Friday, 30 October 2009

Step-by-step tutorial on how to be a wealthier HYIP player (Admin)

Please DON’T try this at home. It is meant for fun without prior thorough studies ;)
If you are still searching for ways on how to be successful with HYIP, search no more, I’m spending my bed time for this article for seekers like you. Yeah you, the one with some fund in e-gold account and don’t know where to invest it.

Most HYIP players, when engaging in any HYIP plans, believe that they can be rich in 4-5 months and later can be a millionaire in a year. The truth is, until now nobody can tell us how many millionaires are there that gain their wealth by investing $1000 initial deposit and get huge $1,000,000 from HYIP. Oh, you don’t want to be a millionaire, but looking for steady passive monthly income from HYIP. Rite.. we will see if I have a better offer now.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that nobody will get rich with HYIPs, some really will. Not only rich, very rich. The key point is, don’t be “most HYIP players”, because all of them will fail and end up loosing the money, but contrary be “some HYIP players” because they are the ones who will always win and earning money. Do you know anyone using nickname “Admin” in your last programs? These are the “some HYIP players” that I’m referring to. I mean, if you want to be rich, be an Admin, not the investors.

Is it that hard to be an Admin? How about those technical things? How about money generator programs that suppose to be the backbone to the HYIP? I will walk you through all of these, and it will be nuts once you get the real picture of it.

Step-by-step tutorial on how to be a wealthier HYIP player (Admin);

1. Getting Ready

Before you start thinking on the payplan, it is good to create a good market base first. Market base is where you will position your program and I will tell you how to do that successfully.

First, in any business deals, rapport or human relationship will play the biggest role at the early stage. You need to have good reputation; be known as someone with good personality to your potential investors. This mission is fairly easy via online forums or online chat program. You need to belong to some group of people, or in an online community. It is better to get along with invest-minded people and be really good to them.

Second, build your circle of friends. Ask your online buddies to a gathering party somewhere and buy them a drink. It is a small investment from you, don’t bother it, you will get bigger return soon. Smile, be smart and polite, then earn a little respect from them. Better yet, get close to community leaders or moderators because they are the ones who will bring you more potential investors.

Third, create your armies. These people are your defenders and they will protect you in difficult times should something goes wrong at some stages after this. But this a pre-emptive move, you need to have some loyal friends to expand your HYIP empire. Lone-ranger is the big NO-NO.

2. Plotting the plan

Have some half-serious discussions with loyal friends on how to make more money. Remember they are also invest-minded people, so the idea to make more money is more than welcome. Propose your plan in a dinner or luncheon and show them that you care by welcoming for their suggestion and ideas. Don’t get greedy yet, adjust the plans accordingly until a good solution is found.

Now it’s the time for a words-of-mouth advertisement. Remember, you want to reduce the cost right? The best advertisement, according to MLM experts, is via words-of-mouth. Let your loyal friends do the pre-sales tasks and promise them a good referal commission. This is very important! The best way to get your business expansion to be wide and fast is by offering an affiliation. That’s the fact, and it’s implemented by most of the internet companies. Don’t believe me? Check or 10% commission out of new member initial deposit will be a good deal.

3. Getting the business website

By now you should be having a strong support by your friends and if you don’t, go back to Step 2 and ask for more inputs from your friends or armies.

Getting a website is fairly easy nowadays and you will get a bunch of scritp coders offering their service at at a very reasonable price. Get the one with quickest lead time since you need to be fast to grab the attention and trust people put on you.

Buy a good domain name for a less than $10/year, and run the script anywhere on an anonymous web servers. Why anonymous? Of course you need to hide your identity to avoid safety problem at later stages. Search for anonymous domain registration and web hosting services and you will get tons of them. is one.

