest industrial advance since the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk.

=> Trademark Symbols. Including TM or copyright symbols that scream, "hey, check me out! I'm a press release! I come from a business! The legal department made me include this stuff!"

The bottom line: write like a journalist, avoid the stoppers and answer the Five W's and you'll succeed!

About The Author

Bill Stoller, the "Publicity Insider", has spent two decades as one of America's top publicists. Now, through his website, eZine and subscription newsletter, Free Publicity: The Newsletter for PR-Hungry Businesses he's sharing -- for the very first time -- his secrets of scoring big publicity. For free articles, including our no-cost report, "Press Release Secrets", go to:

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Top Ten Tips for Directory Submission

Boosting page rankings is easily achieved through directory submissions and to get the most from this means of grabbing quality one-way links you need to learn about the following ten useful tips for directory submission.

Submit to directories with quality links

You would profit from submitting your link to only those directories which have outgoing links that connect with other sites that seem useful, and if you find a page with such links, you can then put your link there even if there are many other links on the page.

Choose to submit manually

Though you may be tempted to submit automatically, manual submission is safer and you can also ensure that you submit only to the best directories.

Ensure that the directory has an appropriate category as well as sub-category

It is a good idea to submit your site to a directory that has the right kind of categories and also sub-categories, and if you don’t find these features, you may as well as look at other directories.

Text or title need to be anchored

If you ensure to anchor text that in turn has sufficient numbers of keywords as well as phrases you will improve the functioning of incoming links though remember that at the same time that you should not saturate your text with these keywords and phrases. However, there is nothing wrong with mixing up primary keywords and phrases with secondary ones.

Describe your link well

A link should have its description properly formed as it helps visitors and also search engines, though makes sure that these descriptions don’t turn out to be just sales pitches since such promotional words and phrases are not allowed by the better directories. It would be much better to have the description spell out what the anchor text is all about and it must also be objectively spelt out as well.

Determine the proper numbers of links per page

You should know how many links are contained in a page and ensure that they do not exceed ten in number, though less than ten can prove to be helpful as far as search engine optimization goes.

Don’t submit to more than twenty directories in a single day

It is not recommended that you submit to more than twenty directories in a single day – at least not while using a single IP address.

Are pages cached or not?

You need to also determine whether sub-pages as well as sub-category pages are cached by the search engine.

Are pages of the directory included in supplementary index?

Look and see whether there are not a few pages of a particular directory that are included in a supplementary index. A Google search is the way to find out this information.

Meta descriptions should not contain “no follow” or “no index” attributes

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

How Many External links are Required for a Certain Google PageRank?

Although nobody knows the exact Google PageRank values the table below gives a fairly good representation of how many external links, of certain PageRank values, are required to achieve a certain Google PageRank.

PR Links For PR3 Links For PR4 Links For PR5 Links For PR6 Links For PR7 Links For PR8
1 555 3,000 17,000 93,000 508,000 2,800,000
2 101 555 3,000 17,000 93,000 508,000
3 19 101 555 3,000 17,000 93,000
4 4 19 101 555 3,000 17,000
5 1 4 19 101 555 3,000
6 1 1 4 19 101 555
7 1 1 1 4 19 101
8 1 1 1 1 4 19
9 1 1 1 1 1 4
10 1 1 1 1 1 1


Saturday, 2 February 2008

Free Website Promotion...Why Not?

Can you ever avail of free website promotion? Is that even feasible?

Of course yes! Nowadays, your baby website can amass huge traffic in no time thanks to free website promotion.

How does this free website promotion go anyway? What are things to be done?

1. Enlist your website.

Look for the hottest Internet directories and enlist your site there. This is the easiest and most effective free website promotion tactic. Start with this step and the rest of the good things will follow.

Just don't forget to prep your website and make it all spruced up for a higher chance to get accepted in your directory of choice.

2. Know your forums.

One reason why forums are created is for free website promotion for everyone. Log in, post actively, let them know about your site in every post and you attract instant visitors right there.

3. Write a press release.

Release your writing prowess and start up a press release that advertises your site! This is a free website promotion tactic that you can do anytime. Type a brief paragraph or two and email it to your friends, colleagues, internet e-zines, newspapers and other media and massive traffic will come to you pronto!

4. Be friendly online.

Free website promotion means you need to be friendly to other webmasters. Why, you ask? So they can link you immediately! Establish contacts and never tire of link requests and exchanges.

5. Write an article.

Say, your website is about your travel agency. Write an article about the perks of traveling or the hottest travel spots in the world. On the concluding paragraph, mention your website in passing. This article works as an advertorial and doubles as a free website promotion approach.

6. Just let the whole world know about your site.

What is free website promotion without the word of mouth? Insert your website, its URL and features in daily conversations and let the good news spread from one mouth to another!

