Friday, 2 October 2009

Moneybookers is Fraud!

I had used monebookers (moneybookers) from time to time many years, beginning from their start. Turnover was very small from tens to hundreds $$ per month.

I had verified bank account, credit card, home address.

One day, year or too ago, I had noticed than my personal account became company account.

I had contacted with their stupid support about this fact and after week had received advice to register new personal account with new name, credit card, bank and home address.

I had wondered to this idiotic advice and was continuing using old.

A month ago I had noticed that my account is locked and very long list of documents they demand to unblock:

"We are glad that you are using a Moneybookers account to process payments. Given the official transaction limit for private individuals we must assume that you are using your account for business purposes.

In order to welcome you as a trusted business partner of Moneybookers you need to get your account verified. Therefore we kindly ask you to provide us with the following documents to process the account activation on our end:

- A coloured copy of your photo ID e.g. Passport, front and back
- Address Verification (Business Bank Account Statement preferred or a recent utility bill)
- An official company document e.g. Certificate of Incorporation, or something that proves that you are operating a legitimate business.
- An explanation of your business activities including URLs where applicable
- Statement showing the share ownership of the company
-Url of your website as well as a short business description
- Sign copy of the merchant agreement previously sent

I had repeated a few times during month that I have personal account with all verified personal information, but haven't received any response except this message copy.

All contact options from account are blocked, all e-mail requests are ignored.

Taking into account my previous moneybookers observations I conclude that moneybookes are scam with very ignorant stuff and insolent boss.

You are warned! Hold aloof moneybookers fraud!
Some citation:

> From: "" <>
> Dear Mr. XXX,
> We are glad that you are using a Moneybookers account to process
> payments. Given the official transaction limit for private
> individuals we must assume that you are using your account for business purposes.
> In order to welcome you as a trusted business partner of
> Moneybookers you need to get your account verified. Therefore we
> kindly ask you to provide us with the following documents to process
> the account activation on our end:
> - A coloured copy of your photo ID e.g. Passport, front and back
> - Address Verification (Business Bank Account Statement preferred or a recent utility bill)
> - An official company document e.g. Certificate of Incorporation,
> or something that proves that you are operating a legitimate business.
> - An explanation of your business activities including URLs where applicable
> - Statement showing the share ownership of the company
>Moneybookers Ltd., London, Registered in England and Wales no 4260907.
>Registered office: Welken House, 10-11 Charterhouse Square, London, EC1M 6EH, United Kingdom.
>Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom (FSA).
>This email message is confidential and may contain legally privileged information.
>If you are not the intended recipient you should not read, copy, distribute, disclose or
>otherwise use the information in this email.
>Please also telephone (+44 870 3830232) or fax (+44 709 2042001) us immediately and
>delete the message from your system.
>Email may be susceptible to data corruption, interception and unauthorised amendment,
>and we do not accept liability for any such corruption, interception or amendment or
>the consequences thereof or your reliance on any information contained therein
>if you are not the intended recipient.

I'm using this account as private, with very limited transaction volume, not for business aims.
Not so long ago, when account unexpectedly for me became "" from "XXX",
I had requested your stuff to transfer this account, to personal account. But the answer was

Now you are requesting "official company documents" and I'm repeating
request to transfer account to personal, because any business
solutions doesn't required here.

> From: "" <>
> Dear Mr. XXX,
> We are glad that you are using a Moneybookers account to process
> payments. Given the official transaction limit for private
> individuals we must assume that you are using your account for business purposes.
> In order to welcome you as a trusted business partner of
> Moneybookers you need to get your account verified. Therefore we
> kindly ask you to provide us with the following documents to process
> the account activation on our end:
> - A coloured copy of your photo ID e.g. Passport, front and back
> - Address Verification (Business Bank Account Statement preferred or a recent utility bill)
> - An official company document e.g. Certificate of Incorporation,
> or something that proves that you are operating a legitimate business.
> - An explanation of your business activities including URLs where applicable
> - Statement showing the share ownership of the company
> -Url of your website as well as a short business description
> - Sig copy of the merchant agreement

I'm going to use this my current account as PRIVATE PERSON. Currently
I have no need for merchant services of for
any business.

Please DOWNGRADE and unblock this my account to PRIVATE PERSON ACCOUNT

> From: "" <>

I didn't receive ANY answer from you during more than a week. My
account is locked for outgoing transactions.

I'm going to use this my current account as PRIVATE PERSON. Currently
I have no need for merchant services of for any business.

> From: "" <>
> Dear Mr. XXX,
> In order to unlock your account we need all the documents and
> information requested, as previously you haev operatin a
> business with us without our knowledge.
> Given the official transaction limit for private individuals we
> must assume that you are using your account for business purposes

Hello anonymous,
You are liars and scammers. I HAD NEVER OPERATED PREVIOUSLY as business with you.
Now I'm going to find out your name or ID and complaint to your boss about THIS SHAME!

