Tuesday, 29 September 2009

What’s HYIP

Off- line HYIPs are available only to a limited amount of peple, because usually HYIPs are project that requires very high volume of money to get into, starting from $500,000.

For those that cannot have so much money to invest, the only alternative is to participate to online HYIPs. Online HYIPs unlike those offline, often are less clear and usually people investing in these programs don’t know how exactly their money are invested.

Main incoming income of HYIPs are the stock market, real estate, FOREX and FUTURES markets. Regarding the withdrawing of interests, all HYIPs online use daily, weekly, monthly and yearly payments. To start investing you just need a registration on their sites, open a new account and invest in a project a certain amount of money. After the registration and investments are done, managers of the online HYIP use money invested by private affiliates (not affording to spend the amounts needed to off-line HYIPs programs) and reinvest.

Well thought schemas gives participants an opportunity to get very high intrests impossibile to reach for a private investor, using different methods.

THE RISKS : For a private investor there are no chances to get into an investment without risks. To be honest, if someone decides to invest money and get very high profits, he must risks!

All HYIPs by their nature are condemned to finish in a matter of a day. Do not get into false hope. However this does not mean that you cannot earn good money while they are still running.

Standard lifetime for a project is made of four phases: reach breakeven, growth, saturation and decline.

1. Reach breakeven. In this phase is difficult to judge the quality of the project, however, some indirects factors could suggest you that the project could be fake are already evident.
2. Growth. During its lifetime the project goes beyond production costs and starts making real profits. Success of the project during this phase, totally depends on ability to attract new customers deposit their money.
3. Saturation phase is the easy one of an HYIP projecy. During this phase deposit flux is continuous and stable, program makes its highest profits and customer always get their interests payed.
4. The decline phase is decisive for the success of the program. Serious managers activate some tactical efforts, aiming to take the project out of stagnation and restart making profits, otherwise the project will close.

Evaluate reliability of HYIPs programs before to start investing into a project you’re interested in. It’s mandatory to analyze every aspect of the program.

* The earning percentage
* Sphere of activity to accumulate money
* How the web site appears
* Availability of contacts
* Reviews and other info available on forums and blogs
* Positioning on monitors on line
* Personal researches

Programs offering more than 10% per day or 50% in a week, cannot survive long. Usually an interest rate that allows the project to survive, could vary from 1% to 2%, with some exceptions, but the main rule is this.

Often, presentation and details about the activity about the program are just words, simply used to fill a web page with something. However a nice design, a custome script, security systems in place and a quick support are signs that the project has been thought to be solid and to last.

If the web site is hosted on a free service, has a bad design, content stolen from other sites, means that people who started the project is not serious because refuse to invest their money in the project itself. Think twice before to invest your money in this kind of projects.

Analyze deeply HYIP forums. Dozen of people visit these forum and most of them are experienced people. Thanks to them you can discover serious problems about the project you’re interested in, and understand other investors’ opinion.


First of all the 3 main rules before to start investing:

1. Invest ONLY what you can afford to loose
2. Diversify at least in 10 different programs
3. Always remember point 1 and 2!

Deposit is done through e-money services like Liberty Reserve using a simple form to be filled step by step. Interests are easy to calculate. For example, you invested a certain amout at 2% in a project that long last 365 days. This means that after 50 days your principal is totally returned and from day 51 you’ll start really earning money with the program. Remember: if you are 99% sure about the project be careful! If someone offers you a lot of money, or all your friends are involved in the project, you must diversify to reduce the risks of loss on different HYIP programs.


Privates that want to make good money without get too much risks, should not use HYIP. High profits means alsways high risks. Participants in HYIP should always know that they’re unable to avoid risks, simply because this is not possible at all. But they must try to put risks at lower possible level. There is just one way to minimize risks: diverify.


Scams are always near the corner, the investor must refuse to invest in projects that promise tons of money. Every day a new site come up, offering incredible interest (some offers 400% in one day!), but 100% of these sites are fake. They get your money and run.

Courtesy: http://www.riskygains.com/hyip

Avoiding Online Investment Scams

The internet is a great tool for investors, providing a source for researching investments and trading securities with unprecedented ease. Unfortunately, the lack of rules on the web also makes it the perfect place for fraud to flourish. To avoid getting burned, take precautions. We'll show you five ways to reduce your odds of becoming the victim of fraud.

1. Pay Attention
Just about anyone can build a website these days. There are a variety of tools available online that enable the creation of a basic website with little effort or money. The fact is, the bad guys know how easy it is to build websites, and they also know that many people pay little attention to details when the prospect of easy money is flashed before their eyes. To take advantage of this confluence of events, scam artists often slap together hastily designed websites, relying on simple math to make a buck. Regardless of how poorly the sites are put together, statistically speaking, it's a numbers game. A certain number of people will visit a given website and, out of that number, a smaller number will take the bait.

To screen out the scammers, pay attention to quality when you're surfing the web, especially when money and investments are involved. Typographical errors, content that doesn't make sense and poor graphic design are signs that a website may not be legitimate.

While legitimate sites aren't always perfect, they are usually pretty close. When major financial services firms decided to develop a web presence, a lot of time, talent, and money goes in to helping the company put its best face forward. While some scams sites are so detailed that they mirror legitimate sites, paying attention to quality will help you avoid the worst of the rogue sites.

2. Apply Common Sense
Scam artists understand greed and cater to it by promising to deliver something for nothing. Internet message boards, spam emails and online investment newsletters are three of the most common tools of the criminal trade. If you think you've found a "golden nugget" on an internet message board, or you have been the lucky recipient of an email from a foreign national desperate to give away millions of dollars in exchange for your help (similar to the Nigerian scam), remember that greed makes you gullible. (For more, read Stop Scams In Their Tracks.)

Sadly, even chief executive officers (CEOs) of major corporations have been caught using assumed names to talk up their companies' stocks and talk down their competitors in online forums. For example, in 2007, it was revealed that the CEO of Whole Foods Market (Nasdaq: WFMI), John Mackay, posed as a user named "Rahodeb" and had for years posted extremely favorable comments about the company on Yahoo! Finance's Whole Foods Market message board. Other fraudsters are even more brazen, intentionally promoting stocks in order to profit by selling when investors are buying. The proliferation of online investment newsletters touting what are supposed to be "hot" stock picks facilitates this type of fraud.

The best way to protect yourself from this type of activity is to apply common sense. No matter what you think you have learned online or how much you have convinced yourself that the information that you have uncovered is legitimate, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

3. Use the Internet
Not everything you read online is false or misleading. All U.S. companies with more than 500 investors and $10 million assets and all companies listed on major stock exchanges are required to file regular reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While scandals like those at Enron and WorldCom, among many others, have demonstrated that filing these reports doesn't guarantee legitimacy, a quick check of the SEC's Edgar website is always a good place to start when researching companies that interest you. At the very least, it verifies the company's existence. While this might sound pretty basic, more than a few scams have made millions of dollars from unsuspecting investors by touting companies that weren't real. (For related reading, see The Biggest Stock Scams Of All Time.)

In addition to the SEC's site, there are plenty of sites that track stocks, providing price quotes, corporate news, historical performance data and more. Most of these sites are easy to use and free. For a reasonable fee, there are also plenty of research reports that can be purchased online. These reports are created by reputable financial analysts and provide insight into the operations of the companies they cover. (To learn more, read Data Mining For Investing.)

4. Contact the Regulators
If a company that catches your interest shows up in the Edgar database, your next move is to check with your state securities regulator to see if there have been complaints filed against the company. If the company has been touted by a brokerage firm, something that is often seen in newsletters and email, check with your state regulator and with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to determine whether the brokerage firm has a good disciplinary track record.

5. Conduct Fundamental Research
If the hot company that you found online has passed all of the other screens, it's time to get serious and do some hands-on research. Get copies of the firm's financial statements and analyze them. Research the company's leaders. If the company claims to be the largest supplier of widgets to the world' largest grocery store chain, call the store and find out if the claim is true. Make every effort to learn as much about the company as you possibly can. Of course, if all of this sounds like too much work, buy a mutual fund and delegate the work to the professionals.

There Are No Shortcuts
Investing, like any other worthwhile endeavor, requires effort. There are no shortcuts, but there are plenty of pitfalls. The number and types of scams on the internet would take an army of accountants a lifetime to track and calculate, but most are variations on a theme. To minimize your odds of getting scammed, never make an investment decision based strictly on information that you obtained online.

by Lisa Smith
Courtesy: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/avoid-online-investment-scams.asp?&viewed=1

Payoneer’s Virtual US Bank Accounts Make International Cash Out Easier

by Roi Carthy on July 9, 2008 on http://www.techcrunch.com

When I last covered payment service provider Payoneer, the company had announced the collection of $3 million more in funding and the addition of iStockPhoto to its client roster. Today, the company is announcing the initial rollout of “Payoneer Virtual US Account,” a new offering that simplifies payment cash out for international payees.