7. Make a banner ad.

Make a banner ad for your site and ask another webmaster to do the same for his site. Then swap!

8. Take up a free website promotion course online.

Yes, there are free website promotion tutorials. But don't you know that you can actually take a free website promotion course that can help you out further? Part of the free website promotion program is signing up for newsletters.

When you make a website, you need not pay anything to promote it. You just read it -- there is such a thing as free website promotion!

About the Author

More Internet Marketing Tips and Strategies at

What does Directory Submission do for my Website?

Directories used to serve as the main method in finding relevant sites before search engines like Google and Yahoo took over. Many people don't use directories anymore to find websites, which is why you won't get a lot of traffic from directories that you submit to. Directories however, have become an important part in SEO and are very useful in obtaining backlinks to your website, which in turn can help you improve your websites ranking in the search engine results. They can be a great way to get your websites indexed into the major search engines if your website is new or have the search engines favour your website if you target your keyword and phrases propertly in the directories.

Should I submit manually myself or pay someone else to submit for me?

It doesn't really matter if you submit to the directories yourself or if you pay someone else to do it for you, as long as it's done properly. You should be careful who you're paying to submit for you however, as some of these businesses don't know what they are doing and will submit to directories incorrectly as all directories are different in how they work and what kind of information you must submit. Paying $5 - $10 for 500 directory submissions for example is a very low price to pay and you'll end up getting what you pay for. Many of these people actually use automated submitters even if they don't admit to it, which automated submissions are not very accurate and could get your website banned altogether from the directories that they submit your site to. Also, if you're always paying different people to submit for you, then there's a high chance that these people are going to have some of the same directories and by submitting your website twice to the same directory could get your URL banned from the directory forever. PL Backlinker prevents the user from submitting twice to a directory. By doing manual submissions yourself, you're able to ensure that quality is being accomplished and that you are submitting your website information correctly. It's much better to take the time and do the submissions propertly the first time yourself, then to have to try and go back and fix what's been submitted incorrectly by someone else, as usually you only get one chance to submit correctly with a directory. There are some people you can pay that do a great job in submitting, but just be aware of who you choose.

Some things to keep in mind while submitting to directories to ensure that your website has a higher chance of being accepted:

Many directories are humanly edited, which means that another human actually visits every website that is submitted to them to determine if they should include it into the directory. This is also the reason why it can take a very long time before your website is included in the directory and why you won't see the results immediately upon submission.

1. NEVER submit a site that is under construction. Make sure that your entire website is working properly before submitting.
2. No mirror sites. These are sites that contain the same content but are on different URL's.
3. NEVER submit the same website twice. Many directories will ban your URL if you do this and that's why it's always important to keep track of where you submit.
4. Make sure your website looks professional. Websites that look cheap or look like they could possibly be a scam will more than likely not be accepted.
5. NEVER submit a website that redirects.
6. Submit the main url and not trailing directories. (Example: NOT
7. ALWAYS try to submit to the correct category for the topic of your website.
8. NEVER submit a website that has illegal content.
9. ALWAYS make sure that your information that you submit is complete. Don't submit your information if the description or title gets cut off due to max character restrictions in the form. This is a big reason why automated submissions don't work and most directory owners will think that you used an automated submitter and ban your URL.
10. ALWAYS make sure that you take the time and effort to submit correctly the first time, as you might not get a second opportunity to submit again due to your URL being banned.

What is PR?

This is what the websites page ranks in the Google search engine. A webpages PR can rank from as low as 0 to as high as 10. A webpage with a PR 10 means that the website is well placed in the search engine and will more than likely show up as one of the first listings for it's keywords in a search result. Everybody aims to get a PR 10 for their website and having a link on a website with a good PR will most definitely increase your own websites PR in the search engines. This is why submitting to directories is a great way for you to increase your backlinks in order to raise your websites PR.

Should I only submit to directories with a high PR?

No. The PR for a website can change and if you submit to a directory with a PR 0, that directory may one day have a PR of perhaps 5. As soon as a directory gets a high PR, everybody wants to submit to that directory, which means that there'll probably be a lot more rejections because the owner can now be picky in which websites to include. They may also remove the FREE submission option and start making people pay, but if you've already submitted to the directory when it had a low PR and when nobody wanted to submit to that directory, then your link should still be in that directory and you can enjoy all the benefits of having a link on a website with a high PR without spending any money. Directories can also lose PR over time as well and perhaps go from a PR 5 straight to a PR 2 or even lower. It all depends on the kind of websites the directories are including into their database and also the search engines and whether they change their ranking algorithm, in which case they do every so often.

When will I start seeing results from submitting to directories?