> From: "" <>
> Dear Sir,
> Thank you for the e-mail.
> As we can see you have registered a business account with us
> with company name

I has never registered business account with you. My personal account was
transferred to business account by your ignorant stuff. I had paid
attention to this in my previous letters.

I didn't receive responsible answers to ANY from my
questions since I'm going to widely publish this correspondence as a first

Your next "copy-paste" answer or silence I'll consider as moneybookers

> From: "" <>

Immediately STOP your scam, return the money frozen on my account!
Otherwise I'll fill a complain to Consumer Legal Service against your
scam company.

> From: "" <>
> Dear Sir,
> Thank you for the e-mail.
> The account that you have regustered with us is a business one without any verifications.

My account is registered with you for PRIVATE PERSON and only for

I have informed you about this fact many times. You are ignoring all
my messages and blocking my account with intention to steal my money.

I'll contact further via Consumers Legal Service. It's only the way. You are liars and cheaters.

> From: "" <>
> Dear Sir,
> Thank you for the e-mail.
> The account that you have regustered with us is a business one without any
> In order to welcome you as a trusted business partner of
> Moneybookers you need to get your account verified. Therefore we
> kindly ask you to provide us with the following documents to process
> the account activation on our end........

I'm not going to provide ANY FURTHER PRIVATE documents to your fraudulent company.
My unconditional claim is paying back my money frozen by your criminal
fraudulent company with fictitious ground to any from my VERIFIED PRIVATE
PERSON home address, bank address, credit card address.

> From: "" <>
> Dear Sir,
> Thank you for the e-mail.
> The account that you have regustered with us is a business one without any
> In order to welcome you as a trusted business partner of
> Moneybookers you need to get your account verified. Therefore we
> kindly ask you to provide us with the following documents to process
> the account activation on our end........


And at last, final go from moneybookers bastards!

>Your account is locked for all transactions therefore we cannot complete this transaction.
>To unlock your account, you must send a VERIFIED copy of your passport
>or national identity card to the following address:
>Welken House
>10-11 Charterhouse Square
>London EC1M 6EH
>United Kingdom
>We accept as VERIFIED, all copies which are certified in your country of residence by:
> * a licenced notary public; OR
> * a licenced solicitor or attorney-at-law; OR
> * a regulated bank or financial institution; OR
> * a local government authority (e.g. the police)
>as true copies of the original.

This is official ABSOLUTE UNCONDITIONAL claim from Firstname Lastname
(owner of email@domain associated account in
in accordance with Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy:

1. To close my account associated with email@domain
2. To clean ANY PERSONAL, FINANCIAL and PRIVATE information from your
databases was collected in connection with my account functioning
3. To moneyback/refund ALL FUNDS was frozen in my account

> <>
>Thank you for the e-mail.
>Your account will stay locked until you provide all the documents requested.
>Best Regards,
>Moneybookers Merchant Services

>Dear Mr.,
> Thank youf for the prompt reply.
> We are obliged by our regulators to verify each account that is used for business purposes.
>For verification
> purposes we reserve the right to request proof of identification in an offline format.
> Please provide us with the previously requested documents as well
> as with a description of the services that you are providing.
> Upon receiving the above your account will be released.
> We are sorry but in case you are not willing to provide us with the
> documents in question as well as with some explanation on your
> transactions, we will not be able to further assist you.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Moneybookers Merchant Services

My account was only used in private purposes. It was discussed
previously often. But your stuff had fully ignored all remarks and
claims, then, when my claim to keep the law, TC and PP was issued,
your stuff had cleaned all my VERIFIED PERSONAL DATA, such as home
address, bank account and credit card.

You cynically violate your Privacy Policy and laws, quoted below. You does
not provide a way to correct user details, moreover, you distort
user details manually, without users permission and then you are
requesting certainly NON EXISTENT OR EXPENSIVE documents.

Moreover, you are fully ignoring my right and PP point to close my account
in any time without ANY fabricated terms from your side.


This is official ABSOLUTE UNCONDITIONAL claim from me
in accordance with Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy:

1. To close my account
2. To clean ANY PERSONAL, FINANCIAL and PRIVATE information from your
databases was collected in connection with my account functioning
3. To moneyback/refund ALL FUNDS was frozen in my account

Citation of MB Privacy Policy:

Control of Personal Information
If a user's personally identifiable information changes
(such as your zip code, phone, email or postal address),
or if a user no longer desires our service,
we provide a way to correct and update that user's
personally identifiable information provided to us.
This can usually be done by logging into your account
and clicking on the "profile" link or by contacting our Customer Service Department.
Your zip code, phone and postal address can only be changed once in any 3 month period.
In order to deactivate your account your will need to contact our Customer Service
Department. However, please understand we cannot completely delete user information because of legal/regulatory and technical back up requirements.