The new offering allows Payoneer card holders that live outside the US to receive direct Automated Clearing House (ACH) deposits/payments without the necessity of actually having a US bank account.

Here’s how it works: Payoneer maintains a bulk of sub-accounts under its main account, which is held in an American bank. When an ACH transfer is initiated, each of these sub-accounts is referenced using its own routing and account numbers. When the funds are credited to one of these sub-accounts, Payoneer loads the funds to the associated card.

Contrary to their name, these accounts are not virtual at all. Payoneer’s thinking here is to call them virtual accounts because they only serve as channels for loading money onto their cards. The accounts cannot be used for wire transfers, they don’t bear interest, etc. I may be splitting hairs, but the name could be a bit snazzier.

The Payoneer Virtual US Account might not seem all that exciting to some, but I assure you, this is a huge deal if you are an international payee. Take the following scenario as a case-in-point:

Let’s say you’re an affiliate marketer living in Russia and you’ve just had your monthly commission deposited to your PayPal account. With Payoneer, it works like this now: you can perform an ACH transfer directly from your PayPal account to your Payoneer Virtual US Account. The funds will be immediately available on your Payoneer Debit MasterCard balance, ready for cash withdrawal from an ATM in Moscow, or available for charge at any MasterCard point-of-sale station (department stores, supermarkets, etc.).

Payoneer’s Virtual US Account program is still in pilot mode and only available to a select group of cardholders, for whom Payoneer can accurately verify the source and destination of funds.

While the program is clearly valuable to international payees, things are a bit stickier with the PayPals, LinkShares and iStockPhotos of the world whose “blessing” is necessary for the program to take off. The crux of their concern is a fear of issues related to money laundering compliance. They would prefer to avoid the matter completely rather than risk getting themselves into hot water. Their “blessing” is necessary because they may already (or can easily in the future) update their terms and conditions to stipulate that ACH transfer to payees from certain countries are barred.

The fact that Payoneer’s systems and methodologies are designed to deal head-on with international compliance issues should help it on this front. If Payoneer has been given the green-light to broaden its offering to include Virtual US Accounts, it has probably handled compliance issues to the satisfaction of its bank, which must have kept a particularly close eye on it from day one.

Many, if not most, Internet startups focus on the American market and its users. Often times this leaves international users without the access to products and services that US users find common-place. So it’s good to see a company like Payoneer simplify payments and cash outs for international payees. It might not be easy, but the rewards could be substantial.

Infinitiva - A recommended High Yeild Investment Program

I want to recommend you a new long term high yield investing program called: Infinitiva. It is a very interesting online investment fund that will catch your attention immediately.

What you’ll notice, as your first impression about Infinitiva, their clean, professional and good looking web design for their site. Click here to go to Infinitiva web site and click on Open Account link. You will see that the registration process is made very easy.

When you will login to your account you must first deposit funds into your Infinitiva account and then you must form a new deposit from members area. You can choose from 4 Available Investment Plans:

Starter Plan offers 0.8% – 1.0% interest paid daily (30days) for deposits between $10.00 and $59.99
Advanced Plan offers 1.0% – 1.3% interest paid daily (150days) for deposits between $60.00 and $999.99
Professional Plan offers  1.3% – 1.6% interest paid daily (150days) for deposits between $1,000 and $4,999
Expert Plan offers 1.6% – 1.8% interest paid daily (150days) for deposits between $5,000 and $9,999
Senior Plan offers 1.8% – 2.2% interest paid daily (150days) for deposits between $10,000 and $19,999
Ultimate Plan offers 2.2% – 2.6% interest paid daily (150days) for deposits between $20,000 and more.

First they accepted only Libertyreserve and Perfectmoney but now I see they added Alertpay and Strictpay too. Infinitiva has a dedicated server and a DDOS protection by BlockDos so you will have your private information secured.

Source: http://www.moneymagazine.ws/news/2009/07/16/infinitiva-high-yield-income/

Online Investment Secrets

When it comes to online investment tips, everyone could benefit from tips. Most people are new to online investing, and are not very familiar with the way things work. The online world of investing can be cruel, but also very rewarding. When it comes to investing online, the tips you will find below are designed to help you make the most out of your experience.

The first thing to do with online investing is to start small. If you are new to this method of investing, do not put your entire life savings into an online account. Instead, start with a smaller sum, which should be easier to handle and keep track of. Once you feel confident enough, you can decide to add more money to your online account.

Infinitiva. Investment Services of the Highest Quality Once they are online, many investors tend to concentrate on stocks, specifically larger, more domestic ones. Most online investment tips note that while these stocks should make up part of your portfolio, they should not be all of it. Also make sure you take into account your time horizon and risk tolerance to develop a well balanced portfolio of stocks, bonds, and cash.

When it comes to mutual funds, most investors are into them for a reason. Most investors do not have the expertise to make their own investment calls on individual stocks. They are also too preoccupied by work and other demands to spend every minute watching the market. You should keep your mutual funds and it will probably be an unwise move for you to cash out your long term fund holdings.

Other online investment tips note that costs may not always be obvious. Even if online broker costs are somewhat lower than those of full service brokers, they can still add up, even if you do a lot of buying and selling. Online broker firms also like to impose a number of other fees and charges that should be studied closely.

When it comes to orders, you should make them work for you. If you plan on doing your own investing, you will need to learn how to use the tools that are available in order to avoid potentially steep losses and to buy or sell a stock at effective prices. This way, you get a good decent return on your investment. Many information on creating own investing you can find on theHYIPs.net

As beneficial as online investment tips may be, problems that you will encounter are inevitable. Investing online is not foolproof. Sure, there will be times when you ca not access your account; you could even be away from the computer when the market makes a major move.

When it comes to online investing, your internet connection could be down as well, or the online firm server could crash due to heavy trading, unexpected software glitches, or another sort of natural calamity. Make sure you are familiar with the firm alternative trading options. This may include automated telephone trading or calling a broker.

The most helpful of all the online investment tips, is to always remember that information is power. If you plan on buying and selling individual stocks online, it is in your best interest to keep yourself as well informed as possible. Do not settle for just the hype about hot stocks.

Source: http://www.thedigitalinvestor.com/

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Moneybookers.com Definitely A Scam

Courtesy: http://www.moneymakergroup.com/lofiversion/index.php/t52997.html

Moneybookers is really scam
They locked my account without any reason.
Then I contacted and submited the requested document.
The day after that, I logged into my account and see a message "You account has been closed !...."
I call and contact them but recieve no reply that satisfies me.
They trap my money ! Such a scam company.
I never use it again !
-- Posted by kidrock on Apr 12 2007

Moneybooker's scam
They are affiliated with Titan Poker an online Gambling game site, that milk many people out of their money. First with a slanted system of owning both the money delivery system and they control the way it is sent to them (titan) and Vice Vrs, They keep all the money and make it hard for anyone to collect or get any money sent their way back to them, Beware of these companies they are crooks and the FSA will not touch them......................
-- Posted by Mike on November 6, 2005

USER BEWARE of Moneybookers!!!
All I can say to people that haven't used moneybookers don't. They say they do not give out third party information. I signed up on my boyfriends computer and they must record the ip. How else would they be able to send me an e-mail with his name and address and ask what are relaionship is. If I would have signed up from a public computer I would have obtained names and addresses of people I didn't know.
-- Posted by Michelle on August 29, 2005



After a month and a half, I was able to proceed with my withdrawal request at moneybookers.com. I'm crossing my fingers hoping the withdrawal will complete without trouble. I'm however posting this update now as other people having trouble with them have been finding my previous entry.

It was quite a pain to deal with their staff who expect you to send personal documents (scans of your passport, photo ID, credit card, bank statement,...) by email. The process took so long because they were incredibly slow at replying, sometimes waiting over a week and me having to resend my email several times before I received an answer.

So here's a sum up of the slow and painful process... This is long and boring so be warned. All quotes are my own.

Feb. 4
I sign up for an account and add my bank account, both of these actions are confirmed automatically by email. I then receive money for the first time.

Feb. 6
I attempt to withdraw the received amount to my bank account. Since it is the first time, their web site asks me to verify my identity by choosing between having the bank transfer fee charged to my credit card and have it refunded to my bank account or ???. I'm a bit relucant to give them my credit card details since I'm not intending on sending any money. I proceed, the credit card appears in my profile but I get no confirmation email and the withdrawal doesn't appear in my history. Other attempts to withdraw result in the same message asking for my credit card details.

I email sevice(at)moneybookers(dot)com for the first time.

"I requested a withdrawal to my bank account but my moneybookers balance remains the same and the withdrawal isn't listed in my history. I didn't receive any confirmation email either. Do I need to request the withdrawal again or is it being processed?"
Feb. 7-15
Not yet receiving any reply, I send a total of three more emails.

