For those that cannot have so much money to invest, the only alternative is to participate to online HYIPs. Online HYIPs unlike those offline, often are less clear and usually people investing in these programs don’t know how exactly their money are invested.
Main incoming income of HYIPs are the stock market, real estate, FOREX and FUTURES markets. Regarding the withdrawing of interests, all HYIPs online use daily, weekly, monthly and yearly payments. To start investing you just need a registration on their sites, open a new account and invest in a project a certain amount of money. After the registration and investments are done, managers of the online HYIP use money invested by private affiliates (not affording to spend the amounts needed to off-line HYIPs programs) and reinvest.
Well thought schemas gives participants an opportunity to get very high intrests impossibile to reach for a private investor, using different methods.
THE RISKS : For a private investor there are no chances to get into an investment without risks. To be honest, if someone decides to invest money and get very high profits, he must risks!
All HYIPs by their nature are condemned to finish in a matter of a day. Do not get into false hope. However this does not mean that you cannot earn good money while they are still running.
Standard lifetime for a project is made of four phases: reach breakeven, growth, saturation and decline.
1. Reach breakeven. In this phase is difficult to judge the quality of the project, however, some indirects factors could suggest you that the project could be fake are already evident.
2. Growth. During its lifetime the project goes beyond production costs and starts making real profits. Success of the project during this phase, totally depends on ability to attract new customers deposit their money.
3. Saturation phase is the easy one of an HYIP projecy. During this phase deposit flux is continuous and stable, program makes its highest profits and customer always get their interests payed.
4. The decline phase is decisive for the success of the program. Serious managers activate some tactical efforts, aiming to take the project out of stagnation and restart making profits, otherwise the project will close.
Evaluate reliability of HYIPs programs before to start investing into a project you’re interested in. It’s mandatory to analyze every aspect of the program.
* The earning percentage
* Sphere of activity to accumulate money
* How the web site appears
* Availability of contacts
* Reviews and other info available on forums and blogs
* Positioning on monitors on line
* Personal researches
Programs offering more than 10% per day or 50% in a week, cannot survive long. Usually an interest rate that allows the project to survive, could vary from 1% to 2%, with some exceptions, but the main rule is this.
Often, presentation and details about the activity about the program are just words, simply used to fill a web page with something. However a nice design, a custome script, security systems in place and a quick support are signs that the project has been thought to be solid and to last.
If the web site is hosted on a free service, has a bad design, content stolen from other sites, means that people who started the project is not serious because refuse to invest their money in the project itself. Think twice before to invest your money in this kind of projects.
Analyze deeply HYIP forums. Dozen of people visit these forum and most of them are experienced people. Thanks to them you can discover serious problems about the project you’re interested in, and understand other investors’ opinion.
First of all the 3 main rules before to start investing:
1. Invest ONLY what you can afford to loose
2. Diversify at least in 10 different programs
3. Always remember point 1 and 2!
Deposit is done through e-money services like Liberty Reserve using a simple form to be filled step by step. Interests are easy to calculate. For example, you invested a certain amout at 2% in a project that long last 365 days. This means that after 50 days your principal is totally returned and from day 51 you’ll start really earning money with the program. Remember: if you are 99% sure about the project be careful! If someone offers you a lot of money, or all your friends are involved in the project, you must diversify to reduce the risks of loss on different HYIP programs.
Privates that want to make good money without get too much risks, should not use HYIP. High profits means alsways high risks. Participants in HYIP should always know that they’re unable to avoid risks, simply because this is not possible at all. But they must try to put risks at lower possible level. There is just one way to minimize risks: diverify.
Scams are always near the corner, the investor must refuse to invest in projects that promise tons of money. Every day a new site come up, offering incredible interest (some offers 400% in one day!), but 100% of these sites are fake. They get your money and run.