Friday, 30 October 2009

Interview with the admin of XrateInvest

Hi everyone! Whether or not anybody
cares to admit it, I think it’s probably a fair statement to say if an
intelligent alien life form was to land on planet Earth, he would
almost certainly think that this wonderful invention we have called
“the internet” was created mostly as a vehicle for the trading of
pornography. Love it or leave it, there’s simply no denying it. It’s a
billion dollar business and it’s here to stay.

Given the widespread acceptance of it I’m quite surprised that
before now we the HYIP business has been slow to capitalize on it.
Who’d have thought the online investments industry was dominated by
such prudish admins, lol! But all that changes now with the creation of
XrateInvest. It’s a short
term HYIP and has been gaining in popularity with it’s commitment to
customer support and more to the point it’s prompt payouts.

So today I’m pleased to bring you an interview with Karin, the admin of XrateInvest.
And I’m pleased to see a refreshingly honest and frank approach to my
questions. Where others would have tried to avoid them, Karin has tried
her best to answer everything as best she can. But before we proceed
let me just remind you that XrateInvest
has three investment plans paying 1% for 14 days, 1.5% for 28 days, and
17.5% for 6 weeks with your principal returned on expiry. For more info
please refer to my original review published here.

1. Hi Karin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in XrateInvest. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?

Hello Paul, and thank you for the Interview. My name is Karin
and I am 45. Oh my god, time is running. Anyway, I came up with the
idea of the XrateInvest
Platform and I am the admin and responsible for all transactions. If I
am on a journey or taking care of our businesses and I can not find
time my husband makes all transactions. So all our funds are managed by
me and my husband and we decide where and how to invest them.

You question is not so clear. You asked what other experience I
have in this Industry. Well in the HYIP Industry I do not have much
experience. I followed the HYIP market some years and even invested
sometimes. Sometimes I won. Sometimes I lost money. That’s it. It is my
first and only online investment program.

In the adult industry I am working together with my husband
since 2003. Before I was working offline (not as a escort or anything)
in the adult industry. I was working for an adult phone company (later
phone and flirt SMS) and even if it may sound funny I was training
their female staff for the live hotlines and I was managing and
promoting the company at adult fairs. That’s how it all started.

2. Can you also give us some background history on the XrateInvest
program? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you
expecting to achieve by this? Tell us about the other people involved
in the project and what their roles?

I am expecting people to be more open minded with this industry.
Do not feel shy to invest in one of the biggest markets in the world.
Financial Crisis? Not for us! I know no one talks about it… But I am
sure 99% of Internet users are looking at porn sites on a regular basis
and a lot of them also pay for it. So why not invest in it and earn
money with it. We are very discreet and no member or direct investor
has to be scared that his/her neighbor or grandmother will point on
him/her and talk behind their back. No one will know… Only our
investors will know and be happy that the account is growing. Maybe we
can not provide profits like 200% after 15 days… But therefore
investors can be sure that our profits are real, stable, reliable and
for a long term.

3. How would you best explain to someone who has
never heard of an HYIP before how the system works? From the very first
moment I decide to invest until the time I receive my first payment,
what happens?

As I follow your Blog now for some time I always find this
question. And I guess most of investors know how to invest. If not then
you should visit our FAQ or “How to Invest” page. Because with us you
can invest direct or become a member first!

4. Tell us about the whole process about joining XrateInvest.
I don’t think I’ve seen this method used before about either by
registering your account or without registering. Why offer a choice at
all and what are the benefits of either? Surely it just adds to the
workload for you and confuses some people?

You can invest direct without becoming a member. Therefor you
just make a direct investment on our Invest direct in Xrate page. There
you can Invest with LR, PM, SP or Pecunix.

Or you can join us and become a member first and make your deposit in your member are

We offer three investment plans and pay 7 days a week! We offer
the S, E, and X, Investment Plan. The profits are the same for online
members and direct investors.

The benefit of being a member is that you can login to your
private members area and see your Earnings, Withdrawal History, Deposit
History, Earning History and more online 24hours per day.

But for every withdrawal you have to make a request. And we do not accept Pecunix payments for investors who join as members.

The benefit of being a direct investor is that all investments
are safe from hackers because payments are sent directly to the account
the investment has been made from. You have to do nothing. Just sit
back and relax. Everything is automated and you can keep on smiling day
by day (or week by week) when you see the payment is already
automatically paid.

So far I can not complain about your idea that it might somehow
add to the workload for us or confuse some people! The workload is
fine. Up to today I did not have a single email where someone was
confused. I think the people who invest in our program are smart enough
to understand. About 60% prefer to become a member first and 40% invest

5. What are the plans you are offering investors?
What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment
processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do
I need to request them?

We offer three Investment Plans. The S. E.and X. Investment Plan

Our S. (Short time Plan) Term: 14 Days Profit: 1% every day
(paid after expiry) Investment: US$ 5-500 Principal Returned Total Roi:

Our E. (Entrepreneur Daily Plan) Term: 28 Days Profit: 1.5 % Daily Investment: US$ 25-10000 Principal Returned Total Roi: 142%

Our X. (Xtra weekly Plan) Term: 42 Days (6 weeks) Profit:
17.5%/weekly (2.5% daily) Profit is paid weekly! Investment: US$
50-50000 Principal Returned Total Roi: 205%

As a member you need to request the payment in your member area.
Direct investors are getting paid automatically. Since LR had some API
problems we make every payment manually. This is more secure for our
members and for us. As I am not a machine and also my husband is only
human too a cashout request from your member area is normally paid
within 12 hours. On weekends up to 24 hours! As a member you can invest
using LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or StrictPay. As a direct Investor you can invest using the same E-Currencies plus Pecunix.
We wanted to add Solid Trust Pay but at the moment we are not sure
about them. We may ad other payment options in the future but we will
let our members know when about this in time.

6. Tell us in as much detail as possible about the security features of XrateInvest.
Are you on a dedicated server? What measures have you taken to protect
the program from DDoS attacks? Who is your hosting provider and how
highly would you rate them as a service provider?

We are hosted on a DDOS and Hacker protected dedicated server.
Our hosting company is hushhosting and so far we had no problems at
all. I think our longest downtime was 4 hours in 2 months! For members
we are using a modified original licensed Neversay script. For direct
Investors we developed our own direct payment script. For extra
security we make a Database Backup every 12 hours and keep all investor
details on and offline.

7. What about the script? Who provides that and how do you rate it? Do you have spyware and anti-virus protection?

As I said we use a original licensed Neversay script provided
from Hushhosting. We never had problems with it and it is a very secure
script with no backdoors. We do use the latest spyware and anti-virus
protection from Kaspersky.

8. What advertising strategy are you using to further promote XrateInvest among potential new investors? Are you happy with the level of support offered by existing members?

So far we are very happy with the support from our members and
the feedback. Of course from time to time I get rude emails asking me
where to find nude pictures of me and my husband, others are
threatening us that we will end up in hell but I just delete such
comments or emails. 90% of emails are positive. In the next 2 weeks we
will start with a more aggressive marketing strategy to become more
known in the HYIP industry and to compete with the Top10!

9. What kind of customer support do you offer? What
is the best way they contact you if they have any issues with their
investments? Do you offer telephone support or Live Chat at this point?
What about investors who aren’t so good with English?

At this point we offer E-Mail support in English, German and
French. We also offer Ticket support for direct support on our site.
Recently we lunched our site for German speaking investors in German as
the number of German investors (also Austrian and Swiss Investors) was
increasing day by day.

You can also send as a fax in German, English or French. I removed the
Live chat from our site as it was not used and nor really needed. I may
introduce it again when the time is right. We do not offer Phone
support yet.

10. Maybe you could tell us more now about the outside business interests of XrateInvest? How are you investing members money? How can investors independently verify the truth of any of your claims?

My husband and me, formed this platform. We decided to start
this online investment platform this year (2009), well it was more me.
We are investing members money first in our own businesses Adult online
sites, online shops, cam girls sites and our new adult DVD adult film

About 30% of the investors funds are invested in online adult
shops. 20% in our own Xrate adult shops and 10% in online adult shops
from other adult entrepreneurs. About 25% we invest in our newly formed
DVD, adult film production and just 5% in phone sex services (mostly in
Germany 0900 or 118.. numbers). We invest the biggest share of the
members money in adult content sites. About 50% of the investor funds
are invested in Cam Girl Sites and Adult Sites.

The investor can soon verify our claims if he is willing to take
part on an over 18 fax request verification process. Therefor we need
the members national ID or the Passport. This is for active members
only and we will give the member a 6 hour test tour for one of our
sites. If the member is scared of ID theft he can overwrite his
Passport No or/and his full name or implement a watermark. We will just
check the age and the country where the fax was send from. In some
countries members will also be able to verify their age using a 3rd
party (for example in Germany

11. I have seen your claims that your hosting
provider (HushHosting) does not allow you to provide links to adult
orientated material, but I read their terms of service and only see
that they prohibit child pornography. So why no links to the online
shops? If that is really the business you are financing through your
HYIP, surely it only makes sense to promote that too?