Every directory is different in how they include links. Some directories will take 24 hours to 2 weeks for your link to be included whereas others may take up to 3 - 6 months. It all depends on the directory and who maintains it. You also won't start seeing results immediately in the search engines because the search engines can also take up to several months to update their database before you can actually see the backlink results. Sometimes it can be as high as 6 - 8 months or even a year before you start seeing the real results from your directory submission campaigns. You shouldn't expect to see results immediately upon submissions to the directories and should always keep submitting to different directories even when you don't see many results. Keep in mind that not every directory will accept your website either, depending on the quality of your site.

Should I try to submit to as many directories ASAP?

Yes, of course, but there are literally thousands of excellent directories on the internet for you to submit to. The more quality directories that you can submit your website to, the better for you in gaining backlinks for your site and they'll give your website better exposure in the search engines. You really don't need to try and submit to all of the directories as that would be pretty much impossible considering the amount of directories that are on the internet, but submitting to 30 - 50 directories each day is a good campaign and a good goal to set. The results aren't going to show up immediately anyways, so you might as well take your time and make sure that you are targeting your keywords in your title and description and submitting the information correctly. If you put the time and effort into your campaigns, then you will surely get some excellent results. Also you want your link building to look natural otherwise, search engines might take notice and give your website an infraction, so it's not important to try and submit to as many directories all at once as soon as you can. It's all about quality, not quantity, so just make sure your website is 100% ready and that you're submitting to the right category in the directories and submitting the information correctly, otherwise you're just wasting your time and efforts.

Can I use any tool to manage my Directory Submission?

There are hundreds of such tool actually. A semi automatic site submission tool called KnowboForm, can keep track of submissions to directories (and many other systems of submission also). It has many features to help make directory submissions easier and quicker for the webmaster. It's the most affordable way to ensure that you're submitting properly to the directories and to prevent your website from being banned and given a bad reputation. You're able to update the directory URL database in the program by adding as many directory URL's as you want as there's no limit. It can also help you to ensure that there'll be no duplicate URL's so that you don't submit to the same directory twice (if that directory doesn't accept multiple submissions of the same url, however many directories do accept). You're also able to keep track of which directories you've successfully submitted to, if you've already submitted your link and how many days ago that you did. You also have the ability to skip the directory URL's that you've already submitted to in order to save you time and prevent you from submitting again. You can even know what PR ( and many other site performance matrices ) the link has before you submit so that you can be picky in which directories you would like to submit your website to. The KnowboForm is very easy to use and will save you time and money.

Friday, 1 February 2008

Microsoft Offers To Buy Yahoo

The world's top software company could boost its online presence dramatically if Yahoo accepts a
$44.6 billion bid to be purchased.

Microsoft has offered Yahoo shareholders a 62 percent premium on their shares to sell the company.
Yahoo's latest disappointing earnings announcement helped to depress the stock price, making it a
renewed target for a takeover.

"We have great respect for Yahoo!, and together we can offer an increasingly exciting set of solutions
for consumers, publishers and advertisers while becoming better positioned to compete in the online
services market," Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in a statement.

With online advertising projected to grow to $80 billion by 2010, Microsoft can grab a larger slice of
that pie if it can pull in Yahoo, which ranks as the world's heaviest trafficked web property.


Directory Scripts that Support different Payment Systems

Name: IndexU
Price: Free, US$99 for single domain, US$499 for unlimited domains
Platform: PHP, MySQL
Demo: Demo
Sample Sites: AToZFitness Internet Resource | eBusiness Directory | IndexU Directory | IndexU.Net
Comments: IndexU allows the user to easily create a web indexing website just like Yahoo and DMOZ. It has some very powerful features available. Features like Search Engine Friendly URLs, different level of pricing for listings, support for different payment systems, IP Blocking, template system and much more. For the paid version, you get free installation as well with lifetime support and upgrades. Furthermore, they provide free database migration from other directory scripts!

Name: PHPMyDirectory
Price: US$99.95 for single domain, US$189.84 for 3 domains, US$499.50 for 10 domains
Platform: PHP, MySQL
Demo: Demo
Sample Sites: Latin Dance Directory
Comments: This is a very powerful yet easy to use directory script. However, it is more like a Yellow Pages kind of system than a directory. It offers it's users a flexible membership system, different payment modules (includes printing of invoices and payments), detailed statistics on the performance of your directory, powerful banning system like words, IP address or URLs, banner management, image gallery, product gallery, documents gallery, allows ratings, allows pdf export of listings and much more. Support is provided throughout their forums, helpdesk or email.

Yahoo Hosting Unsuitable for Directory Script?

Yahoo hosting does not allow you to upload .htaccess files therefore you will not be able to use search engine friendly URLs which may limit your directories performance in search engines. There are some other issues that combined make Yahoo hosting unsuitable for use with the directory script.