Saturday, 10 October 2009

HYIP Risks

HYIP is invariably associated with risks.There are around hundreads of new HYIPs opening every month but most of them are scams and only a few last for a bit long time.And many a times,even a good reliable programme turned hostile and taken away all your money.So your investment is quite vulnerable to getting scammed! But if you are wise(or lucky) you even make a hefty profit of it.Anyhow, you may be scammed once/many times either now or later.You must always even be ready to suffer a scam attack.And HYIP investor masters always say- "Don’t invest which you cannot afford to lose".

So you should be ready to lose at all times because you can never say when a HYIP turns a scam & when you have lost money in any HYIP programme you cannot either complain your e-currency account authorities to repay back the lost money or file a case against the HYIP owner(because that would cost you more on lawer charges,etc. than invested amount!)

Investing in HYIP is almost like gambling-the only difference is that if you invest wisely then your chances of losing is reduced…

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