Our site (XrateInvesr)
is hosted on a server in Malaysia. And they do not allow adult content
at all. If we are allowed to implement links or banners on our site
that will forward the user to adult content sites hosted in other
countries, then it’s still a question for me but I will try to find
out. When I first ordered other sites (not HYIP but adult content
sites) with HushHosting I got a refund because of that issue.

12. If you are not permitted to publish these links
yourself, then money-news-online has no such restrictions. Perhaps you
can provide me with the necessary information and the links that
investors will need to verify all of this?

Thats what our over 18 fax request verification process is
therefor. The fax has nothing to do with our hosted country and also
the 3rd party verification process will help. As soon as we set up
everything you, our members and the Money-News-Online readers will be
the first to know.

13. With so many good programs around now, what
would be the one thing you would say to investors who are still
undecided on which program to pick? What are the benefits of joining XrateInvest over any other program? What are the advantages to the investor?

I do not want to repeat what other admins like to say, but I
think I have to. We are real. I know, I think in the MNO Interview
history you never found a admin saying: “sorry, I am just sitting here
waiting for your funds to pay old investors with new funds…”

The only think I can say we are real adult entrepreneurs and we
know what we are doing. And I think we are the first and only online
investment platform on the online investment market investing in our
own adult businesses and in other successful adult entrepreneurs.

14. And finally what can we expect to see next from XrateInvest? What are your plans for the short to medium term future of the program?

You can expect a lot from us. XrateInvest
is just starting. Not only the unique option that investors can invest
direct or become a member first, or our completely different investment
strategy. Not even the over 18 verification process will make us more
strong. But the most important part. We keep on paying and paying and
paying for a very long future long after you forget about most other
online HYIPs around at the moment. Thank you Paul for your great Blog
and for the Interview.

And thanks a lot to Karin as well for such an interesting and
revealing interview. And granted while it is at least a different and
unique approach than that adopted by most online HYIPs, it doesn’t mean
that you the investor should treat XrateInvest
any differently. By which I mean you are ultimately responsible for
your own money so it’s up to you and no one else, not me, not Xrateinvest, to satisfy yourself about the information presented to you by any program admin. My personal opinion of Xrateinvest
is based entirely on my own experience with them and so far I have yet
to find reason for complaint. But nonetheless you are advised to
excercise the same level of caution you do with all programs.

That’s about it for the moment guys, but don’t go too far! I’ll be
back later this evening with a full news update from all the programs
covered by the money-news-online monitoring page so stay tuned for that. See you later, guys!


Step-by-step tutorial on how to be a wealthier HYIP player (Admin)

Please DON’T try this at home. It is meant for fun without prior thorough studies ;)
If you are still searching for ways on how to be successful with HYIP, search no more, I’m spending my bed time for this article for seekers like you. Yeah you, the one with some fund in e-gold account and don’t know where to invest it.

Most HYIP players, when engaging in any HYIP plans, believe that they can be rich in 4-5 months and later can be a millionaire in a year. The truth is, until now nobody can tell us how many millionaires are there that gain their wealth by investing $1000 initial deposit and get huge $1,000,000 from HYIP. Oh, you don’t want to be a millionaire, but looking for steady passive monthly income from HYIP. Rite.. we will see if I have a better offer now.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that nobody will get rich with HYIPs, some really will. Not only rich, very rich. The key point is, don’t be “most HYIP players”, because all of them will fail and end up loosing the money, but contrary be “some HYIP players” because they are the ones who will always win and earning money. Do you know anyone using nickname “Admin” in your last programs? These are the “some HYIP players” that I’m referring to. I mean, if you want to be rich, be an Admin, not the investors.

Is it that hard to be an Admin? How about those technical things? How about money generator programs that suppose to be the backbone to the HYIP? I will walk you through all of these, and it will be nuts once you get the real picture of it.

Step-by-step tutorial on how to be a wealthier HYIP player (Admin);

1. Getting Ready

Before you start thinking on the payplan, it is good to create a good market base first. Market base is where you will position your program and I will tell you how to do that successfully.

First, in any business deals, rapport or human relationship will play the biggest role at the early stage. You need to have good reputation; be known as someone with good personality to your potential investors. This mission is fairly easy via online forums or online chat program. You need to belong to some group of people, or in an online community. It is better to get along with invest-minded people and be really good to them.

Second, build your circle of friends. Ask your online buddies to a gathering party somewhere and buy them a drink. It is a small investment from you, don’t bother it, you will get bigger return soon. Smile, be smart and polite, then earn a little respect from them. Better yet, get close to community leaders or moderators because they are the ones who will bring you more potential investors.

Third, create your armies. These people are your defenders and they will protect you in difficult times should something goes wrong at some stages after this. But this a pre-emptive move, you need to have some loyal friends to expand your HYIP empire. Lone-ranger is the big NO-NO.

2. Plotting the plan

Have some half-serious discussions with loyal friends on how to make more money. Remember they are also invest-minded people, so the idea to make more money is more than welcome. Propose your plan in a dinner or luncheon and show them that you care by welcoming for their suggestion and ideas. Don’t get greedy yet, adjust the plans accordingly until a good solution is found.

Now it’s the time for a words-of-mouth advertisement. Remember, you want to reduce the cost right? The best advertisement, according to MLM experts, is via words-of-mouth. Let your loyal friends do the pre-sales tasks and promise them a good referal commission. This is very important! The best way to get your business expansion to be wide and fast is by offering an affiliation. That’s the fact, and it’s implemented by most of the internet companies. Don’t believe me? Check or 10% commission out of new member initial deposit will be a good deal.

3. Getting the business website

By now you should be having a strong support by your friends and if you don’t, go back to Step 2 and ask for more inputs from your friends or armies.

Getting a website is fairly easy nowadays and you will get a bunch of scritp coders offering their service at at a very reasonable price. Get the one with quickest lead time since you need to be fast to grab the attention and trust people put on you.

Buy a good domain name for a less than $10/year, and run the script anywhere on an anonymous web servers. Why anonymous? Of course you need to hide your identity to avoid safety problem at later stages. Search for anonymous domain registration and web hosting services and you will get tons of them. is one.

The last but not least, the most important thing is how to accept payment in your HYIP. Be extra carefull. Don’t do something stupid to accept payment in your bank accounts since it will reveals your real identity. The best way to accept payment is using account. Why? Because you don’t want to use payment processor such as PayPal that will freeze your account upon a single complaint, or MoneyBooker because they will require you to give your real bank account. E-gold is the most secure payment processor for HYIP owners because you can create a lot of accounts as proxies and you can hide your identity almost 100%. E-gold rarely entertain customers complaint, that’s good for HYIP owners, you don’t want account to be freezed soon. We will talk later how to secure your fund in e-gold.

4. Launching the HYIP

This is critical. Call your friends and let them choose their favourite number as their referal ID. A referal ID is the unique number used to identify which members are refering new members for commission purpose. This is very important so that they will feel something special with the number for example, the 777, 1000, or 8888 number will be good ones. This act as a psychological push so these friends feel like belonging to the program and most importantly will also promote and recommend it to more friends. That’s what we are looking for, rite?

5. Running the business

This is the fun part. You can see as the words of mouth spread, people start coming in depositing money for the plan. At this time, you need to be extra fresh to entertain people’s enquiry, answering quetions in online forums, etc. If you are smart, hire assistants to do some of the jobs. Give them brief information on the business and let them answer the questions by customers while you can concentrate on the business itself.

If your plan is 120% return after 12 days, then you need to be very sharp in paying the investors. Don’t delay any seconds so that you will build a strong level of trust that investors can hold on. You need to take of this because a satisfied customer will bring another customers. More customers, more deposit.

But wait, you need to balance between the need to prolong the business and the need of yourself - to gain the wealth. Fact #1, HYIP cannot exist forever. It cannot running live even for a year. But at the same time your business need some time for expansion. So how would you manage the business need and your own need?

The magic formula is to maintan 80:20 ratio. 80% of your fund will be paid back to investors. Don’ exceed the 80% unless you want less money. For example, if you are offering 120% return in 12 days, then you need to be ready to payback the investors on the 12th day of your running business onwards. But at anytime, keep the 80:20 ratio.


Assume that for every 10 satisfied investors, 4 new investors will coming in.
Assume that every investor will deposit $15 (average, some will spedn more or less).