The last but not least, the most important thing is how to accept payment in your HYIP. Be extra carefull. Don’t do something stupid to accept payment in your bank accounts since it will reveals your real identity. The best way to accept payment is using account. Why? Because you don’t want to use payment processor such as PayPal that will freeze your account upon a single complaint, or MoneyBooker because they will require you to give your real bank account. E-gold is the most secure payment processor for HYIP owners because you can create a lot of accounts as proxies and you can hide your identity almost 100%. E-gold rarely entertain customers complaint, that’s good for HYIP owners, you don’t want account to be freezed soon. We will talk later how to secure your fund in e-gold.

4. Launching the HYIP

This is critical. Call your friends and let them choose their favourite number as their referal ID. A referal ID is the unique number used to identify which members are refering new members for commission purpose. This is very important so that they will feel something special with the number for example, the 777, 1000, or 8888 number will be good ones. This act as a psychological push so these friends feel like belonging to the program and most importantly will also promote and recommend it to more friends. That’s what we are looking for, rite?

5. Running the business

This is the fun part. You can see as the words of mouth spread, people start coming in depositing money for the plan. At this time, you need to be extra fresh to entertain people’s enquiry, answering quetions in online forums, etc. If you are smart, hire assistants to do some of the jobs. Give them brief information on the business and let them answer the questions by customers while you can concentrate on the business itself.

If your plan is 120% return after 12 days, then you need to be very sharp in paying the investors. Don’t delay any seconds so that you will build a strong level of trust that investors can hold on. You need to take of this because a satisfied customer will bring another customers. More customers, more deposit.

But wait, you need to balance between the need to prolong the business and the need of yourself - to gain the wealth. Fact #1, HYIP cannot exist forever. It cannot running live even for a year. But at the same time your business need some time for expansion. So how would you manage the business need and your own need?

The magic formula is to maintan 80:20 ratio. 80% of your fund will be paid back to investors. Don’ exceed the 80% unless you want less money. For example, if you are offering 120% return in 12 days, then you need to be ready to payback the investors on the 12th day of your running business onwards. But at anytime, keep the 80:20 ratio.


Assume that for every 10 satisfied investors, 4 new investors will coming in.
Assume that every investor will deposit $15 (average, some will spedn more or less).

Day 1, 2 investors, total fund $30.00.
Day 2, 3 investors, total fund $42.00.
Day 3, 4 investors, total fund $58.80.
Day 11, 58 investors, total fund $867.76.
Day 12, 81 investors, total fund $1,214.87.
Day 13, 113 investors, total fund $1,700.82. (you need to pay 2 investors from day 1)
Day 14, 113 investors, total fund $1,700.82. (you need to pay 3 investors from day 2)
Day 30, 34,573 investors, total fund $518,602.12.

You need to be wise to maintain the 80:20 ratio. Some excuses needed in the process to delay payments while waiting for new fund, for example;
1. Problem with hosting provider.
2. Problem with DDOS and hackers.
3. Problem with your FOREX.
4. Problem with slow e-gold site.
5. Problem with stuff handling the payments.

And so on, just be creative in giving excuses. Remember your aim is to maintain 80:20 ratio and don’t let the investors down just yet.

At the end of the month, you will get a total deposit amount of $518,602.12. Looks good, but that’s not the real amount you have in hand since some payments have been done from Day 13 until now.

With easy calculation, 80% of it is $414,881.70 and the balance is $103,720.42. If you have been smart in the business and manage the magic ratio well, $103,720.42 is in your account now and it’s about time to prepare for the next step. For the record, using $414,881.70 amount, you have paid $345,734.75 (it’s $414,881.70/1.2) initial deposits, equivalent to 66% of the total deposit, meaning 66% of the investors has been paid.

6. How to deal with unpaid investors

A better HYIP owner should be able to know what to do with the rest 34% of the unpaid investors. A hit-and-run HYIP owner will never want to know what will happen to them, because the only interest to him is the balance $103,720.42. Grab it fast, do something else with the money, forget those unpaid investors. But wait, that sounds not really smart. This article is about successful HYIP owners, so you should be smarter than those badasses. Smartasses should be able to exploit the things and repeat it few more times for a bigger reward.