"I emailed a few days ago about a withdrawal request placed last weekend which has yet to be completed or to appear in my account. [...]"
"I'm impatiently waiting for an answer regarding the two emails I have sent previously. I'm hoping to make regular use of moneybookers if this withdrawal gets completed without trouble."
"Hello?? I want to get this withdrawal done. I've been trying to get through for almost 2 weeks. What's this kind of customer service?"
Feb. 15
I send an email to info(at)moneybookers(dot)com, an address not listed on their Web site but which appears on their whois.

"I have sent several emails over the last two weeks to service(at)moneybookers(dot)com regarding some withdrawal problem, but have yet to receive any reply. Could you please put me in touch with someone who can help?"
Feb. 17-18 (it's been two weeks!)
I send more emails, trying helplessly to get them to reply.

"If I don't get a reply within 24 hours, I will tell publicly about this trouble and lack of customer support and may contact press."
Feb. 19
I blog about it.

Feb. 20
I realize that there may be a very slim chance that they aren't getting any of my emails or vice-versa. I decide to try contacting them from another email address located on another server.

"I did however receive email confirmations from moneybookers.com (registration, payment receipts...) so I don't think you should have any problem reaching me."
Feb. 21
I contact their parent company, Gatcombe Park Ventures Limited, mentioned on their "about us" page.

"If you can put me through to someone at moneybookers, such as managing director Benjamin Kullmann or anyone else able to help with my query, I would truly appreciate."
Feb. 22
I finally receive a reply! I'm told that they didn't receive any withdrawal request and that I first need to authorize my account. They offer me several ways to authorize my account, including the easy-sounding one that involves paying the bank transfer fee with my credit card, which is still my preferred choice.

Later I receive a phone call, and I'm told that in order to use the credit card to authorize my account I'd first have to send them copies of it by fax or email (yeah, right!). Another option is to validate my bank account by sending them personal documents (passport or photo ID, and a utility bill or bank statement), again by fax or email. After much hesitation (I don't have a fax, and I don't want to send such documents by email), I tell them that I'll think of something and get back in touch.
I realized that their staff seems quite Internet-security-challenged, trying to convince me that email is safe.

Feb. 23
I scan the required documents and put them on a secure server (HTTPS). I email them the URL and login hints to download the files.

Feb. 28
Not having yet heard back from them, I email them again. I soon receive an answer telling me that they can't login to a site to obtain details about their customers and ask me to use fax or email.
I reply quickly and ask:

"Can I send a password-protected ZIP file containing the documents? If so, please let me know the desired password and I will then email them right away."
March 2
No feedback. I resend my February 28 email...

March 6 (it's been over a month!)
Still no reply, wanting things to move on I email a password-protected ZIP file that contains the requested scans and tell them that the password is my postal code they have on file.

March 9
While away on vacation, I am sent an email telling me that I haven't requested a withdrawal and to follow the instructions on the site (similar as on Feb 22, back 2 weeks earlier). Grrrr!

March 12
Back from vacation, I read the March 9 email and reply.

"I'm still waiting for you to validate my account with the personal information that you requested and I emailed to you. I can't make a withdrawal until you validate my account so that I don't get the 'Identity verification required!' page anymore! Right?"
March 13
I receive an email telling me to send them the personal documents needed to verify my account.
I reply saying that I already sent them on March 6. I attach the ZIP file for a second time.

March 15
No reply. I resend my March 13 email.
12 hours later my account is authorized, I proceed with my withdrawal, and as a bonus my account limit is increased by 10000 EUR. I'm now waiting for the withdrawal to be completed (international transfer, normally takes up to about a week).

My conclusion

Although they're terribly misorganized, moneybookers.com doesn't appear to be a rip-off or such. The people who designed the system are ignorant about online security, asking to send even credit card details by email, and consequently their staff also is. My overall feeling is that the service is not quite professional and very far from being a PayPal. Their advantage (probably their only one) is that they accept users from many countries PayPal doesn't, which is what forced me to use their service this time. If there's nothing preventing you from using PayPal instead, don't even hesitate.

After my withdrawal completes, I'll probably continue to use their service to receive money occasionally, only from people who can't use PayPal. From now on I'm not expecting to have to deal with their slow staff since my account is authorized. However I'll never use their service to send money.

Update (2005/3/19 12:56): Seems like I spoke too soon, this morning I received an urgent letter from my bank with "moneybookers" written all over it, asking me to call them about an urgent matter. What they did I don't know yet, I'll find out on Tuesday when banks are open (Monday is a national holiday). Sure thing is this doesn't happen with PayPal.
-- Posted by reggiepr on March 19, 2005

Next time I have an accident I write to the hospital to call me back
they sent you a LETTER so that you CALL them? and it is URGENT ?
Next time I have an accident I write to the hospital to call me back to discuss sending an ambulance ...
curious how this story ends ... hope they do not use all the data you sent them to GET to your money.
-- Posted by Peter on March 20, 2005

Google Adsense: Not Worth the Time, Not Worth the Effort

Courtesy: http://webupon.com/money-making/google-adsense-not-worth-the-time-not-worth-the-effort/

It’s one of the biggest money-making opportunities advertised on the internet, yet it’s also one of the biggest money-making scams in internet history.

Google AdSense is one of the most widely-advertised ways that webmasters can make money from their websites. The concept behind it is relatively simple. Google displays an advertisement on your website and you earn money when someone clicks it. The amount of money earned per click depends on the popularity of the site being advertised on the advertisement. Sounds like a foolproof way to make money, doesn’t it? Well, as I’m about to explain, the fine print says it all.

Google has their backs covered in more ways than one. What you would think is a truly legitimate way to make money, is in fact, one of the biggest scams that the world has ever seen. Let me explain my experience with the program and how it turned me, a true AdSense believer, into a person who will now tell everyone he meets not to sign up under the AdSense program.

I was just like you. I owned an animé website and loved spending time working on it. Then I heard about AdSense. I thought to myself, “What a great idea! I can work on my site and earn money at the same time!” So I signed up. That was on July 14, 2008. To my surprise, within 2 months, I had $10.00 in my AdSense account. Keep in mind that my site was relatively small – only about 150 pages. I went through their phone verification, home address verification, sent in my tax forms and selected my type of payment method – cheque, standard delivery (otherwise, Google charges you a whopping $30.00 for express delivery). This, of course, was all asked of me once I reached the $10.00 account balance.

Another two months went by and by the end of October, I was literally jumping up and down in my computer chair, seeing my AdSense balance finally exceed the $100 minimum payout amount. I was going to surprise my dad when I received the cheque in the mail. It was November 6, 2008 when I got the email from Google. Apparently, they had suspended my account due to “invalid clicks” on my advertisements. I was shocked out of disbelief! Not once had I clicked on my own ads, nor did I ever ask anyone to click on my ads! But they had suspended my account nonetheless. In the email, however, it stated that I could appeal their ruling. I did so, filling out an online information appeal form and sending it to Google. I explained that there was no way for me to determine who clicked on my ads and that I would do my best to ensure that this incident didn’t happen again (actually, the only thing I could do was inform my site’s community by posting a news entry explicitly stating to not abuse the ad-click process). It was nearly three weeks later that I got an email response.


We’re currently in the process of reviewing your account with the additional information that you’ve provided. Please understand, however, that there is no guarantee that your account will be reinstated into AdSense. As a reminder, Google does reserve the right to disable an account at any time, as stated in the AdSense Terms and Conditions (http://www.google.com/adsense/terms).

Thank you for your patience.


The Google AdSense Team”

It then took another two weeks before they responded to my appeal.


Thanks for providing us with additional information. However, after thoroughly reviewing your account data and taking your feedback into consideration, we’ve re-confirmed that your account poses a significant risk to our advertisers. For this reason, we’re unable to reinstate your account. Thank you for your understanding. As a reminder, if you have any questions about your account or the actions we’ve taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more information by visiting https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=57153.


The Google AdSense Team”

Needless to say, I was steaming mad. And the worst part about this all is that it states in the AdSense Terms of Service (TOS) that Google has the right to suspend any account without prior notification or explanation, and refund all of the earnings in that account to the respective advertisers. Talk about unfair. What about all the money I obtained through “valid” advertisement clicks that has been returned as well?

I didn’t do anything wrong. All I did was set up an AdSense account in an attempt to make money. What did I do to deserve having my account shut down due to actions which I could not control? At least my account balance was only about $106.00, because if it was several thousands of dollars, I would’ve launched a class-action lawsuit against the company. I’m positive I’m not the only person who has been scammed by Google through this program, and I’m sure that we’d all be more than happy to gang up on Google and sue their pants off.