Day 1, 2 investors, total fund $30.00.
Day 2, 3 investors, total fund $42.00.
Day 3, 4 investors, total fund $58.80.
Day 11, 58 investors, total fund $867.76.
Day 12, 81 investors, total fund $1,214.87.
Day 13, 113 investors, total fund $1,700.82. (you need to pay 2 investors from day 1)
Day 14, 113 investors, total fund $1,700.82. (you need to pay 3 investors from day 2)
Day 30, 34,573 investors, total fund $518,602.12.

You need to be wise to maintain the 80:20 ratio. Some excuses needed in the process to delay payments while waiting for new fund, for example;
1. Problem with hosting provider.
2. Problem with DDOS and hackers.
3. Problem with your FOREX.
4. Problem with slow e-gold site.
5. Problem with stuff handling the payments.

And so on, just be creative in giving excuses. Remember your aim is to maintain 80:20 ratio and don’t let the investors down just yet.

At the end of the month, you will get a total deposit amount of $518,602.12. Looks good, but that’s not the real amount you have in hand since some payments have been done from Day 13 until now.

With easy calculation, 80% of it is $414,881.70 and the balance is $103,720.42. If you have been smart in the business and manage the magic ratio well, $103,720.42 is in your account now and it’s about time to prepare for the next step. For the record, using $414,881.70 amount, you have paid $345,734.75 (it’s $414,881.70/1.2) initial deposits, equivalent to 66% of the total deposit, meaning 66% of the investors has been paid.

6. How to deal with unpaid investors

A better HYIP owner should be able to know what to do with the rest 34% of the unpaid investors. A hit-and-run HYIP owner will never want to know what will happen to them, because the only interest to him is the balance $103,720.42. Grab it fast, do something else with the money, forget those unpaid investors. But wait, that sounds not really smart. This article is about successful HYIP owners, so you should be smarter than those badasses. Smartasses should be able to exploit the things and repeat it few more times for a bigger reward.

By this time, you will have some inconvenience in managing those unpaid investors. They will shout and demand for an instant action. But don’t worry too much, you are still not alone at this stage. This article comes complete with contigency plan.

First, you have your loyal friends who can give the best support all the time. Give them some info, make them feel like “’s the insider info and I’m the first to know!” sensation and they will go around and tell those unpaid investors with whatever news you feed them willingly. That’s the point of close relationship. Now you know what’s the need for free drinks and sweet talks?

Second, out of all investors, only 34% are not paid, the rest 66% are happy campers. It’s nearly double the size and these will be your new armies. It’s unbeleivable that these guys will fight for you in whatever manners. They will face the curse and defending your program. There will be a war between the paid and unpaid investors, but be rest assured everything will be fixed since it’s proven that the minority voices are never heard in a large crowd. This is smart, if you have a pencil rite now, jot it down somewhere on a piece of paper so you won’t miss this lesson.

7. Spread the news

You have few working employees, some loyal friends and a large crowd of satisfied investors.. now what?

The first thing to do is to handle the unpaid investors. Promise a clean refund and you are not going anywhere to run. Let them have a good faith that their money is in good hands of yours and they will get it back. The best thing to do is to assign at least two employees, or your loyal friends to answer complaints and manage the refund list. Why you need at least two people doing this? It’s our aim to delay everything and the more people giving updates, the more unmatched news will coming in from each of them. Time taken to restore and explain the unmatched news is another bonus for the delay.

Second, spread a rumors that a better program is coming. This new program will fix whatever flaws were there in the first program. This will be sweet. You have good employees and friends, a number of happy investors too. They will force a team and eagerly waiting for the second program. Oops, the referal commission must be there, or should be better than before. Expect some rejections from unpaid investors of the first program, but hey… you have your own market right now. The running of the second program is about the same, but reserve 1 payment out of 10s to be paid to unpaid investors from the first program. This is your best chance to shut their mouth up one by one. It won’t be long though, but will be helpful.

Third, it’s time to outsource your available fund to some good opportunities. Your wealth empire is about to begin. Some amount of profit from this program will be used to pay the unsatisfied insvestors from the first program. Honor your promises. Don’t get away just like that. Pay them as soon as you have some profit from your main core money generator. It’s 100% yours, but you will want to clear you name for future business right? Don’t mind the duration taken for the refund, you will get over it after 1 or 2 years, depending on how good your money generator is. After that time, all the money is yours, and nobody is going to ask you to pay anything.

8. Clearing the things

We have learnt before on how to run the first program, and how exploit the truth and enter the second program. There are also methods on how to manage unsatisfied investors and how to secure your available fund in a favourite money generator. Not less important, the ways to manage the refund by using 1 out of 10 payments in program #2 for program #1, as well as how to win back your reputation by using profit gained from your secured money generator to pay unsatisfied investors. It will take 1 or 2 years to pay them all, but it will just worth it.

Few numbers to remember in this artcile;

1. Available fund from program #1: $103,720.42.
2. Unpaid deposit from program #1: $172,867.37.
3. Available fund from program #2: $68,455.48.
4. Unpaid deposit from program #2: $116,374.32.
5. Total available fund: $172,175.90.
6. Total unpaid deposit: $289,241.69.

It doesn’t matter how long you will pay off the $289,241.69, but assuming you are putting all $172,175.90 in a good and secure offshore investment about 3% per month, then you can settle 1.7% of the ‘interest-free debt’ every month. It’s about 5 years, afterall you are the master and you will decide how much you want to pay, not the ‘payees’. After 5 years, you will have a clean and full ownership of $172,175.90 in your offshore account, giving and average income of $5K/month, not bad for a few months of hard works!

What would happen if you can repeat Step 1-7 in 2 or 3 times? Welcome to intenet-millionaire club ;)

Please DON’T try this at home. It is meant for fun without prior thorough studies ;)
Posted October 28th, 2006 by mightyhitter under Make Money

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Interview with Admin of StableInterest - by HYIP Daily Blog

° Please introduce yourself and your program.

My name is Brian Reynolds. I am the Support Manager of

° Why do you start Stableinterest? When did you start Stableinterest?

The project is working since January 2006. It has been launched by the team of professional traders and analysts. We offer reliable and long-term opportunity for online investors. Since that time it wasn’t rather popular cause the main goal was working with private investors without spreading our activity online. And in the middle of 2008, the investment plans have been updated to, the design become more good-looking and navigation has been made easier for the clients. Our investment opportunity has become available for everyone.

° How is your program different from the rest of the HYIP programs?

It is not the matter of difference. It is the matter of stability and constant profit payouts. We are managing loan funds trading on stock market and futures market in the sphere of energetics and agriculture. We are on the stage from January 2006. Within that time we were working on modernizing our trading systems, which purpose is secured profit without the smallest risk for our investors.

Speaking about risk, I should admit, trading futures as well as on the stock market, implies clear understanding of the main principles and rules.

° What is your experience with investments (such as solar investments, online investing) mentioned from your site?

One of the main aspects of our investment activity is trading futures in the sphere of energetics. Solar investing is a brand new way to make profit from depositing funds to this extremely profitable and prospect industry. With the oil supplies reducing worldwide rapidly, every wise person would feel like seeking for alternative energy resources. And surely, making a step to having a solid portfolio with alternative investment would certainly make benefit both for our investors and ourselves. Of course along with solar energy, there are other various investment trends, mainly aimed at alternative energy sources, such as bio-based and hydrogen-based energy, which are going to become one of the most profitable way of investing money to.

° What is your business concept?

it can be said in two words: secured profit without the smallest risk for our investors for the sake of constant modernizing our trading systems, applying risk-management strategies and diversifying the investment portfolio to the utmost. The ultimate destination point is giving Stable Interest to our clients.

° How do you make profit for members of your program?

We have experienced and professional traders, who apply unique, modern technologies as well as advanced trading strategies in their work. Besides, as i have already mentioned, one of the main aspects of our investment activity is trading futures in the sphere of energetics, which are going to become one of the most profitable way of investing money to in the nearest future.

° How do you plan to make your program stable for a long time and archive your goal?

Now taking into account the worldwide crisis, we don’t want to make any long-term forecasts, anything may happen, however the entire team makes all possible not to let our investors down… so far we manage with that and everyone is satisfied. we are constantly modernizing our trading systems applying risk-management strategies and diversifying the investment portfolio to the utmost.

° Is your company officially registered? If you are registered, can you provide any document? Do you have a contact phone number and physical office?

Yes we are registered on the Seychelles, offshore jurisdiction, however, we can’t disclose the exact location without prior cooperation with our investors. Once our investors and we know each other better and gain some good cooperation experience, we share some more private details including the registration certificates and address details.

° How does your program comply with the SEC if you are located in US?

We are not located in the US. For the particular reason not to deal with SEC we chose offshore registration.

° Could you send me the track record for all of your Traders if you are making online investing?

Sorry, we can’t do that. Our traders work exclusively with We can’t share their private data due to the agreements with them.

° What are the risks with your program? What is your backup plan if something went wrong with your program?

