Sunday, 11 October 2009

Bukisa Vs. Triond - Write to Earn Money

A view from a person who is somewhat experienced with both sites where a person can write to get paid.

I joined Triond in January 2008, but didn't really get rolling by summer, or even early fall. I joined Bukisa in October 2008, I am writing this in Dec of 2008. I feel I have enough experience on either to give you some facts.

When I joined Bukisa I did not immediately rush out to recruit others to join, in fact it was a full month before I sent out one and only one friend request. That person did not sign up. In recent weeks my Triond Inbox has been flooded with requests from Triond members for me to join them on Bukisa. Most of the people sending the requests are not only new to Bukisa, but new to Triond. As such, they neither have the experience nor knowledge to recommend one compared to the other.

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« Triond Spammers RantTips to Good Writing »Bukisa pays you per hit on your articles, but you only get paid once per hit from any computer, thus you cannot gain money by repeatedly visiting your own site. Fair enough, I imagine Triond is the same. What is more to note, and the key to all these "Sign up" requests" is the fact that Bukisa pays you when people you sign up, write and start making money. A sort of pyramid scheme, but legal. As such, people are eagerly trying to get as many people to sign up as they can.

In the last week, I too sent out some requests, not random ones, I only sent requests to people who wrote me asking how to make more money, and such. I had 6 people join, only of which 2 have actually written anything.

One of the driving factors causing people to write for Bukisa was the lure of more money. I can attest that on December 1 2008, Bukisa lowered their pay point.

I can also attest that different Triond publishing sites pay different amounts, 1000 hits on "Authspot" is not going to make as much money as 1000 hits on one of their other sites.

If what you write on Triond is not making you rich, the same stuff on a different site, is not going to make you any richer.

Bukisa is for informative, or "how to" articles only. They do not want your poems.

Bukisa does not seem to have the internal networking system, meaning you cannot send messages to each other.

Yes, you can copy your Triond stuff word for word onto Bukisa, but this is not professional, and as I said above unless it is making you a lot of money on Triond, there is no point.

Triond seems to promote our stuff very well. I believe they submit to search engines, I have not seen the same on Bukisa yet.

It is not an "either, or" situation, you can write on both, or even some of the other writting sites.

As with anything, promotion is the KEY to success. If you do not promote your own things how do you expect it to be found? Using social networking sites is the key to any greater success. Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Twitter, etc. Promoting your own stuff, and your own stuff only is NOT an effective way to get fans on any promotion system, you must also support other works as well.

If you are going to sign up in Bukisa, and I am not trying to discourage anyone from doing so, make sure you sign up beneath somebody who will promote you. If a person is doing well here on Triond it is because they have learned the art of good writing and good promotions, and surely will promote your "good" articles. Signing up under a newbie might not mean they will work for you at all.

By having multiple sites, eg Scienceray, Gomestic, etc, Triond is more professional at this time.

Bukisa and Triond are not the only writing sites in the world, there are many others, Hubpages, being one. Using one does not mean you cannot use others. Remember it is extra income, if you think you are going to retire to writing solely by writing on the Internet for one site alone, think again.

I prefer to think of writing mainly as a way to spread information, ideas, and facts. Making a few dollars is great, because it helps pay for my Internet connection, even if it is only Dial up, for now, but spreading knowledge, or sharing pictures, is also a great goal to keep in mind.

Posted on December 22nd, 2008 in Online Writing by B Nelson


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