But then it just hit me, and it hit me hard. What happened to me can happen to anyone signed up under the Google AdSense program. I assume that one of the ways that Google determines whether or not a click is considered “valid” is with regards to the IP address of the computer that clicked on the advertisement. If the same IP address is shown multiple times clicking on an advertisement, Google becomes suspicious. If someone was intentionally clicking on my AdSense advertisements just to get my account suspended, then even if Google had reinstated my account, what could I do to prevent it from happening again in the future? To be honest – absolutely nothing. I have no control over what other people do while they visit my site.

In other words, if you have an AdSense account, it only takes a single person to click on your AdSense ads several tens or hundreds of times, and even though you personally have no control over who clicks your ads, Google will suspend your account assuming that you as a webmaster are clicking on your own ads (or you’re having someone else click on your own ads) in an attempt to increase your account balance, which is not the case. So based on this, theoretically, ANY person could go to ANY website, click on an AdSense ad 100 times, and get the site owner’s AdSense account suspended, thus making him or her lose all of their earnings.

Reflecting back on my experience, it’s actually quite sickening, thinking that I gave Google 5 months of FREE advertising on my site, only to get my account deactivated due to someone else who didn’t want me to get paid. Google won’t provide me any proof that my account was tampered with – all I have to go upon is their email which “claims” that my account was a “significant risk” to their advertisers. No doubt it was more likely a risk to their business, with such a small site as mine making about $20 a month in revenue, only to have it all taken away from me.

No doubt there are AdSense account owners out there who have been paid by Google, but I’d bet that the amount of people who have not received payment in proportion to those who have would be something to the extent of 25 to 1. If you have received AdSense cheques in the mail, and think that this sort of situation could never happen to you, be warned. Like I said before, all it takes is for one person to ruin your reputation, and your AdSense account goes down the drain.

As for me, there’s nothing I can do. Google hasn’t paid me anything, they haven’t shown me any evidence that my account had been tampered with (other than that email message simply stating my account had been suspended due to “invalid” clicks), and they don’t have to provide me with proof either, as written in their Terms of Service.

I encourage everyone who reads this to spread the word about how Google is scamming everyone with their AdSense program. You display ads on your site for free, and when it comes time to pay out, for the majority of the time, Google doesn’t. And I’m sure there will be many people reading this arguing that AdSense is the best program ever, that they’ve “supposedly” earned thousands of dollars through it, and that they have in fact received cheques in the mail. Whether they’re telling the truth or not – that’s another story. Perhaps some of them are even people who have been paid by Google to advertise the AdSense program and its “authenticity,” just to fool everyone into thinking that Google does, in fact, pay their members. I cannot imagine how much free advertising Google has obtained through this con-of-the-century. Think about it for a moment. “Claim” to give out money, offer months of free advertising to their advertisers, then not pay out even one cent to the webmasters displaying those ads.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Review of Most Popular HYIP Genius Fund

Hi everybody! I hope your all having a good weekend so far, where ever you are. Anyway, for today’s review I want to take a look at an HYIP called GeniusFunds and I believe many of you might be familiar with it already. Several readers have written to me asking about it, almost universally raving about it, and wondering why I had never shown that much interest in it. Well to tell the truth I do regret missing out on GeniusFunds for so long. By the time I became aware of it it was no longer exactly new and I simply had too many new programs, which I generally prefer anyway, to concentrate on. But as the readers mails kept coming I thought why not. And as I just said I usually prefer new programs but there are exceptions to every rule. Take GoldNuggetInvest for example, or NanoMoneyCorp. Both exceptional programs with the best part of six years trading experience between them and still going strong. So it is with that in mind that I want to introduce GeniusFunds to anybody who does not know about it yet. It might be six months online but after closer inspection I think this may very well be another one of those rare exceptions. One that goes against the trend and just runs and runs. So let’s see what it’s all about.

And what better place to start with the investment plans. I suppose I’ll start with the simplified version as there is a bit more to GeniusFunds than the average HYIP. First there is a daily plan. This will pay between 1.00% and 1.90% daily. Then there is the weekly plan that will pay from 6% to 9% once per week. But before investing in either of these we need to step back. Because the first thing you will need to do is open an account with GeniusFunds. That’s a fairly straightforward process. It simply involves filling out an online form with your personal details, including you e-currency account. In this case it has to be either LibertyReserve or SolidTrustPay, but bank wires will also be valid for larger deposits. More about that in a moment. But once your GeniusFunds account is open, you can then deposit money into it. And then after making your initial deposit, you can then decide what portion of your money you want to invest in either plan. If it all looks a bit complicated at first, don’t worry. It isn’t. But as usual anybody joining any program in my downline can contact me anytime with their questions. So anyway, once you have done this you will be sent a verification e-mail where you will be given your assigned account number. You will then need to activate your account by logging in with the password that you will have chosen for yourself earlier in the registration process.

And so now you should hopefully be in. The next question you will be asked is how you wish to deposit. As I said already your options are LR, STP, or bank wire for $500 or more. Now remember to wait a while before your deposit shows up in your account. LR can usually be fast enough but STP might be a couple of hours so don’t panic if it doesn’t appear instantly. But once you have funded your GeniusFunds account you now need to decide how to invest that money. As mentioned there is a daily and a weekly paying program and basically what happens is that you are invited to buy GeniusFunds “shares” in whatever program suits you. A share will cost you $1 regardless of which plan you go with. Indeed you are welcome to divide your deposit up any way you like depending on what you are looking for. I personally divided my own deposit with half in the daily plan and half in the weekly plan. When it comes to withdrawing your dividends, this gets paid directly to your choice of payment processor, and are only paid on business days. The weekly plan pays out on Mondays. A couple of things you need to remember are that first of all compounding is available, the amount of which (if anything) is up to your own discretion. You will need to decide on that when buying your shares. Secondly you should be aware that while your principal will be returned, there is a lock-in period of from 150 to 180 days. And finally the minimum investment with LR is $20 but with STP it’s $50.

But wait! There’s more. As well as these two plans, which I imagine will be the two of most interest to my readers, there is a third option for investors here. In addition to the investment funds GeniusFunds also offers another investment product called “Genius CD”. It is meant for investors who are looking for a medium-income, longer term investment. The term of the investment is three months and the interest is fixed at 6% per month or 18% for the duration of the term while the investment term on shares of the funds lasts from 150 to 180 days from purchase and income ranges from 5 to 9 percent per week.

So you can see these guys are clearly serious about what they are doing here. But what about the security of GeniusFunds? Well as you might imagine from the quality of the site itself, it should come as no surprise that the safety and security of this program is also top notch. Hosted on a dedicated server, it is hosted and fully protected by BlockDos who in my own humble opinion are the worldwide market leaders when it comes to providing such services. It is simply not possible for GeniusFunds to be on a better provider. There are also a variety of other security measures, not least of which is the SSL encryption of the accounts area. On top of that you will see during the sign up process that you decide on your own password and a secret security question for further identity and account protection. It runs on a customized script.

The level of customer service and support on offer here is also the envy of most programs. It brings a level of professionalism and efficiency sadly lacking in this industry and really does expose so many other programs for the truly amateur operations that they are. Contact is available in a variety of ways, including live chat via the site itself. It is also a multilingual site, presently available in English, Chinese and Indonesian with Spanish and Russian to follow.

Overall I have to say I am hugely impressed by GeniusFunds. So much so that what I might usually consider a drawback in most other programs, i.e the fact that it’s runnig for six months, is not really an issue for me at all in this case. As I said at the top, GeniusFunds is one of the rare exceptions one can be lucky to find from time to time in this industry. And they seem to have a policy of never standing still, with new and innovative improvements being carried out on an ongoing basis. So is there anything negative to say here? Only that I’m sorry I didn’t sign up six months ago!

Courtesy: http://www.punchads.com/articles/article-1.html

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

The first e-currency stock exchange in the world

Trainex Stock

The epoch when bulls and bears moved on Internet had been passed long time ago but despite rapid development of technologies, the scheme of stockmarket currency trade having settled on computer platform remained there having buried itself in dead end wall built from the bricks in the form of currency pairs that have set the teeth on edge to the Forex traders. A big volatility of currency rates that became more frequent last days attracts to Forex less and less people and as a result nowadays the majority of users see the real currency only as a settlement tool. But with the appearance of electronic currency even cashless money that were on some bank account begin to cause more and more inconveniences due to the difficulties of transactions.

But the paradox is that from economical point of view stockmarket is not a place where people can earn some money but the results of economy’s entrance into a definite stage of development. And as the foundation of virtual economy is represented with electrical payment systems – issuer of electronic currencies, the appearance of instrument for free exchange of different types of these currencies among the users – was that stage where sooner or later that part of humanity that solves a whole set of tasks and problems by using only forefinger and third finger to operate the mouse should enter.