Speaking about risk, I should admit, trading futures as well as on the stock market, implies clear understanding of the main principles and rules. is online since 2006. We have experienced and professional traders, who apply unique, modern technologies as well as advanced trading strategies in their work.

There is also a reserve fund, used for compensating possible losses during bad trading days and which is which is constantly growing as the profit rises. All the interests are we pay out are real; all the portfolios were tested at work, and proved their profitability.

° Do you have a Reserve Fund established for members?

There is a reserve fund, used for compensating possible losses during bad trading days and which is which is constantly growing as the profit rises. All the interests are we pay out are real; all the portfolios were tested at work, and proved their profitability.

° How do you manage the work of your support services? How can members contact you?

We prefer online contact with our members. Our e-mail support works 24/7. The Live Chat is available for 8 hours per day. The working hours alter.

° Please tell us how you protect your site from DDOS attack as well as other security issues.

Our hosting provider is managing the DDOS protection of our dedicated server. In case the attack is very serious we apply more serious ways of protection from outside.

° Why do you choose Liberty Reserve as payment processor over others?

Liberty Reserve has proven to be the most stable online payment processor. They currently have no problems with blocking members’ accounts or anything else. There are also nor serious complaints about it online. Their security system is high enough to secure maximum safety of the clients’ funds.

° What do you think of my blog, “HYIP Daily Blog”?

Your blog is nice to read, and easy to navigate. All in all it contains lots of useful information for the high yield seekers.

° Do you have anything else you would like to add for our readers?

The investment choice is purely yours. All information presented on ours site is for your acquaintance only. We are not trying to make your putting your funds to any of our investment portfolio. We encourage you to make a thorough research before you take the final decision. Still once you are ready to join our members’ community, we shall do our best to provide maximum services and profit possible. Our purpose is to make our cooperation with you mutually profitable.

So, enjoy your reading. Thanks for taking time to look through this interview. Welcome to

Mark Goldstein of AIM Trust Talks to Ecommerce Journal: "We’re open for creative proposals..."

October 23, 2009 - 2:14pm | Interviews | Investment industry |

Q: Hello! Thank you very much that you've agreed to meet me. Your project drew much attention of our visitors, and we prepared questions on behalf of them.

A: Hello! I'd like to note that this interview had been planned for the middle of July; alas, due to our busy schedule we managed to find time only now. At last, we have several hours to seat ourselves and talk for a while with no hurry. I guess we have many interesting things to cover. Because everything which is being done is done in the best way possible, perhaps right now, after AIM Online operated in the market for a half of the year, we may estimate the first results, and see their actual worth, do we?

Our department, and I'm stressing it again, has been operating for a half of the year, so many visitors have had enough time to observe it, get an impression about its work, and correlate its operation with their own strives or aspirations. We didn't hide from the media, quite opposite - we're always ready to inform the public about our business. Especially, after launching AIM Online department, that had initially been oriented at public work and namely at small cap investors. Our activity, as we see it, must be justly and correctly understood despite the complex moves while doing the real business, must be really open in everything that doesn't fall to commercial secrets, must be valuable in all respects that are linked to our existing partners and those who wish to participate in the future. That's the preamble. Let's start with questions. Please.

Q: Could you say a few words about you and your role in AIM?

A: Yes, sure I could. My name is Mark Goldstein. I have been working for AIM for five years, and my current position is Support Team Chief, in general, and my position is Marketing and Public Relations Director in particular. Thru my department, the main streams of communication between all AIM Online members and executives are running. In a way, we're on a leading edge, at the cross-road of important communication paths, and work to bring reliable pieces of information to our member. When troubles "knock the door of our house" (who can boast that he has none?), we work hard, like devils, to overcome them ASAP. I hope our attempts are felt by our partners.

Q: How many people are engaged in the project? Could you please name all of them, and specify their responsibilities?

A: Every matter regarding the closed AIM Club, in the available scope, set by the founders, is given on our web site - All I can add to it is that this structure incorporates several financial and logistic companies. So, it's better to concentrate on AIM Online, because all world wide members work only with it; moreover, only this department effects our and their close co-operation in the utmost. I guess your readers are interested in this, too. The part of the project linked to the Internet, the department that provides services in this field, is staffed with good professionals. With my pleasure, here they are:

Directors: Carlos Aloma, David Menotti, Yahaira de Sedas.

Accountant: Irma Goldstein (my wife).

Security: Edel von Zimmerhorndten.

Finances: Joseph Zabronsky, Bjorn Gee.

Commodity: Fritz Stramm, Norma Wiunga.

IT: Salman Singh.

PR department: me, the Chief, and my team, support managers: Robin Katz, Ralph Sinopoli, Monica Rodriguez, Carol Yetman, Jane F. Jee.

Q: Where are you based?

A: The whole Internet-based business department work is conducted on behalf of the Safe Assets S.A., an offshore company, registered in Panama. It has all licenses relevant to Panamanian national regulations. In Panama, we have offices that provide our legislation support. Though historically, due to the development of AIM TRUST, our head office is located in Great Britain, plus other offices are scattered mainly in Europe as well. The location of our head office is easily explained, it's closely linked with AIM communication department that works with the London Stock Exchange and many industrial companies. We got several Scandinavian offices, general support and logistics. Many of our specialists work distantly, so sometimes it's hard to talk about an office, for a person might be really sitting at home in front of his computer. This doesn't interfere with our activities; in many respects it allows to supersede time gaps of the globe and lower business expenses. When choosing between opening an office in a country and hiring a teleworker, say, Russian or Middle East oil extraction analysist, or hire even a freelancer for solving whatever a problem might be, we don't restrict ourselves to any given form, we're very flexible. So do many companies, we are not a rare exclusion in this statistics.

Q: Can we have a look at your incorporation documents?

A: The scans of the documents are available for the verified users on our web site (in their interface) . If anyone is not verified, please do, the procedure is simple, and it's described on our web site: Naturally, it requires an ID with photo, proof of residence, and the signed co-operation agreement. Our Security Policy limits opening ALL corporate documents for the general public. Hope it is an understandable limitation.

Q: Can investors visit your office, or meet with your rep anywhere?

A: Well, here I am with a cup of tea in front of you.:) But! Our company separates the closed AIM TRUST CLUB Members and AIM Online members. The first have personal managers and usually, quarterly of semi-annually, visit the Club Directors' offices. They check reports, accountancy, business issues; they make general decisions. At their meetings, they vote on principal matters. The AIM Online members, being now the lower partners in the business ranking (this relates to the sums invested, thus to the amount of responsibility gained within the AIM TRUST overall operations), in present are undergoing a very important process. It can be called "selection", if we take the small caps, or "extraction", if we look at the process from for the CLOSED CLUB Members' point of view. You understand what I mean, do you? In a year or so, the AIM TRUST is going to choose among AIM Online members potential partners who invested substantial sums in the project, and invite them for a meeting with the AIM Closed Club Members, or the AIM TRUST founders. There are several issues to be talked over, and all of them are linked to the current globe climate change. For it's the climate change that makes us think that our future in the oil and gas markets won't have heavy clouds above our smart heads. Whereas to gather several thousand AIM Online members (as it is now) is impossible. And to be true, we don't need to know everyone personally. Presently, every Closed Club Member's investment exceeds the total investment fund of all AIM Online members. Everything else you may conclude by yourself. That's why we consider just logical to use the AIM Online facilities and the support team as it is, i.e. distantly. And the feedback, BTW, is faster in any case.

Q: What support options do you offer?

A: We offer the following communication paths: E-mail, live-chat, phone, fax, mail. We published all contacts on our web site, here: Optimal way is e-mailing, for technical questions, either straight to our e-mail address or thru the contact form on the web site. The majority of the e-mails received are answered within 24 hours.

Q: When did the program launch?

A: AIM Trust has been in operation for more than 7 years, and starting from the beginning of 2004 (5.5 years) we have utilized to connect Club's Members with each other. The AIM Online department commenced in March, 2009, and is now becoming popular. Plenty of our offers are unique even for the indulged Internet audience.

Q: Why do you feel the need to have a referral incentive program?

A: Being and reckoning ourselves a modern company, we look into the future. The marketing technologies, especially the ones used in the Internet, are the most progressive. We don't need to spend millions of dollars to address a multiple audience via massive TV ads, there are other ways to bring forth what we want. Our partnership program is being constantly updated to maximally correspond to the needs and requirements of the users and for promoting our services as well. Anyone may find details and materials about the referral incentive program at the special web site, in FAQ pages. We always think how to develop this direction, and try to make our best. If your readers wish to write us any proposals, please, we're ready to consider everything, do not be shy.

Q: Do you use free or paid web hosting?

A: Our program complex doesn't consist of the things that are visible from "outside" only. Beside the website itself, we got programs for the CLOSED CLUB Members' secured communication mounted at the servers' clusters, and we have various integrations with stock exchanges, finance markets, including Bloomberg and the like, access to subscribed databases. It's a lot of stuff, so to say, and it's serious. So, our hardware in fact is a dozen of servers secured as hell. You may understand how much we spend on proper running all these, it can't be partially or completely free.