By this time, you will have some inconvenience in managing those unpaid investors. They will shout and demand for an instant action. But don’t worry too much, you are still not alone at this stage. This article comes complete with contigency plan.

First, you have your loyal friends who can give the best support all the time. Give them some info, make them feel like “’s the insider info and I’m the first to know!” sensation and they will go around and tell those unpaid investors with whatever news you feed them willingly. That’s the point of close relationship. Now you know what’s the need for free drinks and sweet talks?

Second, out of all investors, only 34% are not paid, the rest 66% are happy campers. It’s nearly double the size and these will be your new armies. It’s unbeleivable that these guys will fight for you in whatever manners. They will face the curse and defending your program. There will be a war between the paid and unpaid investors, but be rest assured everything will be fixed since it’s proven that the minority voices are never heard in a large crowd. This is smart, if you have a pencil rite now, jot it down somewhere on a piece of paper so you won’t miss this lesson.

7. Spread the news

You have few working employees, some loyal friends and a large crowd of satisfied investors.. now what?

The first thing to do is to handle the unpaid investors. Promise a clean refund and you are not going anywhere to run. Let them have a good faith that their money is in good hands of yours and they will get it back. The best thing to do is to assign at least two employees, or your loyal friends to answer complaints and manage the refund list. Why you need at least two people doing this? It’s our aim to delay everything and the more people giving updates, the more unmatched news will coming in from each of them. Time taken to restore and explain the unmatched news is another bonus for the delay.

Second, spread a rumors that a better program is coming. This new program will fix whatever flaws were there in the first program. This will be sweet. You have good employees and friends, a number of happy investors too. They will force a team and eagerly waiting for the second program. Oops, the referal commission must be there, or should be better than before. Expect some rejections from unpaid investors of the first program, but hey… you have your own market right now. The running of the second program is about the same, but reserve 1 payment out of 10s to be paid to unpaid investors from the first program. This is your best chance to shut their mouth up one by one. It won’t be long though, but will be helpful.

Third, it’s time to outsource your available fund to some good opportunities. Your wealth empire is about to begin. Some amount of profit from this program will be used to pay the unsatisfied insvestors from the first program. Honor your promises. Don’t get away just like that. Pay them as soon as you have some profit from your main core money generator. It’s 100% yours, but you will want to clear you name for future business right? Don’t mind the duration taken for the refund, you will get over it after 1 or 2 years, depending on how good your money generator is. After that time, all the money is yours, and nobody is going to ask you to pay anything.

8. Clearing the things

We have learnt before on how to run the first program, and how exploit the truth and enter the second program. There are also methods on how to manage unsatisfied investors and how to secure your available fund in a favourite money generator. Not less important, the ways to manage the refund by using 1 out of 10 payments in program #2 for program #1, as well as how to win back your reputation by using profit gained from your secured money generator to pay unsatisfied investors. It will take 1 or 2 years to pay them all, but it will just worth it.

Few numbers to remember in this artcile;

1. Available fund from program #1: $103,720.42.
2. Unpaid deposit from program #1: $172,867.37.
3. Available fund from program #2: $68,455.48.
4. Unpaid deposit from program #2: $116,374.32.
5. Total available fund: $172,175.90.
6. Total unpaid deposit: $289,241.69.

It doesn’t matter how long you will pay off the $289,241.69, but assuming you are putting all $172,175.90 in a good and secure offshore investment about 3% per month, then you can settle 1.7% of the ‘interest-free debt’ every month. It’s about 5 years, afterall you are the master and you will decide how much you want to pay, not the ‘payees’. After 5 years, you will have a clean and full ownership of $172,175.90 in your offshore account, giving and average income of $5K/month, not bad for a few months of hard works!

What would happen if you can repeat Step 1-7 in 2 or 3 times? Welcome to intenet-millionaire club ;)

Please DON’T try this at home. It is meant for fun without prior thorough studies ;)
Posted October 28th, 2006 by mightyhitter under Make Money

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