Once stock market bell had rang in XIII in Italy then Peter I had brought it from Holland to USA and now Trainex Service opening currency trade site in virtual space. Service of Trainex Stock having created the precedent in the history of world Internet in the field of brokerage of electrical currency now organizes the process of stockmarket trade among the users upon their own initiative. The tool box of service is a simple functional based on the following algorithm:

- Posting of inquiry for sale and purchase of currency by the user;

- After having found compromise on the price among the applicants who posted their positions occurs automatic exchange where Trainex Stock acting as broker performs sale and purchase of currency in accordance with the submitted inquiries.

At exchange the funds of both users move via Trainex Service accounts and owing to it Trainex Stock being a third party – broker acts as a guarantor of transaction reliability.


The service at startup is based on multicurrency system that provides the users with opportunity to post the positions on sale and purchase of electronic currencies, such as webmoney(WMZ, WME, WMR, WMG, WMU, WMB, WMY), E-gold, Liberty Reserve, Pecunix , V-Money, Rupay, Yandex.Money, Yandex.Money, Old Fethard, New Fethard.

Tasks of Trainex Stock

Brokerage in respect to Webmoney(WMZ, WME, WMR, WMG, WMU, WMB, WMY), E-gold, Liberty Reserve, Pecunix , V-Money, Rupay, Yandex.Money, Yandex.Money, Old Fethard, New Fethard.currencies was designed to provide web-masters all over the world with new opportunities of business conduction and old ones that had showed themselves. So, for example it is widely known that a number of companies provide hosting or render services on sell/lease domains and servers with accepting blocked Fethard as a payment tool. The famous websites www.esthost.com and www.estdomains.com allure and attract the attention of the owners of blocked Fethard and everybody who want to buy this currency.

The user who doubts the liquidity of, for example, blocked Fethard can also easily post the position on sale of this currency for e.g., Webmoney at profitable market rate. Analysts sure that Trainex Stock will form the market and its laws itself by objectively reflecting the real market value of electronic currency in respect to each other. Before the appearance of our service the e-currency market conditions were determined only upon circumstantial signs such as comparison of money rests in the exchangers of the whole world. But now Trainex Stock is a market tool to determine the value and liquidity of electronic currency and Trainex Stock is a pioneer in this field!

Sale and purchase

While building of e-currency stock market functional specialists and analysts of Trainex Service came to conclusion that the ideal trade platform would be that one where everyone could conduct all the necessary transactions. Trainex Service achieved that result on Trainex Stock by having simplified the interface and providing all the clients with round-the-clock support service.

To conduct the transaction on purchase and sale of currency the user just needs to specify the amount of its currency to be changed for another amount in another currency. Starting from it at the positioning on stock market the one should calculate cross-rate which is equal to ratio of selling and buying currencies.

After having posted position on currency sale and purchase this client inquiry waits for release of contractor’s cross-rate, which will cross with the cross rate of your position. At detection of reverse coincidence of cross-rates (to divide 1 by your cross-rate) the deal passes to the final stage where Trainex Stock being a third party – broker remits money from one user’s account to another user’s account in accordance with the conditions of the posted positions. As soon as the currency you wished to buy enters your account the deal is deemed successful and your position closes.

Having developed Trainex Stock, company wanted to prove that any electronic currency can be liquid. Internet and virtual economy are developing so swiftly that today we can see a great number of professionals co-existing in digital sphere who can run the business in internet. But as in any organization there is not only necessity to control its company but also to keep financial management which is highly in need of infrastructure. Having created Trainex exchange service several years ago the company took the first step for appearance of system supporting business activity in Internet. But the time showed that society needs currency control instrument and that’s why Trainex Stock operates in Internet as in fact stock market experience of the whole world made it clear that money can successfully make more money!

Courtesy: http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/articles/the_first_e_currency_stock_exchange_in_the_world?drgn=1

E-Currency trading is Internet Money in simple terms

E-Currency Trading in simple terms is Internet Money. E-Currency allows the purchase of Internet goods and services at lightning speed and most importantly with a high level of security. Much higher than credit cards, bank transfer etc. The demand for e-currency should only grow as Internet Commerce grows.

So what does this have to do with trading? There are literally hundreds of different e-currencies. Each is backed by an underlying Currency or a precious metal. The need arises to exchange between these e-currencies or convert an e-currency to hard cash. Much like the Euro is to the European Union. Specialists can profit from the e-currency exchanging and profit from the fluctuation of the underlying currency value.

The same basic strategies apply to e-currency trading as with futures trading. Supply and demand dictates price primarily. You could buy e-currency that has historically performed well (buying the trend) or go the opposite way and buy those that are under-performing, looking for a turn-around. You can even chart them if you like.

Leverage, that double-edged sword that Futures Traders are so familiar with is also present in e-Currency Trading. You can borrow against your portfolio to buy more e-currency. The compounding affect is almost outrageous. Some would argue that you never have to pay back the leverage. It is paid back if you closed your e-Currency account, because your final balance would be less the amount leveraged. The point here is the leverage in futures trading is often times the demise of a well intended trader versus the leverage afforded an e-currency trader combined with the daily compounding affect creates portfolio growth at a phenomenal rate. It is not uncommon to see portfolio growth of 20 ? 40% per month.

Futures Trading and e-Currency Trading have a common downside. The learning curve is huge and can be frustrating and costly. Each has unique terminology, which is impossible to work around until you have a good understanding of the meaning. Thankfully in this world of information, they are able to find resources online and offline that shorten that curve. How much it is shortened is dependent on how much time you want to dedicate.

Industry experts have debated for years the optimum amount one should fund their futures trading account with. The obvious moving target is enough capital to withstand the drawdown periods. Many factors go into this but there are numbers range anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 and up. If this is the case then there is little doubt why most futures traders lose as most are willing to fund only the amount required to cover Margin or the Brokers account minimum usually a few thousand dollars.

One of the biggest reasons for small business failure is being under capitalized, the same holds true in futures trading. E-Currency Trading is different in that the experts recommend starting with a few hundred dollars and let the system build your account. Whatever route you choose, only trade with risk capital. E-Currency Trading certainly has advantages over traditional futures trading and may well be worth your serious consideration.

Courtesy: http://www.syl.com/travel/ecurrencytradingisinternetmoneyinsimpleterms.html

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Is Genius Funds a Scam? How does Genius Funds work, How you make money!

Is Genius Funds really a Scam

I am sure buy now you have seen a ad, banner, or passed there site by now. Well what do you think, they are plenty HYIP (High Yield Investment programs) out there on the net. How is this one any different than the other. Well lets talk about it and see what Genius Funds is all about.
First off the question, Is Genius Funds a Scam? Answer, I don't know yet, but I really don't thinks so.
First off I am a Ptc site man actually you can see my blog Legit Ptc if you want to see what I am talking about. I have never really been to interest in HYIP's to risky to me. So with that said when I read my first review about this Program I scanned the net to see if I were to hear anything bad about Genius Funds. From what I read it seems that this site has been around for sometime and they do pay there members. People claim that they have been paid several times by them and I have even seen payment proofs. In actually it doesn't look like this site is to risky at all! So I took a deep breath and sign-up I have only been a member since August 3, 2009 and everything seems OK. Genius Funds is an investment program with a solid track record!

How it Works!

There are 2 types of investment plans that you can choose at Genius Funds:

1. Emerging Markets Growth Fund EMGF 1.0% - 1.3%, Daily payments
2. World Bond Market Fund WBMF 6.4% - 7.9%, Weekly payments
3. Minimum investment: $10
4. Maximum investment: no maximum
5. Referral commission: 3% to 6%
6. Accepted Payment Processors: Liberty Reserve, AlertPay, Perfect Money, Solid TrustPay, Bank Transfer.

There is a bit more to GeniusFunds than the average risky HYIP. First there is a daily plan, this will pay between 1.0% and 1.3% daily. Then there is the weekly plan that will pay from 6.4% to 7.9% once per week. But lets start at the begining so tha everyone know how this works.

So after you register which is easy, once your GeniusFunds account is open, you can then deposit money into it. Time to start making your initial deposit, you can then decide what portion of your money you want to invest in either plan. Don't worry its not complicated:

-Liberty Reserve (min deposit = $10)
-Perfect Money (min deposit = $10)
-SolidTrustPay (min deposit = $50)
-AlertPay (min deposit = $50)
-Bank Transfer (min deposit = $500)

Once you have funded your account you need to decide how to invest your money, if you don't feel to comfortable start low. As mentioned there is a daily and a weekly paying program and basically what happens is that you are invited to buy Genius Funds "shares" in whatever program suits you. A share will cost you $1 regardless of which plan you go with. You can even divide your money depositing half in the daily plan and half in the weekly plan. When it comes to withdrawing your dividends, this gets paid directly to your choice of payment processor, and are only paid on business days (No weekends or holidays). The weekly plan pays out on Mondays. A couple of things you need to remember are that first of all compounding is available, (compounding is when you use your earnings made on your investment to reinvest right away). You will need to decide on that when buying your shares. Secondly you should be aware that while your principal will be returned, there is a lock-in period of from 150 to 180 days. And finally the minimum investment with LR is $20 but with STP it's $50.