Q: What do you think sets your program apart from all the other "opportunities" out there?

A: AIM Trust represents an incorporated offshore structure and a vehicle at the base of which modern technologies in finance control and management have been introduced. These have been adjusted to innovative technologies in metal industry manufacturing, in particular - pipes. We manage construction of pipelines, refineries, terminals, and reservoirs for oil and gas, we manage replenishments and delivery, deal or interact with import-export operations, take part in financing various construction in the fields already mentioned. The majority of the accumulated means was collected by investments of several private investors within the frames of the CLOSED CLUB. Now, AIM Trust is open for the broader public, and small cap investors may participate in the AIM TRUST business as investors via special AIM Online department.

That is to say, despite many other widely advertised projects that draw investments online, our activity not only has a legal basis that can be easily checked (anyone wishing to do so may see the documents and the licenses at our web site, receive co-operation agreement and guarantee), but it is backed by our real offline business - pipes and metal-roll.

Q: You've mentioned on your web site that your online representation had a limited duration. Please explain why?

A: Please follow my explanation intensely, it's very important. We are doing what we call the process of gathering impact force in advance; to meet the future rising demand for energy suppliers and energy transporting facilities. For this reason, long before the actual time come (we expect that it'll take three-five years), we shall have been financially as well as technically equipped at highest. We differ from other investment programs, because we know what shall be after a certain period of time! In other words, we predict that the climate change will soon effect (and it is already) the necessity to consume more and more gas and oil at least in Europe, and for this purpose we slowly look for proper accumulating funds and for proper people who have these funds, for those who is able to read the map of the world together with us. There are special market milestones that inevitably show a specific change is slowly taking place, despite the crisis, despite the seemingly chaotic moves of the market players. For instance, do you know that Europe is gradually freezing? Why so many summer fires or floods in the recent decade? I guess no, you don't… So, we openly declare that our objective is to bring up a new generation of investors through very long (several years) and saturated field learning period. During which we just don't do ill-considered steps, do not make unrealistic plans, as it sometime happens with "wise" guys. Based on thorough predictions of the future energy supply and its routes, we made up our minds that a sharp rise in energy carriers must be met by a proper development of production of pipes (because gas and oil lie in areas distant from the areas of consumption) and the like: Equipment, refinery plants, etc. That is why our AIM Online will work only three years. After that we, and partially during this three years, too, will pay attention to those investors who's smart enough to see the future the way we do, and who's ready to co-operate with us on a maximum possible level. This means not only money, sometimes sheer eagerness to jump on board in time means much. Please have a glimpse at the clause 9.7. of our co-operation agreement - you'll find there the exact duration this agreement be in force.

Q: What will you do then with the "chosen" investors before the year 2012, and after the deadline?

A: It takes several years in a college, and several years of practice to make a doctor. So is with investors. They should learn, step by step, how things are going, they should work together with us, feel along all our ups and downs as well. Besides, we are taking part in financing construction of several pipes lines, by the end of which our contracts are going to be re-considered, this is again 2012. This means the contracts can or would be changed. And these changes gonna be of the two-side character. First is the future economic situation. Nobody knows for sure what will be in three years. Second, we expect that by that time our production partners make sure we're the team worth working with on the highest level possible. By that time, we resolved to choose among the current and soon-to-appear Online members a number of persons who anticipate the future in exactly the same terms as we do. We will offer them other co-operation conditions and let them enter the "holy ground" of our inner business realities. All other members will be given the proposal to leave the project, or stay, but the conditions for small caps will be changed. For instance, the minimal investment sum will rise sharply. What we guarantee right now is that we will continue our quest of our future partners to the CLOSED CLUB. As for the principals and payments online, they will go for a long time. From time to time we will change our co-operation terms, but our rules do not have retroactive force. So online members can be absolutely sure, we will execute what we promised.

Q: Wow, a serious endeavour! I think if I talk about online members a bit more, you won't consider it picking trifles from a basket full of really important issues. What steps have been taken to secure online members funds?

A: Online members, my dear, are not trifles. Mind it. Nobody knows where one can find a pearl: on a beach or in a mud. We respect our online members, they are just newcomers for us, so we look at them and they look at us; that's the situation. We do not use third parties to work with the funds collected thru AIM Online, everything is controlled by our staff, including orders to brokers who buy and sell bonds of our and affiliated companies, and tie mutual commitments for delivery of metal production and other docs that guarantee profit-share. The money is always into circulation, always in liquid valuables that do not depend on stock exchange leaps due to their nature.

Q: How do you generate the returns for your investors, big ones as well as small caps?

A: Our web site provides detailed information on the cycles that bring us returns. The cycles are different, and the number of deals every week is different, too. We're constantly searching new ways, and I can say that we find them. The real oil and gas, though hidden from the eyes of people, is developing despite everything; you know, energy is energy, homes must be heated whatever's happening.

Q: Do you trade yourself or do you employ traders?

A: We are not engaged much in trading at various stock exchange markets; it's a necessary part of our work to balance expenditures and returns, and to hedge the intrinsic risks. In fact, the only one stock exchange, that of London, is really important, for it's London that our customers and clients are present en masse. We do not employ traders, for we don't need them, almost every deal we're in - we're capable to finalize by ourselves. Neither of our affiliated company is engaged in trading bonds, too.

I'd like to note that recently a well-known forum published groundless charges against AIM allegedly accusing us in using insider information in trading shares of the enterprises we work with or even finance. Well, if those "friendly" competitors do not obtain friendly advantages, they summon black PR. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I officially declare that we use "Boiler room" for its object matter, as the boiler.:)

All our activity has always been in strict accordance with the laws and norms, plus we're widely known for scrupulous attention to everything, and legal support of our moves is an area that doesn't like jokes.

Q: Do you piggyback other online programs?

A: A fine question. Our corporate structure, as an integration of companies that formally as well as practically are legal entities, any type of affiliation, cross-sharing and cross-responsibilities take place only between participants of this very structure and contractors we deal with. We do not have any connection or relation to other investment projects either publicly, or online. We're the subject that should be treated separately from others, and thus we do not carry any responsibility for other online projects and their responsibilities.

Q: Have you ever had late payments?

A: No, we haven't. As I said we unconditionally execute everything we're obliged to in strict accordance with the co-operation agreement and guarantee. There might be, alas, technical matters due to glitches in our system, some faults are caused by the electronic money systems, but that is all I may mention. Any event, a member's e-mail, or a live-chat report to support triggers the mechanism of fixing the problem with the help of our technical department.

Q: Our readers are curious (and sometimes annoyed), why your web site is so knotty, why there are frequent bugs or failures?

A: Thank you very much for this question! We always welcome critic and notices aimed at bettering our services, and meet the remarks adequately, reacting to the point. For us these signals are the system feedback response, or a sign that we have to consider changes or updates or even re-develop the existing online facilities in order to raise business co-operation.

Initially and several years after, AIM TRUST was oriented at the integration work with the current Closed Club Members only, and their number has been restricted and a few; so all reciprocity was performed at the individual, personal level, just manually, so to say. With the opening of AIM Online, we had to update and re-develop the whole design and interaction interface, because we had to consider the needs of the initial founders, so that the changes wouldn't effect them, and, probably, exact conservatism of some of them. That's why, at present the web site's interface is a sort of compromise between the new direction - AIM Online, and the traditional one - Club. Perhaps, at the first glance the re-presentation of the project seemed to be quite intricate, but it applies to "at the first glance" only. We're asking our new visitors to be patient and see the contents in the way it is now, i.e. attentively. We have done much and worked hard to make the project's essence as full as possible, and design the interfaces intuitively understandable. Well, there is no limit in attaining perfection, and we would be happy to listen to remarks and comments on the web site, especially its usability: For instance, the page contains this, please change it for this, because it is so and so.

Bugs. Seriously, it's our know-how in getting closer relations to improving human touch with the members.:)

OK with seriousness! We recognize that on the one hand, automation and scripts are not perfect, so we never stop trying to update it and make reliable. No issue unresolved stays unresolved for a long time. On the other hand, plenty of problems are the results of new member's carelessness and inadvertence (for instance: A transfer is submitted manually, not via merchant-interface; or some persons send us incomplete pack of verification documents, or set the weekly withdrawal and then surprises why our automated system doesn't pay every day, etc), or bugs in the payment processors, which appear sometimes, too. All these troubles or misconducts are solved every day, and quite fast, for we're well-equipped to correct. Just take into consideration all these matters, please be aware that every problem needs a time to be solved, and the time of our specialists. This is important to know when you apply this to the members' number. It prevails a dozen of thousand. The rate shows that the technical troubles effect less than 1% of the members. This is surely a number to take care of, but it is not critical statistically.