From complaint:

>From: compliance(at)

>Dear Consumer,
>Thank you for submitting your complaint into the Watchdog Dispute
>Resolution program. We will review your submission and contact you
>within 10 business days to advise you as to the next step.
>If you have any additional questions or comments concerning your
>complaint please reply to this email directly. To avoid delay
>in processing your complaint, please do not change the subject
>line of this email if replying. A copy of your complaint is shown
>below for your records. Please keep this email for future
>TRUSTe Compliance Team
>OK to pass data on to the organization: yes
>OK to have the organization contact you directly: no
>Complaint Type: Unable to change/delete personal info

>From: compliance(at)
>Thank you for the recent Watchdog you submitted against The Web site has cooperated with TRUSTe and has responded to your complaint. Please see their response below.
>>(From frauders to compliance(at)
>>Dear Compliance Team at TRUSTe
>>The user XXX has been using
>>the Moneybookers Limited payment system for commercial purposes. According to
>>the applicable legal requirements in the United Kingdom, Moneybookers Limited
>>must verify their business customers.
>>Art. 3.2 of our terms and conditions states inter alia,
>>that "Moneybookers reserves the right to request further information pertaining
>>to Customer's account at any time. Failure to supply such information may result
>>in limitation on usage of the Service or suspension of the
>>The customer was requested on 7th March 2008 to provide
>>Moneybookers Limited with the legally required information in order to use the
>>Moneybookers system for commercial purposes. The customer didn't provide us with
>>these information and therefore was locked according to the above mentioned
>rules from the terms and conditions.
>>order to solve the case, we will allow the user XXX to withdraw
>>the remaining balance on his account and subsequently close the account. The
>>customer has been informed accordingly.
>>let us know if you need any additional information.
>>von Brevern
>We believe this resolves your complaint and are therefore closing this Watchdog. If you feel that this matter
>should not be closed because there is still an unresolved issue within the scope of TRUSTe's program and you would like to appeal our decision, please email appeals(at), keeping the subject line the same as on this message to ensure proper routing. To learn more about the appeals process please visit
>TRUSTe appreciates your interest in privacy and we value input from consumers like you. Participation from Internet users like you, make it possible for us to continue to provide an effective privacy program for the Internet community. If you would like to receive the TRUSTe Privacy Watchdog newsletter, which includes definitions, alerts and protective measures you can take to feel more confident online, please sign up on
>(From frauders to me)
>From: <>
>Dear Sir,
>Thank you for the e-mail.
>You can withdraw the money now.
>Best Regards,
>Moneybookers Merchant Services

And finally, some citation from moneybookers fraudulent business site to promptly (the job is so dirty!) recruit new MB hirelings to steal easy money of silly clients (like me):

Risk Manager

Position description:

Moneybookers requires a Risk and Compliance Manager to take ownership of the risk management and compliance processes.


  • Day to day management of the risk team:
    • Ensuring KYC (Know Your Customer checks) are completed in a timely manner
    • Managing transaction limit checks in compliance with UK Anti Money Laundering regulations
    • Managing refunds actions to close suspect customer accounts in breach of Moneybookers Terms and Conditions
    • Ensuring SOCA (Serious Organised Crime Agency) suspect advice reports are completed in a timely manner
    • Monitoring transactions to detect abnormalities in client turnover history
    • Liaising with our Merchant’s risk teams to assist fraud prevention
    • Detecting breaches of the Moneybookers Acceptable Use Policy
    • Approving Merchant payment processing options in line with Moneybookers compliance procedures
  • Manage Moneybookers risk and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring that all Moneybookers staff adheres to FSA regulations, operational policies and procedures
  • Advising other Moneybookers departments on all related risk issues
  • Ensuring that appropriate guidelines and standards for risk management control have been established
  • Development of risk process and the key areas of risk management and compliance monitoring
  • Periodically reporting of the actuality and effectiveness of the risk management control process with emphasis on continual improvement
  • Compliance training, anti-money laundering training


  • Significant background in a compliance related role
  • An understanding of online payment systems
  • Good understanding of FSA regulations and guidelines
  • Ability to manage projects
  • High inter-personal communication and analytical skills
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills
  • Self motivated
  • Driven by results
  • Well organized with the ability to work in a fast paced work environment with minimal supervision
  • Ability to take initiative
  • Good oral and communication skills

Salary: £30,000-40,000 per annum (depending on experience)

Start Date: As soon as possible


Moneybookers Ltd.
Moneybookers Limited • Welken House • 10-11 Charterhouse Square •
London EC1M 6EH • UK

moneybookers UK scam fraud cheat thief pilferer ignorant boorish maladroit tactless uncouth unpolished clumsy awkward support impostor villain crook rogue scoundrel rascal

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