Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Interview with Genius Funds. Exclusively for the Ecommerce Journal

February 13, 2009 - 11:46pm | Interviews
Interview with Genius Funds. Exclusively for the Ecommerce Journal

Today more and more people turn to the investment industry. There are a lot of various projects and sometimes it’s very hard to make a right choice. Our journal always tries to keep you informed about the latest tendencies in the ecommerce and investment industry is not an exception. Today we would like to present you an interview with GeniusFunds , one of the successful projects of the modern times.

Q: When opening the main page of your project one gets the impression that we deal with a serious business project with its own traditions and a special approach to the client. What is Genius Funds based on and where is your office located?

Genius Funds: Our offices are located in Limassol, Cyprus and most of our staff is located there. We also maintain an office in Hong Kong that keeps track of Asian markets. Three members of our fund management staff are stationed there. Genius Funds is based on a belief that it is possible to operate an investment business outside the scope of regulatory agencies and thus share the proceeds of a substantially larger prospective profit from investment operations with retail investors.

Q: Please tell us on what the project earns and how successful your business is?

Genius Funds: We operate two investments funds. The funds yield from 5 to 9% weekly with a no-sale period of 150-180 days. Genius also offers a CD account, carrying 6% interest monthly over a 90 day term. The detailed information on the investments that we offer is found on our web site, www.geniusfunds.com.

Q: Offering your service to the clients you naturally have to struggle against your competitors. What methods do you use? What can Genius offer the market that your rivals fail to do?

Genius Funds: Genius Funds is an investment company. We offer investment products that invest into real securities, options and futures. Since our funds are located outside the scope of main regulatory bodies, we are therefore allowed to utilize investment methods that are normally not permitted under various regulatory statutes in the United States, UK and other developed and developing countries. Such investment methods are normally only available to institutional investors or to investors that are classified as professional investors. These include investment in options, futures, “short” trading, index options and more. This allows us to pass down substantially higher profits to retail investors.

Q: On your site we see that "Genius Funds accepts Liberty Reserve, and SolidTrustPay payments, ACH debits, credit cards or international bank transfers". Do you plan to introduce other currencies?

Genius Funds: We currently accept a wide range of e-currencies and we believe that this is sufficient to satisfy the need of most of our clientele. When making a decision to accept an e-currency, our management must balance not only the convenience to our investors but also the soundness of the e-currency provider. Unfortunately this is very hard to measure due to the little information that is usually disclosed by e-currency providers. We are therefore careful in choosing the providers.

Q: Genius works stable and we should admit that according to users’ feedback they appreciate the service. How do you manage to succeed in running your business during the crisis? May be you have some original business solutions?

Genius Funds: As I have already mentioned, the methods that we use include short trades and options. We are therefore able to generate profit on both rising and falling markets. Therefore the state of the world economy, although important to us, is not detrimental to the performance of our investment portfolio.

Q: Your site interface is presented in three languages – English, Chinese, and Indonesian. Do yo? plan to introduce some other languages?

Genius Funds: We plan to localize our site for the benefit of our Spanish and Russian speaking clientele in the near future.

Q: How many clients does GeniusFunds have today?

While I cannot give you a specific number, what I can say is it is well above 10,000.

Q: Usually when people come to some investment project they don’t know what amount to invest in. Many of them are afraid of trusting large amounts to the traders, even if the trader is such famous and respected company is GeniusFunds. Could you please advise what policy and strategy should they choose?

Genius Funds: It is difficult to advise a client in an interview not to invest large amounts with companies that his is not familiar with well. As a representative of an investment firm, I am interested in our prospective clients investing as much as possible with us. However, as an investment professional, I must note that it is a good practice to diversify investment over several companies and not concentrate your hard-earned funds in one place.

Q: On your site we saw contact phone numbers. Could you please tell when it is better to call you and when it is better to write to support team?

Customer support staff is available from 8am to 6pm CET. Twenty-four hour e-mail and live chat support is available via our web site.

Q: Could you describe us the typical client of GeniusFunds? Who is he/she? Age? Occupation?

Genius Funds: We do not collect a lot of information on our clients. Our investors come from all over the world and frankly speaking I do not feel that is a good practice to maintain a detailed profile on each investor. We have a privacy policy that we strictly abide to.

Q: Last year was very successful for GeniusFunds and its users. What plans do you have for 2009? May be some new strategies, investment plans? How do you see the future of GeniusFunds ?

Genius Funds: In 2008 we have filed paperwork for registration of a new investment fund that would track the BOVESPA index. This fund was supposed to be in operation as early as January, 2009. However, the volatility on the equity markets make funds that are tied to an index quite unattractive to prospective investors. We therefore decided to delay the launching of this fund until 2010. In 2009 we are planning to launch a new investment product that will be similar in terms to our popular Genius CD account. We understand that many investors prefer stability over innovation and therefore we do not plan any significant changes in our investment strategies in 2009.

1 comment:

  1. This interview is detailed and useful. Hopefully there will be a representative in the USA.