Q: What was the most recent trade/business activity you were involved in?

A: Again, please have a look at the materials of our web site, where our activity is explained in details. Here is the link that provides the main activities of our company:

Our efforts have been concentrated at this very sphere, and as our members may judge - quite effectively.

Q: How big is your current trading capital?

A: Excuse me, this is not the number we will ever disclose. I may assure you that the enabled total capital of AIM can not be even compared now with the investments from Online members. So small is the latter. The difference is really huge, but we are in the process of searching new worthy investors. And we hope that experimenting with the Online will bring us success.

Q: Please tell about payment schedules in accordance with investment and payment terms. We got many questions that touch upon these very issues. Some of our readers have got a little bit of misunderstanding about this.

A: OK. Let me draw readers' and Members' attention to the fact that these temporal parameters are described at our web site: We have offered the so called Demo Portfolio for 30 calendar working days; it is supposed for letting everyone to know about our interfaces, and the actual portfolios for 270 calendar working days. The latter has been done for those who would make the decision to invest into us and earn. The income is accrued daily, every working day, starting after the first working day a deposit was made. The yield is accrued at the end of the working day, EST, and is expressed in % from the basic sum invested. We calculate yields for a partner, or daily per cent, from a total sum of money that an investor put. Each currency is separated in calculations. We practice daily, weekly, and monthly withdrawal schedules. This means that when the money becomes available (accrued) a member may call for withdrawal order: Either after a day, or a week, or a month, etc. This option is set by the member himself in his Member's Area. This option may be changed with time, but a new schedule becomes effective after the previous schedule expires. We also provide our members a very powerful investment tool named compounding which allows not only to increase one's capital, but to do that sharply! When an investor chooses compounding, a part or all daily yields are added to the deposit, and the deposit itself grows - so do the yields from the grown deposit. Please mind it - a double growth! The member may always vary this option: Set a new compounding rate or change the existing one through Member's Area. Compounding for each new day is considered as a new mini-deposit for the same 270 calendar working days. To feel the effect and power of compounding, I recommend using our investment calculator, and trying the figures.

Q: Thanks, a very interesting this compounding is! But you were talking about calendar working days. Please specify what you mean by "calendar".

A: OK. Calendar working days, during which we accrue yields and take into account for the maturity period, are all days, but Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays. The Holidays, which we consider as days off work too, are listed in the Holiday list. A complete list of the days-off for the nearest couple of years is available to every user in his account menu: Help Center --> List of the days off:

Additionally, before any of such Public Holiday, or day-off that falls on a "working day", we publish a special news report several days before. One may see our news here:

Every piece of news is sent to our members' emails together with publishing. So, it's quite hard to be unaware of a coming day-off.

Q: Your Public Holiday List is a very big one, I mean, there are a lot of holidays in it. Please tell us, why so, why do you celebrate so many holidays?

A: There are several reasons for that: Objective as well as subjective ones. Firstly, as I have already told you, AIM TRUST is mostly a Closed Club with its traditions and structure; this concerns calendar working days, too. We had just extrapolated the existed Public Holidays List onto the AIM Online when it started. Take it for granted. Secondly, we can't work at the fullest, make deals, make money accordingly, and accrue yields to the members in the days when in the countries our business has been accumulated in are holidays or weekends. These are USA, UK, Canada, Panama, and Cyprus. We work in these very countries physically, so our offices are in these countries, our financial operations take place at the territories of these countries, you know! And thirdly, our company consists of citizens of many countries, we international staff. So we just have to respect national or religious feelings of the people we work with. That's the reason we don't work in the basic Christian and Jewish Holidays. Concluding all said, I'd like to note that despite the huge number of holidays, our income and thus - yields are more than any other traditional passive investment returns, say, a bank or a mutual fund deposit to compare. Our income may be compared to the yields reachable at stock exchange operations, but incomparable to risks involved. Another thing is that we guarantee the stable rate of income due to a Portfolio. In brief, this is the main advantage of our Alternative Investment Management!

Q: What plans do you have for the future of your program?

A: Well, at first we would like to develop AIM Online department at the full swing, because the first half of the year is just a reconnaissance in force; we have been tuning the automation interfaces and software solutions, integrating business-processes subject to financial streams thru AIM Online, we considered the necessity for members support, summer downfall.. You know. Right now, I may say, in the autumn, we are accelerating our work and getting the pre-planned volumes, we are deploying our facilities at the scale we really need. This is being done to correctly estimate the preliminary results and develop and further potentials that have been found. Next spring, we are going to summarize the results of the first AIM Online year and probably will prepare a closer interaction with chosen members. It will take place during preparation of the annual balance sheet of the company, so the Closed Club Members will take active part in the process, too. What I mean is that some of the meetings of the AIM Closed Club Members will be dedicated to several new Online members in particular.

In perspective, we assume that the co-operation between Online members and AIM Online department, as well as between Online members and the Club will become deeper, in fact, it is our long-term objective, so most probably we will develop a new mechanism that enables us to represent a number of Online members in the Club or even by straight voting include some Online members would become new Closed Club's Members. It depends, as they say, upon many reasons. What I may say right now is that if any Online member feels like doing better with us, it's only logical that we'll double our efforts in finding the most appropriate scheme to meet aspirations of the most active investors with well thought-out recommendations and straight offers. We are planning to evolve the regional representation institute - to better and efficacious co-operation with local Online members (now we're tracing the countries with clusters of investors in the up), we're studying country's traditions, financial systems, laws, etc, to correspond to them.

And, naturally, we're open for creative proposals from our existing and appearing members; all suggestions will be carefully taken into account, and those ones that coincide with our strategy will be awarded.

Q: Are you planning to close your program for new investors at any time?

A: No, we are not going to do that any time. The Online department will be in operation for three years. We have spent some money this spring to create a long-term mechanism of selecting new partners. It'll be checked up and developed. This couldn't be done within a short period of time. In three years, we shall see the effectiveness or uselessness of this enterprise, so after that AIM TRUST will finally decide on it. Right now, the AIM Online department brings fruitful results, the trend is more or less clear, though it didn't yet show anything particularly special or unexpected. Although even now, we may guarantee that the current Online members, the ones who have joined our company, will obtain beneficial advantages in the future. In other words, we won't forget anyone who now trusts us.

Q: Tell me please several reasons to join your program.

A: The basic reasons are as follows:

a) We run a steady legal business, and if we take a saying about what a person should start to build a house if not a fundament, then here it is. The AIM Online works with the general public thru a company that has a license to operate for benefits of third parties, we give our guarantee letter for each deposit, and we sign our co-operation agreement with each member. These steps are transparent and clear - all conditions are given in the open, everyone may read them and decide on his or her own.

b) The company's activity is based on real involvement in metal production, metal manufacturing, in particular in making pipes for oil and gas, and the spheres surrounding this complex issues including delivery of pipes and providing financial support for customers as well as producers. All our moves have nothing to do with a virtual invention; we don't even touch much of the stock exchange operations, because of their high risks. Pipes delivering liquid or gas energy from producers to customers will never be influenced by the market fluctuations, and the history has shown it on the most extended scale. So, objectively we're playing at a very stable market with a small margin of possible losses.

c) The ROI which we declare and confirm by real payments are based on the given above trends and facts. This ROI rate which we guarantee may be considered low. That is not true, in fact it is a very just figure, and justice can not be big or small, it is what it is. Look, some business days bring us 3%. Is it big or small? For us it's not a rare thing, sometimes our deals are bringing more than that, but we do not fuss around it - the next day may be empty. So, our maximal and minimal levels of maturity terms and returns have not been taken from the air, they are based on production cycles of the market we're in. To manufacture one mile of pipe takes a month, to deliver this mile takes two, to get it on the sea bottom or on the ground takes several months, no fooling around. And the pipe itself is nothing without an infrastructure: machines, stations, metering equipment, etc. Only actual and stable financing of these matters allows the whole process be uninterrupted in the long run. So we guarantee all the investors the return of the principal after maturity period, as well as agreement yields in the strict accordance with the portfolio conditions. Moreover, our business cycles allow us to develop and make possible returning of principals any time the investor wishes to, if he has a force-majeure or something of the like.

d) Without false modesty, I would attribute to advantages of our company the friendly support team I'm in charge of. We work 24 hours, and provide support by e-mail, live-chat and telephone during business days. We listen to our members very carefully, and do everything to solve appearing problems as fast as possible.

e) The perspective of further co-operation. We think that earning much and right now can not be a matter of serious consideration, quite opposite - only a profound merging in the processes that bring fruitful results in short and long terms, especially in the visible future, and by this I mean the existing trends in developing the energy consumption sphere (anyone may check it by himself), will bear the actual involvement in making real wealth. The gas and oil theme is endless; by the way, we are in the search of keeping our hands close to mineral oils and greases, that's another interesting area, transportation facilities, logistics. In fact, I can talk a lot, but what I'm driving at is a simple fact: As long as human beings live and consume they need energy, no matter its solid or liquid or gas nature or substance. And we work with these materials. So, no matter the market situations we will give preferences to our partners, by them we may mention our Online members as well.

