Monday, 8 June 2009

SEO Friendly URL Mods For Oscommerce

Many people asked me how to make their shopping portals more SEO Friendly. There are many mods available for this but iam going to list here all of them for you to easily convery your dynamic shopping site to a seo friendly site.

  1. Default SEO Friendly option in Oscommerce converts the site into bit seo friendly mode but the URL’s are not easy to remember, here is the option for that -
    Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development) - Enable this option to True and the final Result which comes is which is indexed by all Search Engines.
  2. Apache + PHP URL Rewriting - This is a mod in Oscommerce where in you can convert URL’s using Apache URL Rewriting Engine and PHP HTTP Redirection.
    Example - is converted to -
    Download link to Mod
  3. Yet Another SEF URL contribution - Uses mod_rewrite to map URLs of the form to the actual product info page or something like to the appropriate index page.
    Download link to YASU Mod
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)- Advanced URLs for osCommerce - This is a very advanced mod and cannot be done by just replacing some lines of codes.Recommend only for advanced programmers only.
    Download link to Mod
  5. SEF Link Transformer - This mod converts all links to search Engine friendly URL’s
    Download link to Mod
  6. NIMMIT SEF - This Oscommerce Mod will convert URL in the following ways -
    Normal -
    Standerd Sef -
    to - - or… - or…
  7. Ultimate SEO URL’s - This Mod will give the store owner the choice of the v1.X style cName or new v2.X style static HTML file.
    Download link to Mod -,2823/

This is a complete list of the best mods for SEO friendly URL’s in case of Oscommerce Shopping Script. Let me know if you find any bugs or want to add any Mod i missed in.


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