How you make money from Genius Funds!

Daily payout (EMGF)
1.0% 1.4% 1.7%
If you invest $10 in common shares then your daily interest will be $0.10 (1.0% daily). The investment duration is 150 business days..after that you will get back 100% of intial investment.
Share class : Common shares
(1.0% daily Profit x Days of term) + 100% Principle amount
($0.10 x 150) + $10 = $25

Weekly Payout(WBMF)
6.0% 6.9% 8.5%
For $10 investment in common share in weekly plan your weekly profit will be $0.60. This investment term is for 180 days(approx 25 weeks).
Share class : Common shares
(6.0% weekly Profit x No of weeks) + 100% Principle amount
($0.60 x 25) + $10 = $25

Monthly Payout(Genius CD account)
Genius CD account is a fixed interest deposit account. The term of deposit is three months. The interest rate is 6% per month and is payable on maturity. At the end of the deposit term the investment together with accrued interest will be credited to your account and will immediately become available for withdrawal. That means you will get back your money with interest after the term expires. Min Deposit is $10.

Interview with Genius Funds. Exclusively for the Ecommerce Journal

February 13, 2009 - 11:46pm | Interviews
Interview with Genius Funds. Exclusively for the Ecommerce Journal

Today more and more people turn to the investment industry. There are a lot of various projects and sometimes it’s very hard to make a right choice. Our journal always tries to keep you informed about the latest tendencies in the ecommerce and investment industry is not an exception. Today we would like to present you an interview with GeniusFunds , one of the successful projects of the modern times.

Q: When opening the main page of your project one gets the impression that we deal with a serious business project with its own traditions and a special approach to the client. What is Genius Funds based on and where is your office located?

Genius Funds: Our offices are located in Limassol, Cyprus and most of our staff is located there. We also maintain an office in Hong Kong that keeps track of Asian markets. Three members of our fund management staff are stationed there. Genius Funds is based on a belief that it is possible to operate an investment business outside the scope of regulatory agencies and thus share the proceeds of a substantially larger prospective profit from investment operations with retail investors.

Q: Please tell us on what the project earns and how successful your business is?

Genius Funds: We operate two investments funds. The funds yield from 5 to 9% weekly with a no-sale period of 150-180 days. Genius also offers a CD account, carrying 6% interest monthly over a 90 day term. The detailed information on the investments that we offer is found on our web site, www.geniusfunds.com.

Q: Offering your service to the clients you naturally have to struggle against your competitors. What methods do you use? What can Genius offer the market that your rivals fail to do?

Genius Funds: Genius Funds is an investment company. We offer investment products that invest into real securities, options and futures. Since our funds are located outside the scope of main regulatory bodies, we are therefore allowed to utilize investment methods that are normally not permitted under various regulatory statutes in the United States, UK and other developed and developing countries. Such investment methods are normally only available to institutional investors or to investors that are classified as professional investors. These include investment in options, futures, “short” trading, index options and more. This allows us to pass down substantially higher profits to retail investors.

Q: On your site we see that "Genius Funds accepts Liberty Reserve, and SolidTrustPay payments, ACH debits, credit cards or international bank transfers". Do you plan to introduce other currencies?

Genius Funds: We currently accept a wide range of e-currencies and we believe that this is sufficient to satisfy the need of most of our clientele. When making a decision to accept an e-currency, our management must balance not only the convenience to our investors but also the soundness of the e-currency provider. Unfortunately this is very hard to measure due to the little information that is usually disclosed by e-currency providers. We are therefore careful in choosing the providers.

Q: Genius works stable and we should admit that according to users’ feedback they appreciate the service. How do you manage to succeed in running your business during the crisis? May be you have some original business solutions?

Genius Funds: As I have already mentioned, the methods that we use include short trades and options. We are therefore able to generate profit on both rising and falling markets. Therefore the state of the world economy, although important to us, is not detrimental to the performance of our investment portfolio.

Q: Your site interface is presented in three languages – English, Chinese, and Indonesian. Do yo? plan to introduce some other languages?

Genius Funds: We plan to localize our site for the benefit of our Spanish and Russian speaking clientele in the near future.

Q: How many clients does GeniusFunds have today?

While I cannot give you a specific number, what I can say is it is well above 10,000.

Q: Usually when people come to some investment project they don’t know what amount to invest in. Many of them are afraid of trusting large amounts to the traders, even if the trader is such famous and respected company is GeniusFunds. Could you please advise what policy and strategy should they choose?

Genius Funds: It is difficult to advise a client in an interview not to invest large amounts with companies that his is not familiar with well. As a representative of an investment firm, I am interested in our prospective clients investing as much as possible with us. However, as an investment professional, I must note that it is a good practice to diversify investment over several companies and not concentrate your hard-earned funds in one place.

Q: On your site we saw contact phone numbers. Could you please tell when it is better to call you and when it is better to write to support team?

Customer support staff is available from 8am to 6pm CET. Twenty-four hour e-mail and live chat support is available via our web site.

Q: Could you describe us the typical client of GeniusFunds? Who is he/she? Age? Occupation?

Genius Funds: We do not collect a lot of information on our clients. Our investors come from all over the world and frankly speaking I do not feel that is a good practice to maintain a detailed profile on each investor. We have a privacy policy that we strictly abide to.

Q: Last year was very successful for GeniusFunds and its users. What plans do you have for 2009? May be some new strategies, investment plans? How do you see the future of GeniusFunds ?

Genius Funds: In 2008 we have filed paperwork for registration of a new investment fund that would track the BOVESPA index. This fund was supposed to be in operation as early as January, 2009. However, the volatility on the equity markets make funds that are tied to an index quite unattractive to prospective investors. We therefore decided to delay the launching of this fund until 2010. In 2009 we are planning to launch a new investment product that will be similar in terms to our popular Genius CD account. We understand that many investors prefer stability over innovation and therefore we do not plan any significant changes in our investment strategies in 2009.

E-Currency Trading

One of the many ways to make money online is by trading e-currency. When you consider the numerous benefits that e-currency trading has to offer, there's no wonder why people are flooding the Internet to make money, trading e-currency. Everything from having a 24-hour market to the low transaction costs makes e-currency trading so appealing. Although it does take time to build up a reasonable income from trading e-currency, the benefits are promising.

Here are 5 reasons why you should get into e-currency trading.

1. Liquidity
There are a number of benefits to making money, trading e-currency, but the outstanding liquidity within the market is one of the biggest benefits. Because of the superior liquidity, there is a more efficient price stability and better trade execution. It also makes it convenient for the traders with trades becoming easier to open and close transactions.

2. Geographical versatility
As with many ways to make money on the Internet, making money, trading e-currency is very versatile when it comes to where you can trade. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can potentially pick up your computer and do business anywhere in the world. This makes it extremely convenient if you enjoy traveling or if you just can’t get away from your business when on that family vacation.

3. 24-hour markets
As the saying goes, “the internet never sleeps.” When it comes to trading e-currency it’s the same way. There are always people trading somewhere around the world, and you can join them at any time. This allows you to create a schedule that works best for you and trade within any time zone that suits your needs.

4. Low minimum investment
Anymore, it costs an arm and a leg just to get into certain markets on the Internet. With e-currency trading, there is a low minimum investment opening the door to a much more diversified group of people. With some investments dropping as low as $250, it creates opportunities to make money without spending a lot to do so.

5. Low transaction costs
The low transaction costs are certainly something that sticks out when you are trying to make money, trading e-currency. This allows you to spend less money with fees and begin building up a positive income flow. The only major transaction cost that you will have to deal with is the spread, which is the difference between the buy and sell price of each currency pair.

While there are a number of other benefits to making money, trading e-currency, the benefits listed above certainly do justice. With time and the proper training, you too can incur the benefits of e-currency trading.

Courtesy: http://ez-onlinemoney.com/E-Currency_Trading.html

Invest in Gold - GoldMoney: Buy Gold and Use it as a Checking Account

This is the second part of the Invest in Gold series. In the first part, I compared several gold dealers, mainly from the angle of price (price of the gold, shipping fees, and insurance charges), and the direct outcome of that research was the purchase of a gold coin myself last week from Bullion Direct.