Q: Anything else you may wish to add by yourself?

A: Thank you very much for this opportunity to speak up. I'm really grateful that you have given me a chance to describe our work for the visitors of your respected web resource. We know that you are our Members and participate in the AIM Online, too. Human touch is a very important thing in constructing confidence between the partners, I can't underestimate it, for it's confidence that raises co-operation on the appropriate level of efficiency. I'm happy that I was able to bring light on the most important issues of our activity and co-operation perspectives. As a man in charge of AIM Online support, I wish all the readers happiness, stability and wealth. Join the AIM Online, you will never pity this move.

Monday, 26 October 2009

3 Factors That Drive The U.S. Dollar

When it comes to the decision of whether you should buy or sell dollars, it all boils down to how the economy is performing. A strong economy will attract investment from all over the world due to the perceived safety and the ability to achieve an acceptable rate of return on investment. Investors always seek out the highest yield that is predictable or "safe." Investment from abroad creates a strong capital account and a resulting high demand for dollars.

On the other hand, American consumption that results in the importing of goods and services from other countries causes dollars to flow out of the country. If our imports are greater than our exports, we will have a deficit in our current account. With a strong economy, a country can attract foreign capital to offset the trade deficit. The U.S. can continue as the consumption engine that fuels all the world economies even though it's a debtor nation that borrows this money to consume. This also allows other countries to export to the U.S. and thus keep their economies growing. This explanation is simplistic, but it illustrates a point. (Learn more about how a country's current account reflects the country's economic health in Understanding The Current Account In The Balance Of Payments.)

Factors Affecting Dollar Value

The point is that when it comes to taking a position in the dollar, the currency trader needs to assess the different factors that affect the value of the dollar to try to determine a direction or trend. The methodology can be divided into three groups as follows:

* Supply and demand factors
* Sentiment and market psychology
* Technical factors

Let's take each group individually.

Supply Versus Demand for Dollars

When we export products or services, we create a demand for dollars because our customers need to pay for our goods and services in dollars and, therefore they will have to convert their local currency into dollars. Hence they sell their currency to buy dollars so that they can make the payment.

In addition, when the U.S. government or large American corporations issue bonds to raise capital, and if these bonds are bought by foreigners then again the bonds have to be paid for in dollars and the customer will have to sell their local currency to buy dollars so they can effect payment. Also, if there is strong growth in the U.S. and companies are expanding their earnings then the desire by foreigners to own corporate stocks in the U.S. also requires that they sell their currency to buy dollars to pay for the purchase of stocks.

Sentiment and Market Psychology

But what if the U.S. economy weakens and consumption slows due to increasing unemployment? Then the U.S. is confronted with the possibility that foreigners may sell their bonds or stocks and return the cash from the sale in order to return to their local currency. Hence they sell the dollars and buy back their local currency.

Technical Factors

As traders, we have to gauge whether the supply of dollars will be greater or less than the demand for dollars. To help us determine this, we need to pay attention to various news and event items, such as the release by the government of various statistics, such as payroll data, GDP data, and other market and economy measuring information that can help us to determine what is happening in the economy and to estimate whether the economy is strengthening or weakening. (For a comprehensive overview of 24 major indicators, take a look at our Economic Indicators Tutorial.)

In addition, we need to determine the general sentiment regarding what the players in the market think the outcome of events is likely to be. Very often, sentiment will drive the market rather than the fundamentals of supply and demand. To add to this mix of prognostication, besides the measurement of supply and demand factors and sentiment, we also have the historical patterns generated by seasonal factors, support and resistance levels, technical indicators and so on. Many traders believe that these patterns are repetitive and therefore can be used to predict future movements. (Learn about the basics of technical analysis in our Technical Analysis Tutorial.)

Bringing Them All Together

Since trading relies on the ability of a trader to take a risk and manage it accordingly, traders usually adopt some combination of the three above methods to make their buy or sell decisions. The art of trading exists in stacking the odds in your favor and building an edge. If the probability of being correct is high enough the trader will enter the market and manage his hypothesis accordingly. To stack the odds in our favor we therefore need to take into account each one of the three methodologies and hopefully find them to be congruent, meaning that they all point in the same direction.

An Example

The economic conditions during the recession that began in 2007 forced the U.S. government to play an unprecedented role in the economy. Since economic growth was receding as a result of the large deleveraging of financial assets taking place, the government had to take up the slack by increasing government spending to keep the economy going. The purpose of their spending was to create jobs so that the consumer could earn money and increase consumption thereby fueling the growth needed to support economic growth. (For a review of the recession during this time period, refer to The 2007-08 Financial Crisis In Review.)

The government took this position at the expense of an increasing deficit and national debt. It financed this increase by essentially printing money and by selling government bonds to foreign governments and investors - resulting in an increase in the supply of dollars. Hence the dollar depreciated as a result. Another concern for countries that rapidly issue debt is that the interest burden will increase and, therefore, more tax dollars will be allocated just to cover the interest rate.

One of the roles of the government is to create the conditions necessary to allow the markets to grow so that is the economy is as close to full employment as possible, but with controlled inflation. Thus when the economy deflates the government will try to do all it can to re-inflate it in a controlled manner.

The Bottom Line

It may be helpful for a trader to keep an eye on the Dollar Index chart to provide an overview of how the dollar fares against the other currencies in the index. By watching the patterns on the chart and listening to the sentiment in the market, as well as monitoring the major fundamental factors that affect supply and demand, a trader can develop a big picture sense of the flow of dollars and thus develop an insight to choose profitable positions in future trades.

by Selwyn Gishen, (Contact Author | Biography)

Selwyn Gishen is a trader with more than 15 years of experience trading forex and equities for a private equity fund. For the past 35 years, he has also been a student of metaphysics, and has written a book called "Mind: How Changing Your Mind Can Change Your Life!" (2007). Gishen is the founder of FXNewsandViews.Com and the author of a forex trading guide entitled "Trading the Forex Markets: A Foundation Course for Online Traders". The course is designed to provide the trader with all the aspects of Gishen's Fusion Trading Model.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Bitcents Launches 'Fully Functional' Micropayment System

NEW YORK Bitcents, a San Francisco and London-based technology startup, announced Wednesday thelaunch of what it's hailing as the first fully functional micropayment system for news organizations and consumers.

Its micropayment platform allows publishers to charge on a per-story basis and set their own prices, which can vary according to the age or type of story. Then, bitcents will enable readers to purchase and view content across the Web using just one account.

The developers of bitcents consider their product a platform for both news organizations and the general public. Papers looking to charge for content create subscriber networks using the bitcents technology, and users pay to join those networks. Subscribing to a network grants those users access to all of bitcents' partnering Web sites, and the subscriber network receives a portion of the revenue that they helped their partner organizations earn. Developers also can build tools to help their subscribing users to find and share content.

News organizations joining the bitcents platform still keep their content discoverable through search engines like Google, which bitcents says won't harm regular traffic to their sites. Many current paywall systems render a Web site's news unsearchable from outside sites.

Currently, bitcents' only subscriber network is tppnce, which donates its profits to organizations that train and support journalists. It also gives its users the option of "extra privacy" when they sign up. This extra privacy guarantees that none of the stories a user reads are linked to his or her account.

"The advent of news micropayments will reward those who provide their readers original, high-quality content at a reasonable price," bitcents founder Andrew Brennan said in a statement. "The lessons are clear: for paid content to work, the payment system must provide breadth of coverage and ease of use, but consumers must also feel they are paying a fair price."

Published: October 07, 2009 2:37 PM ET


Micropayment Systems, Giving your two cents, digitally

In 1994, when the Web was still young, I attended an internet technology conference. A well-known programmer who had written some internet software for the Macintosh was discussing the commercial potential of the internet, and as an illustration, he told the following story (which I'm reconstructing from memory as best I can, as I've never been able to find independent confirmation of the details). Back then, there was a relatively new internet payment service called First Virtual, which employed a clever mechanism whereby one person could send money to another over the internet-even in an email message. A man signed up for the service but was skeptical of how well it would work, so he did an experiment. He posted a message on a newsgroup asking for help testing the service. Everyone who sent him US$1 through First Virtual would receive, for an entire year, a new limerick each day by email. Within three months, over 60,000 people had signed up. This was a mixed blessing-the experiment worked, but he encountered major technological problems in sending all those email messages, and soon discontinued the offer.