During the research, while I was more interested in finding a reputable dealer that can sell me physical gold (coin or bar) at a good price and get it delivered to my hands at a low cost, I also looked at other alternatives to buy gold and one of them is GoldMoney. With gold dealers, you can buy gold coins or bars, which are usually fabricated into fixed amount such as 0.1 oz, 0.25 oz, 0.5 oz, and 1 oz, then have the products delivered to you. In my opinion, there are two big concerns with taking possession of physical gold: safeguard of the medal and liquidation. Nobody wants to throw a $650 gold coin in a drawer and forget about it. If you have a larger quantity of gold, the easiest way to make sure the medal is safe is to rent a safe deposit box at your bank. However, getting a safe deposit box adds to the overall costs of owning gold. On the other hand, while owning the metal (as there are suggestions that the only way to invest in gold is owning the physical metal than paper gold) represents wealth, cashing it in case you need the money is not that straightforward. The conversion will be relatively easy if you can find a trustworthy local gold dealer to sell your coins. Otherwise, selling the metal to dealers you can only find online is more likely to involve other fees (not include the shipping and insurance charges you have to pay out of your own pocket).

With GoldMoney, however, the hassle of buying and selling gold is much reduced and the price is very competitive as compared to other dealers.

The way that GoldMoney operates is totally different from all the dealers mentioned in the first part. Instead of being a bullion dealer that sells coins and bars, GoldMoney is more like a bank account, though you still have the option to receive physical gold with some additional delivery costs. By default, the gold purchased from GoldMoney will not be delivered to the buyer, but is stored in an insured vault in London. The following picture illustrates how GoldMoney works:

That is, buyers don’t automatically receive physical gold, but have a recorder of how much they own in their accounts with GoldMoney, which charges a monthly fee equivalent to 1/10th a gram of gold ($2.05) to store the gold. As of prices, the gold price quoted at GoldMoney is the price of the spot gold plus an exchange fee, ranging from 0.98% to 3.74% above the spot gold price. At one time this morning, when I checked prices at different dealers against the spot gold, I found the price of one ounce gold at GoldMoney is very competitive:

Spot: $641.30, GoldMoney: $664.61, Bullion Direct: $671.10, Kitco: $678.89

Besides the pricing (here’s the full fee schedule), GoldMoney also offers:

* Flexible purchase: Gold can be purchased in the quantity of goldgrams (one goldgram in weight is equal to one gram of gold and there are 31.103 grams per troy ounce) instead of the fixed amounts with coins and bars;
* Direct funding: Purchases of gold at GoldMoney can be directly funded by a bank account in US with a maximum of 500 goldgram (special procedure needed for larger purchases);
* Easy conversion: There is no fee in converting goldgrams into cash, which will be deposited right into the bank account connected to the GoldMoney account;

Another key feature of GoldMoney is that users can actually use their GoldMoney account as a checking account to make payments. Anyone having an account at GoldMoney (free to sign up) can receive payment made by GoldMoney in goldgrams, though there’s no physical gold changing hands. In addition, after converting gold into some major currencies, goldgram can also be used to pay bills, a feature that is not available at any other dealers.

Courtesy: http://www.thesunsfinancialdiary.com/investing/invest-in-gold-ii-goldmoney-buy-gold-and-use-it-as-a-checking-account/

GoldMoney: An economical and convenient way to own gold

I thought I'd take a break from posting about e-gold's legal problems and focus on reviewing another way you can economically and conveniently own gold. What I am going to review is a company called GoldMoney. It was founded by James Turk who is a prominent proponent and supporter of gold.

"GoldMoney is easy to use and inexpensive, plus you have the convenience of transacting online. Your precious metal is secure because it is:

* safely stored for you in a specialised bullion vault, and
* insured through a policy underwritten at Lloyd's of London.

You have 24/7 online access to your precious metal, which you can sell at any time. Also, your gold can be used as online currency and transferred instantly to anyone with a GoldMoney account.

GoldMoney was founded by gold industry leaders who understand gold's usefulness as a financial asset and value its worldwide role as money. Investors and shareholders of GoldMoney include two publicly traded gold mining companies, DRDGOLD (South Africa) and IAMGOLD (Canada).

GoldMoney's main office is located in Jersey, one of the British Channel Islands situated in the English Channel near the north-western tip of France. Our website and database servers, also located in Jersey, are housed in a secure, state-of-the-art data centre.

Office Address
Net Transactions Limited
ASL House
12-14 David Place
St Helier, Jersey
British Channel Islands (about)

Tel: +44-1534-760-133
Fax: +44-1534-760-125"

As you can see GoldMoney is 100% offshore based so your gold is protected from potential government seizures.

Opening up an account was fairly easy for me, BUT you are required to provide IDENTIFICATIOON. Yes, you've heard right, this is not e-gold where you could open up an account with 100% false information and go on about your merry business doing whatever activity you please - be it legal or otherwise - so please bear this in mind. I think overall this is a positive point.

A bit of info about GoldMoney and how it works:

"GoldMoney is like online banking, but your account is denominated in goldgrams and mils, not dollars and cents. Each GoldMoney goldgram® you own is safely stored for you in allocated storage in a specialised bullion vault near London, England, and is insured through a policy underwritten at Lloyd's of London. When you buy goldgrams, you own pure gold in a secure vault."

"Just like shares of stock represent your fractional ownership of a company, your goldgrams represent your ownership of a portion of the gold held for GoldMoney customers in the secure vault.

GoldMoney's website and database servers keep track of your ownership of goldgrams and mils (1000 mils equal one goldgram, expressed as 1gg) and provide secure, 24/7 online access to your account."
"GoldMoney allows you to send gold to anyone with an account at GoldMoney. Unlike most online payment systems that only work in some countries, anyone anywhere in the world with Internet access can open an account and begin using GoldMoney to make and receive instantaneous, non-repudiable payments, anytime day or night."

Ok, now for the all important fees:

Account fee - 100 mils (about US$2.15) per month
The account fee is charged only if there are goldgrams in your Holding. You pay only 100 mils per month, regardless how many goldgrams you own. The account fee may vary for large accounts.

Payment fee -
Min: 10 mils (about US$0.21)
Max: 100 mils (about US$2.15)
A payment fee is charged when you transfer goldgrams to another Holding. It is 1% of the payment amount, with a minimum fee of 10 mils and a maximum fee of 100 mils. For example, a payment valued at $20 costs 20 cents, whereas a payment valued at $20,000 costs only $2.15.

Service fee - 10 mils to 10gg
Charged only if you request a special service. The exact fee depends upon the time required by GoldMoney staff to complete your request.

Silver Storage fee - 0.986% per annum, which is 0.0825% per month, with a minimum fee of 0.2oz per month. Charged only when you own silver, it is deducted monthly from your Holding.

Current Fees for Bank Wire Transfers

CAD - Canadian Dollars
No wire fee until 1 January 2007, after which C$55 per wire transfer.

EUR - Euros
€45 per wire transfer.

GBP - British Pounds
No charge for 3-day BACS transfers within the UK.
£20 per one-day CHAPS transfer to accounts within the UK, £30 for international wire transfers.

USD - US Dollars
No charge for electronic check transfers within the USA.
US$12 for wire transfers to accounts within the USA, US$50 for international wire transfers.
Look at the above! You can purchase gold and the money will be take directly from your bank account! Very convenient. They used to offer the same service to Canadian clients, but sadly for whatever reason they've stopped that service :( That is too bad as I wanted to use GoldMoney to keep 25% of my assets in gold.

Check out GoldMoney's website at:

Courtesy: http://alansmoney.blogspot.com/2007/05/goldmoney-economical-and-convenient-way.html

Monday, 21 September 2009

EntroPay introduces prepaid Plastic MasterCard for online payments

UK virtual prepaid cards provider EntroPay has launched the EntroPay Plastic MasterCard prepaid card. http://www.thepaypers.com/news/article.aspx?cid=736974

The initiative is part of the company's prepaid programme and is aimed at customers who choose to pay online for their purchases. EntroPay Plastic MasterCard can also be used for cash withdrawal at any POS or ATM location worldwide which accepts MasterCard. Along with the other services the company provides, namely the EntroPay virtual VISA card and Bank Transfer service, EntroPay Plastic MasterCard allows cardholders to make online payments, move cash in and out of their bank accounts and pay via prepaid cards at brick-and-mortar stores. EntroPay prepaid payment services enable businesses to make payments to their customers across the world. EntroPay has also announced plans to develop a business service in 2009, allowing companies to co-brand the EntroPay Plastic MasterCard with their own logo.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Learn How You Can Successfully Get Registered At Moneybookers

You will have to do little bit of work to get a MoneyBookers or MB account. Once your account is fully activated, you can then get your money from freelance sites with just few clicks. Making an account is not difficult: adding bank accounts can create problems.

So open MoneyBookers.com And signup for a new account. Remember to put all valid information in your account at MB. You should never enter any information that is incorrect or incomplete. The address you will add should be complete and correct. Your data of birth needs to be accurate. Just enter all legit information and you will be just fine.

After you successfully make a account at MB, you then have to click on your address in your MB profile. You will see a option to verify your postal address. Many people do not verify the address when they make the account. And when [after few days or few weeks] they try to request MB to send their money to their bank account: at that time they get a message that their postal address is not verified. Therefore they cannot request any withdrawals until they verify the postal address.

So remember to click on verify link in your MB profile as soon as you create your account. Now you need to add your bank account in your MB account. You can add any bank account in MB as long as that bank is directly connected to SWIFT.

NOTE: some banks are not connected directly to SWIFT network. That is: they use a swift code of some other major bank. In that case you cannot add your bank account to MB. I suggest if you get the SWIFT code directly from your bank then you first go to the SWIFT directory and check if the SWIFT code belongs to your own bank or not. Link to SWIFT directory is given below.

You can call your bank and ask them to give you their SWIFT code. The preferable way to get the SWIFT code is to go here

SWIFT Directory

You will see two boxes: the second one is where you can search by Institution keyword, city and country. You will use this box to search for your bank SWIFT code [BIC code].

There are three fields: the first one is Institution keyword. Here you can enter the bank name where you currently have a account. The second one is City and then country.

First you will search for the bank where you currently have a account. So enter its name in the Institution keyword field. And then enter your city and country names and then click on search. Now see if your bank comes in the search result then it will mean that your bank is connected directly to SWIFT Network. Also make sure that the color shown on the left hand side of the search results is Dark Blue. Dark blue color indicates that the bank is connected to the SWIFT network.

If your search brings no banks in the results then try to search for some other banks in your city. If you find a bank that is connected to SWIFT then you will have to make a account in that bank.

In case you find no bank in your city which is directly connected to SWIFT then you will have to search for the banks in your country that are connected to SWIFT. In the Institution keyword field enter any bank name. Leave the city field blank. That is: do not enter any city name in this search. Select your country and then hit search. You should see a list of banks that have SWIFT code. These banks will be located at different cities in your country.

If you have no other way to get your money from freelance sites then I guess you will have to travel to the nearest bank which is connected to SWIFT Network in your country to make a account there. Once you make the account and add it in MB, you can then collect the money from ATM machines if the bank is too far away.

Leave the city field blank in the search and try to search for different banks in your country and see which one has a branch nearest to where you live.

Payoneer Debit Card & Virtual US Bank Account

Payoneer Debit Card & Virtual US Bank Account
Author: Jimmy

For almost all those who are doing some kind of business online, especially who are not living in the United States, getting payments is often inconvenience. Seeing a strong demand for a new approach to handling business transactions over the net, Payoneer — an Israeli startup firm whose headquarters are in New York City — is driving the concept of prepaid debit cards to influence more Web payout services. The company provides a new type of payment channel for payees which solve problems in other payment methods, such as checks and wire transfers especially for international payroll.
How Did I Have Payoneer’s Debit Card?

If you are actually finding ways to monetize your websites or blogs, sooner or later you would likely end up with a vendor who provides you the payment method via Payoneer Debit MasterCard (PDMC). Over six months ago, I visited ReviewMe and was attracted by this revolutionary payout service, ordering the card and it came to my door two week later.

When I had the first payment one month after, I activated the card and felt very happy while checking the balance with money already in — no more checks which often take months to cash out. Thank God!

In fact, I can use PDMC like any other cards to pay for both online and offline services. I can fund the card from other credit/debit cards or via Western Union (which I prefer) and it is extremely handy to add the same card as payment method to other services like iStockPhotos, TextLinkAds who also support Payoneer’s way (there are over 200 of them AFAIK.)
How about Virtual US Bank Account?

Though PDMC provides excellent payment method it is not total solution for all services. You may still have to receive checks from Google (for income from adsense/checkout services), Commission Junctions or Amazon’s affiliate program etc. if you don’t have an US bank account. As a foreigner, you will hardly open a US bank account without presenting in person at the bank plus a lot of identification docs to show that is impractical for most of us. You may all know the best (and legal) way to withdraw money from your PayPal’s account is to an US bank. Now Payoneer’s virtual US bank account, which is in pilot test period, comes to heal such (big) pain. Here is more info from support forum:

…Since it is ‘Virtual’, it means that it is not a physical full service bank account. However to outside parties who wants to do a ACH (Automated Clearing House), ie Bank to Bank transfer, it would look like a real bank account. You know that Paypal does allow people from some 40 countries to withdraw funds to their US Bank account, this is where the Virtual US Bank account would be of great benefits. Also some affiliates program may pay by check and ACH and does not uses Payoneer as an option, if they can do ACH, you can provide them with your Virtual US Bank account and have them transfer your earnings to there. This would open up a whole new avenue of receiving money from US affiliate programs when you are not in the US.

Also this is a Receive Only account so you be very sure that no one would be able to steal your money if they know your Payoneer-assigned account number and such. All the money you receive through ACH would be transferred to your Payoneer account and you can withdraw or spend the money via the Payoneer Debit Mastercard.

So, the question is “Is it easy to have the account?” From my experience I can’t say it was difficult to ask for but surely Payoneer does not offer it to everyone at the moment. First, you’ll need to join the community forum (highly recommended for many helpful resources about Payoneer card and account there), find feedback e-mail address and send you request with clear reasons why you really need an US bank account. Depending on your payment record and other factors you can receive e-mail with other questions to clarify what you are actually doing on the net. If you can answer all questions honestly and persuasively you would much likely get the account activated which directly links to your PDMC.

Good luck!

Courtesy: http://justtalkaboutweb.com/2008/11/13/payoneer-debit-card-and-bank-account/

Friday, 18 September 2009

Interview with Bruce of Authority Directory

Bruce, who has been working well and constantly doing good with his directory Authority Directory also won the Directory of the Month for January 2008 at PhpLD forums! It was great to talk to Bruce and to take the Interview :) He is popular as swedal in webmaster forums!

Here is what it is -

Q. Some Personal Insight Of Yours?
I see questions all the time in forums about starting a directory. For those of you thinking about starting a quality directory it is not an easy path and takes quite a bit of hard work in building a concept to implementing it to gaining a presence. If you are thinking in terms of a quality directory resource be prepared for the time and effort it will take.

Q. From when are you into the web directory world?
I really started gaining an interest in SEO, link building and website promotion in 2005 while promoting another site of mine. While doing that I learned about and gained a strong interest in directories and the services they provided and about a year ago began planning my own directory. It went through about 3 months of planning a concept and another couple months of building and design to become the Authority Directory which was launched in July 2007.

Q. How many directories do you own, and can you please share them?
I currently have one directory, but I am in the planning stages for another directory which will serve a niche and there is a possibility of making one additional directory after that. It really depends on if I feel I can devote the time necessary to do it right.

Q. How do you rate your own directories now?
I would say the Authority Directory compares favorably with most directories currently available. I personally feel it ranks among the top directories, but of course I am a little biased. You can also look to some third parties that don’t have the bias I do for my own site when it comes to rating the Authority Directory. The Authority Directory recently won the January 2008 Site of the Month from phpLD and first runner up for the 2007 Directory of the Year at iGuides.

Q. What kind of promotions you have done for the directories?
I promote using many methods. Some of the methods I have used are press releases, forum signatures, directory submissions, sponsoring free templates, article submissions, directory lists and a couple that I am forgetting right now.

Q. Do you think your directories will rank well in thousands of these?
You are absolutely right there are thousands of directories out there. The thing is that nearly all of those thousands of directories are just not in the same league as the Authority Directory and cannot be compared. I would say that it ranks very well among the other quality directories.

Q. What are your ways of earning in the directory? Only links or Sitewides etc. ?
The only revenue for the directory is through site reviews for possible inclusion to the directory and the site of the day feature for listings to generate additional traffic. That revenue is turned around to further promote the directory.

As far as the site wide links you mention, you will never see them on the Authority Directory nor will there ever be any adsense related things going on.

Q. Do you have future plans on building the directory more?
I always like to make improvements and I do have a couple ideas for additions to the site, but I think I will keep them to myself because I don’t have a specific timeline for them yet.

Q. Which directory script do you think is the best and why?
I like and prefer phpLD. David and the rest of the people there provide great support for their product and are dedicated to producing quality.

Q. What do you think would be the future of directories?
I think the future of directories can be a strong one for the people who are making them if they focus on the visitors that use them. If your intentions are to make a quality resource with quality content for the traffic you receive you can’t go wrong.

Q. What are your suggestions to the upcoming directory owners?
If you’re going to build a directory, build a quality one that will be useful to your visitors.

Q. Lastly, which is your favorite directory?
Other than mine I assume. I do have a few favorites. Some are for design reasons, some for an innovative feature they have and others because I like the owner. I think rather than run the risk of forgetting one or offending someone else I will politely decline this question.

Courtesy: http://www.nobledirectory.com/directory-owners/