Enter Credit Card Information Here

First Virtual went out of business years ago, largely because of the proliferation of banks and services that allow merchants to accept credit cards over the Web. By comparison, First Virtual was awkward and low-tech. And certainly for most purchases one might want to make online, credit cards are a convenient way to do so. But there are a few major difficulties with online credit card purchases. First, they're fine for paying a merchant, but what if you want to send money to a friend or family member? If the recipient doesn't have a merchant account, you're out of luck. Second, lots of people don't have credit cards, or don't feel safe using them over the Web. And third, credit cards don't make sense for very small payments of less than a few dollars or so. The reason for this is that banks charge merchants a fee for every credit card transaction that consists of a fixed amount plus a percentage of the transaction. Because of the way the fees are calculated, a merchant could end up paying only $0.60 for a $10 transaction, but $0.33 for a $1 transaction. That means the $1 purchase is not very profitable, and a purchase of less than $0.33 would actually cause the merchant to lose money.

The term "micropayment" was coined to describe these very small purchases. And there are many good reasons you might want to make a purchase of just a few cents. For example, suppose-hypothetically, of course-that a Web site called "Interesting Thing of the Day" wanted to offer a subscription of some sort for just $1 per year (rather than, say, $10). Using credit cards, this would be a losing proposition. And yet, charging higher prices to offset the merchant fees makes the content less attractive to buyers. Other common examples of micropayments are music downloads, news stories, and Web-based services such as translations and image processing-to say nothing of real-world purchases such as feeding parking meters or buying a cup of coffee.

A Small Problem

In the past several years, numerous systems have been proposed to solve the micropayment problem. They vary tremendously in their details and implementations, some being more promising than others. Unlike credit card transactions, which anyone with a card can make instantly, almost every micropayment system requires users to take some preliminary steps to set up an account or enter billing information. In some cases these steps add just a few minutes to the initial transaction; in others, setting up an account can take a week or more. Of course, no one expects to be able to drop a coin into their computer and have it drop out of someone else's; a bit of effort is reasonable. But the convenience of a system, coupled with its fee structure, are the main factors in determining a system's success. I could not hope to do justice to the wide variety of micropayment systems here, but I'd like to describe a representative sampling.

One key concept in micropayment processing is aggregation, which simply means grouping several smaller purchases together and billing the buyer once (perhaps monthly) for the total amount. This takes the edge off the transaction fees for merchants, and it gives consumers the ability to make very small individual purchases-such as those 99¢ tracks at Apple's iTunes Music Store. Of course, you still need a credit card, and bank transaction fees still frustrate merchants, especially when an individual customer makes very few purchases. If a business doesn't do enough volume to aggregate its own sales, it can make use of a third-party credit card aggregator, which then also takes a cut of each payment. Another approach to aggregation, used by payment processor BitPass among others, is to sell prepaid cards that can be used to make small purchases at participating vendors. In this case, the aggregation happens up front, requiring less effort for the vendor and the payment processor, but more for the customer.

Good as Gold

A very different approach is taken by several companies that use gold (or other precious metals) as the basis of electronic transactions. Under this system, a company maintains a stash of gold securely in a bank vault somewhere. As a subscriber to the service, you can buy some of this gold, which (for a very tiny fee) the company will store for you. In other words, the gold itself doesn't move-only the ownership of a portion of it changes. You can purchase gold using cash, checks, credit cards, or whatever form of payment you want. Then at any time, you can log into your account and transfer any portion of your gold to another subscriber. (This can be designated according to value, like $0.02, or mass, like 0.02g.) Because it costs virtually nothing for the company to transfer ownership of gold from one account to another, transaction fees are negligible. And as the owner of any amount of gold, you can request payment from your account at any time, in the currency of your choice.

Gold-based electronic transactions have a number of advantages over aggregation. For one thing, they cost less for the recipient. For another, they can be used to transfer money between individuals, even if neither one is a merchant. And they do not require either party to have a credit card. Gold is even more appealing for international transactions. Most banks charge hefty fees to transfer money from one country to another-US$10 or $20 is not uncommon-making it unreasonable to use a check or credit card for small international payments. But transferring gold ownership internationally involves no currency conversion, so it's no more expensive than making a domestic transfer. There is a catch, however: you can only transfer gold to someone after you've purchased it yourself. So unless you're willing to maintain a balance of gold in your account, each transaction ends up being a two-step process: first put gold into your account, then transfer it to the other person. And, of course, you can only pay for a purchase with electronic gold if the merchant is set up to accept gold payments.

Unfortunately, for small person-to-person transactions, there's still no magic bullet. Services like PayPal and Western Union do enable an individual to send money to someone else electronically, but the transaction fees still make it impractical for amounts less than $1. Although many attempts have been made, no one has yet devised an electronic equivalent to putting cash in an envelope. -Joe Kissell


Friday, 23 October 2009

GeniusFunds has Introduced Callback Service

New from Genius! Do you have any questions or concerns that you want to address? Drop them an e-mail at with your telephone number and the time when it would be convenient for you to speak, and a GeniusFunds customer service representative will call you back.

This declaration is made on 23 October '09. Looks like GeniusFunds is trying to establish a better customer relationship which will definitely give them an edge over others.

Those who do not know what is a GeniusFunds may visit here. In short this an investment program - some will categorize it as an HYIP program and some other will try to say it is better than that. You may read this review to know more about GeniusFunds.

If you are already an investor of GeniusFunds, pay attention to their recent security alert also as stated below:
"It has come to our attention that a spam e-mail, claiming to be from Genius Funds, has been circulating recently. The e-mail claims that we have changed the terms and conditions of investment, it thereafter asks you to open a file attached to the e-mail. These e-mails are designed to steal your login credentials and gain access to your account, if you open an attachment to this e-mail, it may also infect your computer system."
If you are yet to become a GeniusFunds investor you may give it a try. It seems to be one of the best HYIPs on the net. Still paying and old enough and no sign of running away soon. But evaluate by yourself first before sign-up as HYIP investment is always risky.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

The Appeal of Forex Trading Versus the Stock Market

Forex trading is appealing to many more people than the stock market does and for many reasons. Among the reason is the chance of a much greater return. Foreign currency fluctuations of just one or two percent, occurring on a daily basis, have a chance of returning great rewards to an investor who catches a wave of change and properly plans his entrance and exist strategy. Many people also like the fact that more leverage is available with foreign currency exchange. For example, 10,000 dollars can be leveraged to purchase as much as 100,000 dollars through margins. This allows the chance of great returns, even at only one percent, with less risk than might otherwise be necessary.

Also the market is open 24 hours a day for forex trading while the stock market is only open during business hours. Also many people point out that most forex trading is done without paying commissions, which can amount to significant savings. Many people who don’t understand forex and have some experience with the stock market immediately think that it is risky and has low profit margins, some would say tiny. They get this idea however because less information in available on forex than other types of trading. Forex requires a trader to education himself. Rather than just turning on CNN or CNBC, a forex trader needs to read newsletters and find other ways of self-education.

Being open 24 hours a day and simply being huge is a big benefit for forex trading. A forex trader can literally work 24 hours a day, moving from the Asian market to the European to the American. Couple this with the leverage opportunities then the chances of large profit with forex are phenomenal.

Of course stocks have their advantage in that a person can invest in the stock market without really knowing that much and probably do fine. If an investor buys blue chip stocks they are unlikely to go down in value. For long term savings stocks are fine, but the short term large gains are definitely to be found with forex.

Many people don’t realize how large the forex market is. It is so huge that no single investor can corner the market as has happened in the past with some stocks, and also with some precious metals and commodities.

Forex is considered by some people however to be risky. Pension funds rarely invest in forex. However for the smart investor who has time to become educated, forex can be the way to go. The billionaire George Soros is a prime example of someone who has done well with forex. He shorted the British pound sterling and made $2 billion in profit at one point. He also makes over 60% returns on the Quantum Fund, which he owns and has over $4 billion under management. Of course, Soros has also lost money, but he says “I simply make a lot of money when I am right…and lose as little money as possible when I am wrong.” Soros admits to being right only about half the time, but does very well when he is right. Soros’s philosophy is to look at a country and its stock market and see if current trends are wrong. If he believes that a current trend is overshot then he goes opposite it, and makes a killing.

In October 1987 the stock market crashed and Soros lost a staggering $200 million in just one day! His reply to this was stoic, “I made a very big mistake, because I expected the crash to come in Japan, and I was prepared for that, and it would have given me an opportunity to prepare for the falloff in this country, and actually it occurred in Wall Street and not in Japan. So I was wrong!” While this mistake cost him a great deal, it wasn’t the end of the world. Soros philosophy is if he is right, he makes a ton of cash, and if he is wrong he pays for his mistake and keeps on moving. A prime example of how good money can be made in forex by investors who are willing to study, learn, invest and take risks. While not for the timed, the chances of a good return from forex make it the place for daring entrepreneurs to try their hand.Technorati Tags: , , ,